Annie @ Christophers

Could have the greatest service in the world.
I still wouldnt give 1/2 of what I make to work there.
That'sjust a hop and a skip from slavery. Or having a P.
Sure they'll get you clients.
For half your soul lol

Sorry Not Sorry Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
Don't come here and throw shade on Ms. Annie or her service while she is on Banification.....If you want to address her about her service practices, you could have done so before she was banned... This is a low coward move to wait until someone is on ban, or not here to defend themselves...!!!!!

When she get's off ban, I am more than sure she will address you personally for this comment..

BTW, SHE is NOT the only agency in NOLA...

And for the record she has been in business over 20+ years so that makes her a Legend..Please don't come on our soil from Tx., talking smack about something you know nothing about!!!!!!


And for YOUR info. nobody is forced to work ANYWHERE....People put in applications for jobs and either get hired or they don't. Before you work somewhere, you find out all the info. on said job, including PAY...If you don't like the terms of employment, then don't take the job...

I hate when people, who know nothing about agency work, chimes in to bash the agency or people who work there...


And for all you cowards, don't wait until Annie is banned to throw shade, comment when she is back on the board to stand up for herself...

This really has me pissed off...

Wakeup's Avatar
We’re all really moved by the fact you’re pissed off...really...
Sooo perhaps you are not sir, however ya' don't kick someone when they are down.. Stand toe to toe with them and fight fair...

She just may be the one to give you resuscitation one day should you ever need it...

HoustonRiley's Avatar
Very few jobs do people actually pay their employer to work. Strippers do....... Who else?

Nobody happily does a fs session and hands over the money. Well P hoes do..... I mean anyone who hasn't chosen that way.

Side note:
Is Annie paying you? Bc I don't see the point in you fighting everyone on here over their opinions about an agency or a person whom is not you.....

I'm mean seriously you're justifying a female hiring other females so that she can collect on their money that she doesn't have to do so many sessions please tell me what's different then a P. Both are using others to advance their finances.
Both are taking advantage of women whom are looking for a better way or more money.

A coward wouldn't be the person calling out the P's or "Agencies"
A coward would be the ones who justify it to keep it going.

Someone hire ol school she ready to give up half her Mula bc after all it's completely logical right ol school?

And for YOUR info. nobody is forced to work ANYWHERE....People put in applications for jobs and either get hired or they don't. Before you work somewhere, you find out all the info. on said job, including PAY...If you don't like the terms of employment, then don't take the job...

I hate when people, who know nothing about agency work, chimes in to bash the agency or people who work there...


And for all you cowards, don't wait until Annie is banned to throw shade, comment when she is back on the board to stand up for herself...

This really has me pissed off...

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Very few jobs do people actually pay their employer to work. Strippers do....... Who else?

Nobody happily does a fs session and hands over the money. Well P hoes do..... I mean anyone who hasn't chosen that way.

Side note:
Is Annie paying you? Bc I don't see the point in you fighting everyone on here over their opinions about an agency or a person whom is not you.....

I'm mean seriously you're justifying a female hiring other females so that she can collect on their money that she doesn't have to do so many sessions please tell me what's different then a P. Both are using others to advance their finances.
Both are taking advantage of women whom are looking for a better way or more money.

A coward wouldn't be the person calling out the P's or "Agencies"
A coward would be the ones who justify it to keep it going.

Someone hire ol school she ready to give up half her Mula bc after all it's completely logical right ol school? Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
BECAUSE ...I CAN!! AND I DID... If YOU, have a problem with her or her agency, then why wait until she is on ban and then grab somebody coat tail and drag yourself into this??


Ms. Annie and I have known each other a LOoooong time, do I always agree with her or what she does and says?? NOPE!!

But what I can tell you is she is generous to a fault. Some of these people who work for agencies (not just hers) have it so easy.

The ladies are free to quit working for agencies anytime they like. Nobody is holding them hostage here!!

