19 Trees "Alert" Thread / Resignation Story... Inquiring Minds want to know.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have tried to figure out who the mysterious High Profile Member is that would paint a target on trees back..... I went back and read a couple of months worth of posts in search of a story I missed. It's not on the surface to be seen. Originally Posted by Whispers
So as you take on head investigator of this site I would think you will be spending a great amount of time seeking out this high profile member (mod killer, your words, not mine) as you are in lynching Trees.

Let's see, high profile members, being there are not a lot of members that are regular posters here in Austin this should be easy.

I think it is odd that this high profile member hasn't posted in this thread IJS

So please Let us know who this is as soon as you dig him up..... you know for the better of the community, we don't want to step on the wrong toes here, again IJS

Whispers's Avatar
So as you take on head investigator of this site I would think you will be spending a great amount of time seeking out this high profile member (mod killer, your words, not mine) as you are in lynching Trees.

Actually... I am very interested to hear that story as I had to scratch my head about who around here had that kind of pull as well as could topple a mod that slept with his girl......

Let's see, high profile members, being there are not a lot of members that are regular posters here in Austin this should be easy.

I think it is odd that this high profile member hasn't posted in this thread IJS

So please Let us know who this is as soon as you dig him up..... you know for the better of the community, we don't want to step on the wrong toes here, again IJS

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

If I thought Trees was being railroaded for the simple mistake of tapping some guys special reserve I would be interested in running down that path..... Honestly... I think THAT is something Trees may have wanted in the way he uses it as the excuse for his being dumped so fast..

I think Trees story at the moment is one more of simple misdirection..... wanting us to look over there rather than over here.

But should I discover that we have a high profile member capable of such a hatchet job I will probably bring it up.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Ok so I will give you also the benefit of a doubt as to getting to the bottom of this. If it turns out there was something fishy and it needed to be brought to the attention of the community then you will get my applause and respect.

But if this turns out to be a farce and a railroad of a member just for pure entertainment, I will loos any respect and I would hope that more would feel the same. It is one thing to beat a guy down for liking a specific type of lady, or the fact that he spells does like dose, all fun and part of the game but when it becomes a witch-hunt then that should not be taken lightly. So lets see how this plays out.

Whispers's Avatar
..... if this turns out to be a farce and a railroad of a member just for pure entertainment, I will loose any respect and I would hope that more would feel the same.

So lets see how this plays out.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I have been around these boards since 1999 and have never "railroaded" a member purely for the entertainment value. I've been called a lot of things but in the long run, with thousands and thousands of posts spanning over 13 years.....no one has ever been able to show any information I have presented to not be accurate.

I just received a "Thank-you" PM from one of the ladies for starting this thread that adds to the other 2 PMs already received from guys for a total of 4 separate people that have provided information that all tends support the same story which is not remotely the story that Trees has told us here.

What has been said would have probably been alerted publicly long ago had Trees NOT been a Mod. But people seem to be afraid for some reason. Certainly one can understand that a Mod might be feared for the retaliation that might follow being pissed off..... But an "Ex Mod"?

I guess some fear/concern lay in the fact that Mods tend to know some secrets. Ex Mods have some level of dirt on a lot of people.

Trees does himself no service in regards to claiming to be so fair and/ or noble when he makes comments like.

Trees has decided to keep the name of the provider and the entire story mum for now. If she speaks up, so too may Trees. If not, Trees will let sleeping dogs lie. The fact that we know each other's RW identities, does not help matters to the contrary it has potential to create larger problems that seem best avoided. Originally Posted by 19Trees
What purpose did that comment serve in the context of the post?

I would see it as as subtle threat......
There are many reasons ECCIE's owners may have accepted Trees resignation in 6 hours. To wit:

+ Trees-as-mod was not low profile.

+ Trees posts and reviews contain info that may have pushed the envelope on detail. Principals know that site is closely watched. There may be cause to dial-back or hold the line? If principal(s) were to argue privately "Trees has big mouth" it would be justified by Trees posting history. Details (particularly in some legal contexts) might count for a lot?

