For those who believe in true equality of the sexes

Is it ok to hit a woman in the exact same circumstances you'd hit a man? Originally Posted by gulflover

IMHO, no MAN has ever hit a woman...plenty of BOYS have though
Sweet N Little's Avatar

IMHO, no MAN has ever hit a woman...plenty of BOYS have though Originally Posted by DickEmDown
It takes a real man to walk away
It takes a real man to walk away Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Damnit, I knew there was something I was leaving out...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Damnit, I knew there was something I was leaving out... Originally Posted by DickEmDown
trust me, i know this well, 6'3 220# vs 5'1 100#s is not a fair fight, ive metal plates in me to prove it LOL
young in dumb is what i chalk it up to .
Yes but a man should not be hitting a woman.
A man cannot use the same force you used to hit him
because he is physically stronger than you are.
If he feels his life is in danger he should walk if not
run away and CALL THE POLICE!

I am shocked.

I have never seen a woman encourage a man to hit another woman. "Knock the shit out of her" are you kidding me? Bestoraloftexas, This is telling. I didn't expect this from you. I guess it's the kind of men that you are used to but where I'm from this is an "Oh hell no".

As a woman, I understand there are ways to settle a dispute without doing physical harm. I also understand that most men are stronger than I am so if anything I will do everything I can to settle a dispute without hitting.

I was also raised not to hit a man though I slapped an ex once. He took one look at me and walked out of the room.

A man in such situation should just walk away NOT hit back. He should also call the police if he felt his life was threatened. It is very easy for a woman to put a man under the jail.. lol. I would never encourage a man to hit another woman. That's nuts! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
No man has ever out his hands on me in anger, but is is all relative in the company you keep......I also do not keep that type of company around me. The more educated and refined a person is, they realize that a civilized person simply will not stoop that low. It simply does nothing and will not help you achieve your goal...We are not children here. If anyone is to apply pain on anyone else it is for reasons of pleasure, NOT ANGER!

I can see by some of these answers some people grew up in abusive households. It is never to late to go to therapy and work those issues out. A professional will let you see that "hitting" is not the path of a reasonable adult.

Hitting for sport - f you are a fan of Krav maga or similar it is required but will keep you alert and you just let off that " don't even think about it" vibe if you are in a dangerous situation. It eliminates the fear without eliminating the adrenaline.

Hitting out of anger shows a person is not mature and not worthy of your company. Did they not learn that in Pre- school? Hitting is not OK and never will be. I'll leave that to the lower end of the social scale.
Naomi4u's Avatar
No man has ever out his hands on me in anger, but is is all relative in the company you keep......I also do not keep that type of company around me. The more educated and refined a person is, they realize that a civilized person simply will not stoop that low. It simply does nothing and will not help you achieve your goal...We are not children here. If anyone is to apply pain on anyone else it is for reasons of pleasure, NOT ANGER!

I can see by some of these answers some people grew up in abusive households. It is never to late to go to therapy and work those issues out. A professional will let you see that "hitting" is not the path of a reasonable adult.

Hitting for sport - f you are a fan of Krav maga or similar it is required but will keep you alert and you just let off that " don't even think about it" vibe if you are in a dangerous situation. It eliminates the fear without eliminating the adrenaline.

Hitting out of anger shows a person is not mature and not worthy of your company. Did they not learn that in Pre- school? Hitting is not OK and never will be. I'll leave that to the lower end of the social scale. Originally Posted by jasmin

Very well said
Guest053013-01's Avatar
Anyone who thinks it is appropriate to hit anyone is part of the reason we lived in such a messed up society. You would think that humans would have grown past violence. We developed language but seem to have largely failed to use it to communicate. I simply cannot conceive of a circumstance when hitting someone would be appropriate. So the question should never have been asked.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Are you serious, Jasmine? Hitting has nothing to do with social stance or status. Those folks just pay to cover up their faux pas'. They are smarter than to sign releases to get aired on Cops and whatnot, but it sure as sh*t doesn't mean they behave any better than the rest of society when they are not being closely watched or scrutinized. They may have a better vocabulary and "airs", but they are not exclusive in any area of law breaking.

Violence, child molestation, and those who break laws in general are not confined to a specific class of people. People who were raised with good morals from all walks of life are the ones who do not participate in behavior such as hitting each other and even some of those give law breaking a go now and again. LOL
I have never raised my hand at a woman.....

I always kick them!!!!

Not true !!!

The truth is, I have never given a woman reason to hit me.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Took the words right out of my mouth, Max.

I would argue that people who are smarter, wealthier, or of 'higher status' are more dangerous because they'll be inclined to think of everything necessary to get away with something bad. They know the laws better, have rogue officials in their backpockets who can make indiscretions go away, etc.

For what it's worth, modern man is only as civilized as technology allows him to be. Try going a week without electricity, or your car or cell phone. This is a whole separate topic, of course, yet not that far off the line of thinking.

Berkut, a good reason to hit someone is in self defense or in defense of someone you love. Now, your reason for hitting someone (or not) may differ from the person getting ready to hit you. I mean, you're not just going to stand there while someone who doesn't care about you is trying to kick your ass, are you? Lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Took the words right out of my mouth, Max.

I would argue that people who are smarter, wealthier, or of 'higher status' are more dangerous because they'll be inclined to think of everything necessary to get away with something bad. They know the laws better, have rogue officials in their backpockets who can make indiscretions go away, etc.

For what it's worth, modern man is only as civilized as technology allows him to be. Try going a week without electricity, or your car or cell phone. This is a whole separate topic, of course, yet not that far off the line of thinking.

Berkut, a good reason to hit someone is in self defense or in defense of someone you love. Now, your reason for hitting someone (or not) may differ from the person getting ready to hit you. I mean, you're not just going to stand there while someone who doesn't care about you is trying to kick your ass, are you? Lol. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

That is a very interesting viewpoint.
I don't believe men should hit women. I don't believe women should hit men. I wish no one would hit anyone else.

That being said - if you swing on me it's on!!!!! I don't start fights but I'm not gonna just let someone beat me up.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I have never raised my hand at a woman.....

I always kick them!!!!

Not true !!!

The truth is, I have never given a woman reason to hit me. Originally Posted by BlackCowMoo
My ex tried kick me once, missed, hit our onxy table and broke her foot

cabletex7's Avatar
London Rayne's Avatar
I like a good slap in the face when I ask for it lol. If I put myself in a man's place, I will take what comes of it, but he better run after that!