need some motivation..thats what this thread is about..

here ya go baby...

Thanks AJ!
But.... it's haaaarrrrrrrrdddddd and i'm sooooooo tired. I just wanna eat pasta, ice cream and yummy antibiotics. I now dislike dieting and Shawn T. too.

Well... because you cared, I'll go run 10K... tomorrow.
Sure mw!! I know knocks ya down..dont nobody know this more than me..but everytime I gotta get back up..
I refuse to diet..I keep "moderation and portion controle" in mind with every lil bite I take with get your dislike of shaunt, he and i have a love hate love relationship..but he's never let me down..and always kept me up..soo its more love than hate..i do still occasionally curse at him,,but he's crazy..and i except it...

GO ROCKNROLL that 10K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before I went down, this put me in an extra gear.
this woman rocks!!!!!!!literally

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Where is the taint?