Frienship in the hobby

@ Old-T... When are we going to go hiking again? :-)
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-20-2017, 10:09 PM
Next time we are both in NM.
Paying someone to fuck you is not typically how friendships blossom
pyramider's Avatar
It's the way to find eternal bliss.
  • DSK
  • 01-21-2017, 07:40 AM
What a callous generalization. I guess it depends on what you define as a "friend".

I have met a lot of ladies in this business, and contrary to your experiences, a few have become good friends and I have done exactly the kind of things with them I would do with any good friend.
--Go to dinner just because I am in town
--Let her stay at my place when she is in my town
--Throw a birthday party for her kid
--Be invited over to her and her husband's house for dinner
--Babysit her kids so she can visit her mom in the hospital
--Call her--or she calls me--just to say "Hi, we haven't talked in a while"
--Console her when her dog died
--She brought me some home made chicken soup when I was ill
--Tutor her on the math class that stood between her and graduation

Contrary to popular opinion of some folks here, the ladies here are real people, and in a lot of cases really good ones. Most the ones who have become friends have stayed that way long after they stopped working.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Amen my brother.

There are many different levels of friendship with women. I've been a client and become a friend, and of course I still pay her for sex, she needs to live, and I want to make it worth her while.

I have one now who I'm almost certain would be happy to be my girlfriend, and would quit the business if she didn't have two kids, or I would take care of her. I don't see anything wrong with that, but I pay her because I don't want to take care of her full time, and me paying signals to her that I don't wish to make a bigger commitment.

I think you agree with me that we should celebrate what these ladies do, and be understanding on the money situation. Usually, they need it and that's why they do this. It crosses a bridge for me to meet them and have sex with them that wouldn't exist otherwise.

I guess some guys are just insulted that they have to pay. With a girlfriend, you just pay in other ways that are also equally legitimate.
Mojojo's Avatar
You a bitch, ****. I smoke you out have you lookin like a damn cheddar cheese wheel, bitch. Fuck you.

Trick ass ho tryin a call me a bitch? Originally Posted by yitzchak
It aint the hood here no one is living ghetto-fabulous so drop the racial remarks and unnecessary rudeness. Throughout your posting's here you seem to get very emotional with this board.

Let's get back to discussion in a more civilized way..
ck1942's Avatar
^^^^^ !!!
As I say in my P411 site my goal is to have a great time and part with both of us smiling about the fun time.
Contralto's Avatar
Paying someone to fuck you is not typically how friendships blossom Originally Posted by yitzchak
Yes, and your own story is quite the illustration of this.
It's a little different. I was actually trying to form a friendship. I asked for sex some time in the beginning of that, but it wasn't in the context of prostitution. We were talking about getting to together and hanging out or something, and I asked about the possibility of her taking my virginity. Much later on, I asked if I could pay her for the sex. However I never made that my primary reason for helping her. We rarely talked about sex.

I was, at first, just giving her money because she said she needed it, and I liked her. I didn't realize she was pimping me. I had to take out two credit cards just to finance whatever she was doing. She turned me into a Ho ass Trick. I never felt that kind of betrayal and emotional pain before. I needed to go somewhere to help ease the constant stress I was and still am feeling. I ended up in a mental hospital for six days because I was saying weird stuff about suicide. She pimped my ass and I could not handle it. If I knew she was turning me into a Ho, I wouldn't have helped her at all.

What she did to me was so emasculating that all I could think about was killing myself. I was obsessed, and I probably still am, but that's what happened. I liked her a lot and she fed me this fantasy, like we were going to be together.
For what happened to you I feel bad. Not all providers are that way. I too was taken for a ride by a provider and her pimp. I learned from that period and have moved on. The little miss played me like an ATM machine with lies piled upon lies. There are many providers that I have been with that I remember with fondness and a smile.
If it is too good to be true, it usually is.
I can see it happening.. Usually If it starts to get to close to becoming a close friendship the ladies back away I think because it could get sticky as a friendship.I actually backed away because of that to. I knew a guy that let his feelings go to deep and he became obsessed with her to the point where he would bother her at the inn. There are a few ladies I enjoy visiting with and consider them friends but not close friends. More on the level of how you would treat a co worker or merchant. I found out right away that you never ever give gifts if you want to see them again
Nicolepassion's Avatar
ive made a lot of great friends thru the years and friends i dont see anymore on a finacial level are still my friends we check up on eachother from time to time and even if im in the same city we might go out for a drink or dinner. if that all made sense lol
I have discovered through the years that high end restaurants are as much fun as going to Hooters. We have had meals at Ruth's Crist's as well as Wendy's. A provider I knew from Fort Worth accompanied me to a Mexican joint for her birthday It has been my experience that like every one else friends can find fun no matter the connection.