I can relate to BOTH sides, When I was younger, I worked for agencies all over NOLA, and was happy to make tons of monies. Which BTW was way before cell phones, internet ect.

Being an indie, is just as rewarding as agency work. Both require a certain amount of leg work to see clients. Unless of course you don't screen them.


So I say to you Ma'am, don't kick her while she is down, that is a cowards move...

All of us are escorts, we sell our bodies to make our ends meet, and none of us are any better than the next person, agency or Indy!!

So you may have several seats and take notes from Ol' Skool...You just might learn a thing or 2..


What are you trying to earn a status off of a Legend since you are new to this soil??
  • A1.
  • 01-13-2018, 05:38 PM
Could have the greatest service in the world.
I still wouldnt give 1/2 of what I make to work there.
That'sjust a hop and a skip from slavery. Or having a P.
Sure they'll get you clients.
For half your soul lol

Sorry Not Sorry Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
You compare slavery to a modern day escort agency in operation by a woman is insulting to African Americans that watched their family members lynched, killed, and raped. Women in today's society are given choices and make money from the very backbone of African American men that help pay your way in life by seeing escorts.
White Privilege in the attitude of a spoiled, rotten, brat thinking everything in life is free.
Annie does give FREE sessions to a winning raffle and the escort gets paid.
Show me slavery or soul selling in this scenario.
Bat shit Crazy agenda
TryWeakly's Avatar
We’re all really moved by the fact you’re pissed off...really... Originally Posted by Wakeup
yep. I had a movement alright.

Anyone need popcawn UITB ?
Wakeup's Avatar
Sooo perhaps you are not sir, however ya' don't kick someone when they are down.. Stand toe to toe with them and fight fair...

She just may be the one to give you resuscitation one day should you ever need it... Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Actually, that’s impossible...and there is no such thing as “fair” on the Interwebs...expecting your definition of “fair” not just on the Interwebs, but anywhere in this world, is the height of lunacy...
TryWeakly's Avatar
seems fair.
  • A1.
  • 01-14-2018, 03:27 AM
We’re all really moved by the fact you’re pissed off...really... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Sooo perhaps you are not sir, however ya' don't kick someone when they are down.. Stand toe to toe with them and fight fair...

She just may be the one to give you resuscitation one day should you ever need it...

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
The Fair commandment didn't apply when she wanted to snatch him in a corner and WakeUp was silent the entire time. And Annie can constantly provoke Texas when Wake has never insulted Louisiana.You making it worse by not practicing the very principal you dictate. Show me one comment from WakeUp that is degrading towards Annie.

Yup.. off with my head.. but that queer kfr wake up is mad.. I'll snatch him in a corner.. like key west.. it's dark out there in texas.. any woo.

HAPPY NEW YEARS UPSTATE FROM NOLA!!.. LOL.. XXOO ANNIE Originally Posted by annie@christophers
For a provider to speak on how another provider eats is beyond me.
If a provider feeds herself by way of
an agency who am I to judge her? Everyone in the business is getting money their way.

I consider Annie an agency owner not a pimp.
I ran one for 12yrs. I was never a pimp.

As a kid growing up I didn't know I was poor,
prostitution put food on the table and my grandmother made sure I never went hungry. She did what she had to do and I never went without. Course I never knew what her job was when I was a kid.

I don't hate on what another provider does to eat. Anyone of us may have to do what we have to do until we can do what we want to do and if we have to work via an agency then I'm all for it.

I consider an agency and a pimp two different things.

Dr. Maya Angelo was a sex worker and ran an agency (brothel owner/manager) I don't consider her
or look at her as a pimp.

HR, I don't judge providers, agency owners etc....

An old pro told me 20yrs ago
"You place your dignity on the dresser with your clothes and do your whoring best!"
No one kicked her while she is down. She isn't down.
She is banned, punished for breaking the rules.
She did it to herself.
You don't get banned for doing the right thing.
My point is...if your going to say something about her, say something while she is NOT banned and can respond...