35 Straight Days of Falling Gas Prices

  • Tiny
  • 07-19-2022, 08:13 PM
Now--- no offense but....

It always strikes me funny how much some people care about those who are struggling when the opposition party is in power.. but when they are in power its "Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps".

I don't take offense to either message-- but I'm just saying... be consistent. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Joe Biden can't have his cake and eat it to. If you want to discourage the use of fossil fuels, the best way to do it, by far, is with higher prices, achieved with a carbon tax or by other means. Let the markets do the job instead of trying to use government mandates, which often backfire.

There's something hypocritical about Biden's criticism of price gouging by oil companies, when he and John Kerry and many of the progressives working in his administration would dearly love to see higher price levels for fossil fuels, to discourage consumption, if only that didn't interfere with his prospects for re-election.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I honestly don't think Biden gives an actual fuck about fossil fuels... I think its more of a play to get the more progressive dems on his side-- he needs their numbers.

I do have an issue with the actions of the oil companies-- because I know enough from the inside to know its intentional. They want their lower regulation buddies back in office and will gouge to get it done. If they manage to turn the House red-- prices will drop without a single action being taken by Congress--- watch.

Its all a fucking shell game. This is why I'm more about hard data than I am about party loyalty. They're two wings of the same damn bird-- people spend MILLIONS to get those jobs. They aren't spending that kind of money because they "love their country". Its possibly the quickest path to wealth in this country.
Joe Biden can't have his cake and eat it to. If you want to discourage the use of fossil fuels, the best way to do it, by far, is with higher prices, achieved with a carbon tax or by other means. Let the markets do the job instead of trying to use government mandates, which often backfire.

There's something hypocritical about Biden's criticism of price gouging by oil companies, when he and John Kerry and many of the progressives working in his administration would dearly love to see higher price levels for fossil fuels, to discourage consumption, if only that didn't interfere with his prospects for re-election. Originally Posted by Tiny
Biden doesn't like Cake, but he loves Ice Creme, lol.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I honestly don't think Biden gives an actual fuck about fossil fuels... I think its more of a play to get the more progressive dems on his side-- he needs their numbers.

I do have an issue with the actions of the oil companies-- because I know enough from the inside to know its intentional. They want their lower regulation buddies back in office and will gouge to get it done. If they manage to turn the House red-- prices will drop without a single action being taken by Congress--- watch.

Its all a fucking shell game. This is why I'm more about hard data than I am about party loyalty. They're two wings of the same damn bird-- people spend MILLIONS to get those jobs. They aren't spending that kind of money because they "love their country". Its possibly the quickest path to wealth in this country. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Grace, do you think a President and his party telling oil and gas executives, that he will put them out of business, has anything to do with the reluctance of oil and gas companies to spend millions, billions in investments into an industry one party in this country has promised to end?

But you just have to laugh at hearing Biden say we need more refining capacity!! For what, a product you want to stop? Geezz.
Grace Preston's Avatar
That's what I'm saying-- Biden doesn't actually want to end the industry.. he's an old schooler-- he's just saying what he thinks the far progressives want to hear.

This is the same man who is responsible for the crime bill-- and who is responsible for the reason why we cannot discharge student loans in Bankruptcy. Not exactly a shining example of todays modern liberal.
HedonistForever's Avatar
That's what I'm saying-- Biden doesn't actually want to end the industry.. he's an old schooler-- he's just saying what he thinks the far progressives want to hear.

This is the same man who is responsible for the crime bill-- and who is responsible for the reason why we cannot discharge student loans in Bankruptcy. Not exactly a shining example of todays modern liberal. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

For someone who doesn't actually want to end the industry, he sure is convincing. To me he comes across on this issue as the one thing he believes in more than biological males should compete against biological females and he REALLY believes that.

I know in the past Joe didn't believe all the crap he spouts, I've seen the clips but I think his capacity for thoughtful thinking has degraded to a point that he now DOES actually believe what he is saying and has no memory at all of what he has said in the past or he would be to embarrassed to keep going with this nonsense.

I imagine Joe starting everyday with Susan Rice right by his side when he asks "what is it I'm suppose to believe today"? Then Rice will get on the phone to Obama who will tell Rice, what she should tell Biden. Don't worry folks, Obama has all this worked out except for the fact that out of office he is losing more voters than when he was in office.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-20-2022, 01:32 PM
Grace, do you think a President and his party telling oil and gas executives, that he will put them out of business, has anything to do with the reluctance of oil and gas companies to spend millions, billions in investments into an industry one party in this country has promised to end?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'm not Grace but the simple answer is no.

What one says to get elected is not how investors should allocate their money. Follow their actions. Had you and Tiny done that instead of crying about wtf Biden says/said....you'd have a ton more energy stocks!

