Why Do Providers Get Attached?

burkalini's Avatar
These gals don't care about us! Well except Charles.... Try and hobby without the money and lets talk! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
I had one that got along with me so well we eventually became SOs. She quit the business and got a civie job. We saw each other for a year exclusively. We broke up (my fault). It can happen. I never paid a dime for sex after we got together
I already have a wife. I just a want friends with benefits.
I already have a wife. I just a want friends with benefits. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
Just because you have a wife/so, doesn't mean you get sex. ijs
Just because you have a wife/so, doesn't mean you get sex. ijs Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That would be the reason I am on here.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I'd assume people are people. And, I'd assume it happens even if some ladies(providers) understand its completely daft to fall for hobbyists. However, I'm quite sure its the other way around. Personally, I'd never dream of falling for a working girl. Even though I fancy myself as a pretty good looking bloke I know there are many more equally as handsome blokes with much more money. I'd be very interested to see if there has ever been a working girl leave the business to be with an average looking guy with an average income. I'd venture to say that just doesn't happen. And, more to the point one could compare it to the actual dating scene! The blokes that get the fit lasses are always of the upper crust of economic society. And, if they too happen to be dashing in the looks department than its a bonus! On my opinion it would be folly to think a fit bird(provider) would ever really fall in love with an average hobbyist for the sake of "love" alone. I hate to be a cynic but I'm afraid it's just proper sense. Innit? In fact if truth be told I'd bet most providers(not all) haven't much real respect for hobbyists. Why would they? Remember, mates its total fantasy.