+ In Staff Forums, Trees challenged decisions made upstairs, questioned whether those were good for the Austin Community and for ECCIE, or rather whether decisions would cleave us? Since decisions had already been made, Trees post may have been seen as spitting on a new train car as it races down the tracks. Trees post in Staff Forum used language and included points directed at ECCIE's principals. Whether received as inculpating or arrogant would be speculative, but not far fetched. The issue/decision that Trees challenged is dear to one famous hobbyist who may or may not be an ECCIE principal but in any event has their ear, whereas Trees may have had their ire? Trees had his girl. Cannot unring a bell.

+ Trees failed to heed the most sensible advice posted here http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=682553

Trees does not have any information from ECCIE's principals as to "why" Trees resignation was accepted in 6 hours and not 36. Usually when "employees" express intention to quit, their companies immediately revoke access to email, secure entry cards, etc. Why? Companies cannot be sure, or not, whether the ex might become cross wise to the company. Mods are NOT employees of ECCIE and respondeat superior would not apply. But still.

Trees recognizes, hypothetically, that some companies who provide facilitating services can be small and large at same time. Small because controlled by a few, often family-owned --- but large because hundreds of millions of dollars of "economic value" are unleashed by virtue of the company's unique offerings.

Challenging the family sometimes causes loss of seat at family dinner table. Trees knew of the (possible) consequences of doing so in advance. Posted it anyway because it was substantively justified. Whether most of the community might have agreed with Trees (they would) - - or not - - is really beside the point.

Trees resigned as mod and did so in a way that made it easy for ECCIE's principals to quickly remove Trees mod helmet. Would have appreciated more dignified exit from modtardary, but if it were that important to have a quiet, graceful exit Trees would have published less. To this extent, Trees did place the target on his own trunk.

Whispers. Thank you for this thread. It has created for Trees opportunity to synthesize in way that is more constructive and destructive so far. Your own personal agenda aside, Trees also recognizes that innuendo and rumors and this fishing exposition might lead to catching of a fish. Lets just hope its fresh and not stinky.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Innocent until proven guilty!

Would you say the same about a cop kicked off the force ?
Or would it have already been proven internally , and the reason they got the boot ?
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
This is a hooker board not a municipal police department, don't see the relevance, sorry. Plus a real world organization has a little more credibility then a board like this

What the relevance is , he was tried and convicted by the hooker board owners .
He's playing the victim card .
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
What the relevance is , he was tried and convicted by the hooker board owners . Originally Posted by rockerrick
Were you on the jury?

Whispers's Avatar
There are many reasons ECCIE's owners may have accepted Trees resignation in 6 hours. To wit:

+ Trees-as-mod was not low profile. We've had far worse. Sixxbach was beyond low profile. He was hard core and in people's face.

+ Trees posts and reviews contain info that may have pushed the envelope on detail. Principals know that site is closely watched. There may be cause to dial-back or hold the line? If principal(s) were to argue privately "Trees has big mouth" it would be justified by Trees posting history. Details (particularly in some legal contexts) might count for a lot?

I doubt it. There is far more graphic details in other cities and I highly doubt they look at Austin differently than Houston

+ In Staff Forums, Trees challenged decisions made upstairs, questioned whether those were good for the Austin Community and for ECCIE, or rather whether decisions would cleave us? Since decisions had already been made, Trees post may have been seen as spitting on a new train car as it races down the tracks. Trees post in Staff Forum used language and included points directed at ECCIE's principals. Whether received as inculpating or arrogant would be speculative, but not far fetched. The issue/decision that Trees challenged is dear to one famous hobbyist who may or may not be an ECCIE principal but in any event has their ear, whereas Trees may have had their ire? Trees had his girl. Cannot unring a bell.

If so You ran a lot together there. Outside of pushing owners buttons instead of being supportive I kind of doubt your supposed hatchet job by another member had anything to do with it.

