LovingKayla's Avatar
Ok so remind me which one of you guys made fun of me when I said buy silver at 18? And HERE HERE!! To the poor and desperate fools that just broke into my storage house and lightened our load by 409 silver eagles. I hope they do feed your family well. And man it was a good thing they hit it when they did or there would have been many times that. Phew some lessons are expensive.

Oh yes and buy gold. Or in my case, silver.
You would be better off buying a big gun safe or if you own your house drop them through the old razor blade slot in your medicine cabinet.Am I dating my self? And do they still have slots in the medicine cabinets. If they don't just cut a slot in the back and drop the coins in they will collect in the bottom near the floor and to remove them just cut a small hole in the wall under the sink. This is an old trick my grand father taught me.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Maybe this is the endgame. You think 130 million dollars is nothing to Soros but what happens when the dollar is worthless and that gold is worth 600 million dollars. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
$130 million or $600 million?

What difference does it make if the dollar is worthless?

130 million or 600 million times 0 is still 0.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchmouth your a lame one.....the original post clearly says Soros dumps FINANCIAL equities. ...learn to read,, better, sober up before you start posting.....

Doubt the post if you want...makes you the fool. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

No asshole, the original post clearly says "sold all of his equity positions in major financial stocks".

You can't read your own post. The word "dump" is nowhere in the OP and I'm calling you a liar for saying he sold all of his holdings.

Have you ever posted a 100% correct and factual thread?

The only people who don't know you are full of shit soon find out.

You truly are,.......wait for it........, the king of all douche bags.

Like anyone believes anything you say, supporting link or not.
Again learn to read, the OP says Soros sold his FINANCIAL equities, not all of his stock portfolio (that includes financials, industrials, transportation, and other sectors) ...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Soros could have bought hershey chocolate; but he didn't, he bought GOLD.......

I never used the phrase "major investment" more closely..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So he sold some unknown amount of one category of stock and bought an insignificant amount of gold. Meanwhile, in bigger news, somewhere a dog licked his balls.
I only opined why he would make a hundred million dollar play for gold; I never said it was an earth rattling investment portfolio realignement !

Learn to read TTH; clients expect it from their advocates!

Unless your intent is to purposefully mislead, afterall isn't that what bottomfeeder attorney's do ?

BTW; have you packed your bags and turned your passport in yet ?
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-22-2012, 08:40 AM
As a retired (and resurrected) ibanker for JPM in NYC, London and Hong Kong, for 20+ yrs, nothing surprises me.... the dollar will continue to be a safe haven and when Israel bombs the Iranian nuclear facilities, funds will coming running to treasuries and corp bonds..... gold will go up and he will ride the wave and then dump it to lock in profits Originally Posted by Roothead
The dollar a safe haven??? Not to the people I have been talking to.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I only opined why he would make a hundred million dollar play for gold; I never said it was an earth rattling investment portfolio realignement !

Learn to read TTH; clients expect it from their advocates!

Unless your intent is to purposefully mislead, afterall isn't that what bottomfeeder attorney's do ?

BTW; have you packed your bags and turned your passport in yet ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, but I'm spending less time working in the law and starting to semi-retire. Been in Europe 11 weeks or so so far this year. Very, very relaxing. I think my retirement number is going down a bit. I'll just live a bit lower on the hog and travel less so I can retire sooner. Living there is really relaxing. I was surprised that I liked Italy as much as I did, too. Still think I'm heading for France, but la dolce vita calls, too. Didn't care much for Spain.

And why would I turn in my passport? plsn to travel quite a bit, including back here some for business. Especially if oil prices stay firm or better yet, rise.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The dollar a safe haven??? Not to the people I have been talking to. Originally Posted by Dawgs
Depends on the currency. We've had a good six months against the Brazilian Real, one of the ones I track closely. Same against the Euro. Mixed against the Yuan And Rubble.
I like the Mediterranean waters of Sicilly, plus great food and small village life.
Depends on the currency. We've had a good six months against the Brazilian Real, one of the ones I track closely. Same against the Euro. Mixed against the Yuan And Rubble. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Geez! The dollar is mixed against rubble? Talk about a weak fucking currency!

(Yeah, I know he meant to type "ruble." Just couldn't resist!)

I was surprised that I liked Italy as much as I did, too. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I have no idea why anyone would be surprised to find Italy quite delightful. Among many other ideas, touring around Tuscany for a few days is quite a treat.

I like the Mediterranean waters of Sicilly, plus great food and small village life. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hear, hear!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Real and ruble and very important re the price of oil. That's why I track them.

Yeah, I've liked northern Italy before, but thought that the language issues would be more noticeable in a longer stay than it turned out to be, as I don't really speak Italian. I remembered more Italian than I thought I would and really got along very well, even outside the cities.
Real and ruble and very important re the price of oil. That's why I track them. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Same here.

Although the Brazilians have some problems to work through, as is the case with almost everyone else in the world, I'm long-term bullish on the country.

...but thought that the language issues would be more noticeable in a longer stay than it turned out to be, as I don't really speak Italian. I remembered more Italian than I thought I would and really got along very well, even outside the cities. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I hardly speak any Italian at all, but I've never found that to be much of a problem in the cities. When traveling through the countryside, I like to get a good driver who's familiar with the territory and knows all the best places to go. Helps with translation, too! The last time I was there with my GF, we found a terrific driver and utilized his services for three days. I hate driving a car in foreign countries.

If you're ever in the Florence area for a few days, you might check out Villa San Michele. Wonderful place to stay!
SEE3772's Avatar
The GLD is nothing but another piece of paper.
IOU X amount of gold.
The GLD is for trading.
It's not for those who are trying to protect their wealth.
There is not enough gold in the world above ground to cover their gold IOU's.
From my old YouTube channel...
May I suggest or FideliTrade.