Someone tell Tiny that Biden has talked about reducing the Federal gas tax, not increasing it.
tman1847's Avatar
35 Straight Days of Falling Gas Prices
Thanks Joe Biden. Keep up the good work. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Thanks Joe Biden. Keep up the good work.
Actually unless you’re retiring tomorrow you 401K will be in great shape. Buying low now for it to go up later. If your on the verge of retirement if you started 20+ years ago you’re doing great. Hence I presume you’re just typing dumb shit to feel smart Tman
tman1847's Avatar
Actually unless you’re retiring tomorrow you 401K will be in great shape. Buying low now for it to go up later. If your on the verge of retirement if you started 20+ years ago you’re doing great. Hence I presume you’re just typing dumb shit to feel smart Tman Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Fact of the matter is I'm 80% retired. Fact of the matter is in 7 months I've lost a ton of money I worked my ass off to accumulate. Fact is my grandchildren's college funds have all taken a serious hit.

Plan was for my kids and grandkids to be shocked when they saw what dad left them.

I can easily afford a couple 100 a month more for food and gas, but we have all taken some serious hits on 401K's.

Be fair, if your going to thank Joe for gas prices decreasing, thank him for everything he's done.

Article today quoted NYC and DC are complaining they don't have the facilities to handle the bus loads of migrants being sent to their cities. I bet the good people of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Cali are laughing their ass off
tman1847's Avatar
1Blackman1 let me ask you a question

If I understand correctly your an attorney, the company I owned, half our customer were law firms. Single practitioners, small and firms with 200+ attorneys.

Every year the large firms hire 30-40 or more "interns". Start them at 100K+ and Work them to death, and if they don't show promise, they show them the door.

If you were the managing partner of a 50 attorney law firm and hired an experienced attorney (40+ years) and 18 months later he was doing the kind of job Joe's done would you still employ him
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-20-2022, 05:46 PM
Fact of the matter is I'm 80% retired. Fact of the matter is in 7 months I've lost a ton of money I worked my ass off to accumulate. Fact is my grandchildren's college funds have all taken a serious hit.

Plan was for my kids and grandkids to be shocked when they saw what dad left them.

I can easily afford a couple 100 a month more for food and gas, but we have all taken some serious hits on 401K's.

Be fair, if your going to thank Joe for gas prices decreasing, thank him for everything he's done.

Article today quoted NYC and DC are complaining they don't have the facilities to handle the bus loads of migrants being sent to their cities. I bet the good people of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Cali are laughing their ass off Originally Posted by tman1847
I've made good money this year in the market.Real good money up until last month.

Maybe you should fire your money Manger.

And if you can't afford loses in the market...you shouldn't be invested in it.

Lastly, do you think we should have continued with QE and Zero interest rates?
  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2022, 08:46 PM
I'm not Grace but the simple answer is no.

What one says to get elected is not how investors should allocate their money. Follow their actions. Had you and Tiny done that instead of crying about wtf Biden says/said....you'd have a ton more energy stocks!

Someone tell Tiny that Biden has talked about reducing the Federal gas tax, not increasing it. Originally Posted by WTF
A ton more energy stocks? I'm already pregnant with energy.

And thank goodness for Joe Manchin! Otherwise Biden and the Progressives would be making real progress towards their goal to put our companies out of business.

When the Democrats were looking for a way wring more tax revenue out of the Build Back Better bill, there was a carbon tax being floated that would have decimated one of the companies I own shares in. Sinema was on board. Manchin was not.
lustylad's Avatar
Grace, do you think a President and his party telling oil and gas executives, that he will put them out of business, has anything to do with the reluctance of oil and gas companies to spend millions, billions in investments into an industry one party in this country has promised to end? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'm not Grace but the simple answer is no.

What one says to get elected is not how investors should allocate their money... Originally Posted by WTF

Hedo wasn't talking about investors in energy stocks. He was asking how "oil and gas executives" are reacting. They're the ones who decide whether, when and where to spend company funds on E&P and new capital projects.

You should have just stfu and let Grace try to answer the question. But you always have to pretend you're a know-it-all, dontcha?
Fact of the matter is I'm 80% retired. Fact of the matter is in 7 months I've lost a ton of money I worked my ass off to accumulate. Fact is my grandchildren's college funds have all taken a serious hit.

Plan was for my kids and grandkids to be shocked when they saw what dad left them.

I can easily afford a couple 100 a month more for food and gas, but we have all taken some serious hits on 401K's.

Be fair, if your going to thank Joe for gas prices decreasing, thank him for everything he's done.

Article today quoted NYC and DC are complaining they don't have the facilities to handle the bus loads of migrants being sent to their cities. I bet the good people of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Cali are laughing their ass off Originally Posted by tman1847
You clearly have no clue how 401Ks work or the stock market for that matter.

I’ll give you an extreme but easy example.

Day 1 I buy stocks for $10
Day 100 the value of the stock is $200
I’ve done nothing but watch it rise and contributed nothing to its increase.
Day 150 the stock drops to $80 and I sell it.

Guess what, I didn’t lose $120. I actually still made $70.

Unless you have the worst asset manager in the world, you retirement funds are worth significantly more today than what you actually paid in.