+ Trees failed to heed the most sensible advice posted here http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=682553

Trees does not have any information from ECCIE's principals as to "why" Trees resignation was accepted in 6 hours and not 36. Usually when "employees" express intention to quit, their companies immediately revoke access to email, secure entry cards, etc. Why? Companies cannot be sure, or not, whether the ex might become cross wise to the company. Mods are NOT employees of ECCIE and respondeat superior would not apply. But still.

Trees recognizes, hypothetically, that some companies who provide facilitating services can be small and large at same time. Small because controlled by a few, often family-owned --- but large because hundreds of millions of dollars of "economic value" are unleashed by virtue of the company's unique offerings.

Challenging the family sometimes causes loss of seat at family dinner table. Trees knew of the (possible) consequences of doing so in advance. Posted it anyway because it was substantively justified. Whether most of the community might have agreed with Trees (they would) - - or not - - is really beside the point.

Trees resigned as mod and did so in a way that made it easy for ECCIE's principals to quickly remove Trees mod helmet. Would have appreciated more dignified exit from modtardary, but if it were that important to have a quiet, graceful exit Trees would have published less. To this extent, Trees did place the target on his own trunk.

Whispers. Thank you for this thread. It has created for Trees opportunity to synthesize in way that is more constructive and destructive so far. Your own personal agenda aside, Trees also recognizes that innuendo and rumors and this fishing exposition might lead to catching of a fish. Lets just hope its fresh and not stinky.

19Trees Originally Posted by 19Trees
You are welcome. Lots more Spin here.

Are you open for some direct questions based on the current stories circulating?
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-22-2013, 04:01 PM
No stake or interest other than this thread underscores my long held belief that Mods should have complete anonymity with IDs separate from their hobbying.

In Mod-mode they should just enforce the rules of the site...period. No endorsements or commentary outside of clarifying rules.

If the confidentiality of the Mod is breached then it becomes a decision on the part of Mangement to either remove the Mod or alter thier ID.

If Management has determined that there has been actions by the Mod in question, that jeapordized the security of members, or the site, then it should be their responsibility to notify those members so they can take action for their own safety and/or security.

There is enough back-channeling and pillow talk where details can be shared for those interested.

I think I'm still sitting in the corner with IB on this wondering what the point is. What's going to be accomplished by this?
Reincarnated's Avatar
Since he is no longer on the board as a Mod Whispers, why not take this conversation private, maybe even a phone call? I don't think many of us, if any, really care what he did at this point, don't cha think?

When Trees was invited to be mod, made a request for a new handle. A mod handle. The answer was no. We don't do it that way Trees best recalls as reasoning against the approach? Seemed sensible.

Argued that Mod handle would never post or hobby using the "mod handle" ... The Mod Handle would be used exclusively to Admin functions, points, moving/closing threads, processing member requests through Admin, etc. Since the individual with the 'mod handle' would agree up front not to use it to post/hobby, etc., opportunities for abuse and.or confusions in the community would disappear. Its compelling way, thanks for validating what was Trees best judgement/instinct at the time.

By allowing mods to moderate and hobby under same handle, its fairly easy to paint target on self, and.or have it painted on us. To wit.

Trees also believes many functions performed by mods would be better done (at the first instance) by our power users. Crowdsourced moderating?

In terms of "reputation management" if Bob Hobby has a strong, well-respected handle with hopes to maintain or grow its value, consider that the handle is far more likely to be weakened during/after modtardary.

Some peeps like to throw darts. Being a moderator and being an ex-moderator makes one a dart board. Trees knew that when accepting invitation to be volunteer for ECCIE. Was a risk Trees saw, understood, expected and accepted.

Anomymizing mods handles is a great idea that is ready for prime time.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
In terms of "reputation management" if Bob Hobby has a strong, well-respected handle with hopes to maintain or grow its value, consider that the handle is far more likely to be weakened during/after modtardary. Originally Posted by 19Trees
I don't know if it was because I was a female mod/provider/admin but now that I am just a provider I found the opposite to be true after modtardary....