Biden's agenda is dead

bambino's Avatar
Reminds me of Donny sleeping during the Queens speech!

Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Looks like was sleeping too. Who cares about her anyways.
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 08:06 PM
Thank u - pfd

'Trump's fault" - is all you have to contribute

Pitiful and SAD!
Reminds me of Donny sleeping during the Queens speech!

Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
... <sigh> ... No, no, mate... President TRUMP was NOT sleeping.
He had his eyes looking down... Melania was surely giving
Him a handjob while Our Queen was prattling-on.

### Salty
Reminds me of Donny sleeping during the Queens speech!

Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
What would a figurehead have to say that wouldn't put anyone to sleep??
BTW do you have any accomplishment of BRANDON"S you would like to share...
How many years was trumpy owned by putin and laughed at by the rest of the world because he was a self admitted stable genius. Pos don't get no better than that. Now go buy you a bigger private jet and yacht. And give eccie a break lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Nobody owns Trump that's why the Democrats couldn't handle his victory in 2016. Biden on the other hand is easily controlled because he's seriously inept.Congress might not impeach Biden but the general public already has. The public is ranting "Fuck Joe Biden" at sports event and everywhere else. When the public turns their back on ya publicly that's just as bad as being Impeached.
How many years was trumpy owned by putin and laughed at by the rest of the world because he was a self admitted stable genius. Pos don't get no better than that. Now go buy you a bigger private jet and yacht. And give eccie a break lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
None. It's all in your smokey little head.
adav8s28's Avatar

There is no doubt about it: The Biden administration is a failure, and so is the president’s agenda.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Just 10 months into his presidency, President Joe Biden has suffered a massive political beating. Republicans swept Virginia on Tuesday night, winning almost every single state election less than a year after Biden won the state by 10 points. New Jersey came uncomfortably close to falling to the GOP as well.

To be sure, the Democratic candidates in these races had unique failings, but they were made even worse by Biden, who is clearly weighing his party down.
Why, then, would any centrist Democrat go out on a limb to support him and his $1.75 trillion-plus budget "reconciliation" framework?
Democrats who represent purple parts of the country should be looking at what happened in Virginia and realize any step they take toward the Left is a step too far. An exit poll in Virginia, for example, found that 52% of voters consider the Democratic Party to be “too liberal.” For such a diagnosis to come from a state that has seen its politics dominated by affluent Beltway liberals for years, as National Review's Charles Cooke noted, is telling. Imagine what West Virginia or Arizona voters must think?
Progressives can harp on the supposed popularity of Biden’s aggressive agenda as much as they want. But the fact is that a multitrillion-dollar liberal slush fund is not what voters desire. A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll found that fewer than 25% of voters think Build Back Better would help them improve their lives. Even among Democrats, fewer than half of respondents (47%) said Biden’s reconciliation package and infrastructure bill would help people like them.
Democrats will face an electoral loss much worse than Virginia’s in 2022 if they move forward with Biden’s reckless agenda, but right now, only Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona seem to recognize that. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to keep pushing Build Back Better until it passes, and the White House claims Tuesday’s losses wouldn’t have happened if Congress had just passed the bill as Biden had asked.
This is nonsense. Progressives have buried their heads so far in the sand that they can’t tell reality apart from delusion. They think the country can be run like an Ivy League classroom, but the entire Democratic Party is losing as a result.
Biden failed the moment he decided to entertain the Left’s ambitions, and now his agenda has failed too. Democrats will kill his reconciliation package because the putative centrists can’t afford not to. And even then, they still might lose come 2022. Indeed, if Tuesday’s results are any indication, they probably will.

Comment - let us pray the democraticommuists - led byBernie and the Squad - continue their ways of hatred, racism, and marxist ideologic Lies.

Let them continue - and learn nothing

After all - it is communist ideology Uber alles for teh democraticommunist nomenklatura.

Keep up teh good work - democraticommunist party
After all - It is Trump's Fault!!!!!!!!
or -The Fault of manchin and sinema!
Or - all Three.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands! Originally Posted by oeb11
It is not a big deal to lose a swing state like Virginia. Obama won Virginia against the late Senator McCain and Sarah "airhead" Palin. He lost Virginia to Mitt and Paul Ryan. He still won the electoral college easily. The democrat candidate does not need Virgina to win the electoral college in a presidential election.
adav8s28's Avatar
... <sigh> ... No, no, mate... President TRUMP was NOT sleeping.
He had his eyes looking down... Melania was surely giving
Him a handjob while Our Queen was prattling-on.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There are two other posters that would have written the exact same thing (Jewish Lawyer and Uncle Han).
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2021, 03:11 AM
It is not a big deal to lose a swing state like Virginia. Obama won Virginia against the late Senator McCain and Sarah "airhead" Palin. He lost Virginia to Mitt and Paul Ryan. He still won the electoral college easily. The democrat candidate does not need Virgina to win the electoral college in a presidential election. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Glad you think that 'a'
you are focused on a narrow state issue - while teh country rises in revolt against the communist policies of an authoritarian, dictatorial democraticommunist party: Racism, marxism , and despotism.
your democraticommunist party is teh greatest purveyor of Racism ever in America - including its' very own KKK.
adav8s28's Avatar
Glad you think that 'a'
you are focused on a narrow state issue - while teh country rises in revolt against the communist policies of an authoritarian, dictatorial democraticommunist party: Racism, marxism , and despotism.
your democraticommunist party is teh greatest purveyor of Racism ever in America - including its' very own KKK.
SAD! Originally Posted by oeb11
David Duke (former Grand Dragon of the KKK) and segregationist the late Senator Strom Thurman are/were in the republican party. oops
rexdutchman's Avatar
Nope , right on tract ,,destroy amerkia
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gastrointestinal tract?
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2021, 09:51 AM
David Duke (former Grand Dragon of the KKK) and segregationist the late Senator Strom Thurman are/were in the republican party. oops Originally Posted by adav8s28



foolish democraticommunists - it does not work

you can scream 'RACIST" at others all One wants
Does not change the inherent , institutional mandatory RACIST horror of teh democraticommunists and your marxist, hateful ideology.

See - Joy Reid - et all.

the KKK give out free membership cards to all democraticommunist party members.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are two other posters that would have written the exact same thing (Jewish Lawyer and Uncle Han). Originally Posted by adav8s28
Don’t Be Daft, mate!

bambino's Avatar