bambino's ( aka Chester the Molester ) girlfriend

bamscram's Avatar
I prefers BIG cocks to suck. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

NiceGuy53's Avatar
Little cocksucker is you fave term. Is it because you prefer big cocks? Originally Posted by bamscram

Look who decided to chime in here. It's Ekim, the Inbred Chimp, that little retarded faggot! Did you notice that your amigo, WTF (Snitchfuck), didn't include you when he was talking about him and Asswipe having to defend against the hordes of right wingers? I wonder why it is that he expects no help from you? Could it be that he knows you are dumber than a box of rocks? Must be!

bamscram's Avatar
Look who decided to chime in here. It's Ekim, the Inbred Chimp, that little retarded faggot! Did you notice that your amigo, WTF (Snitchfuck), didn't include you when he was talking about him and Asswipe having to defend against the hordes of right wingers? I wonder why it is that he expects no help from you? Could it be that he knows you are dumber than a box of rocks? Must be!

Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Hey ekim ever come up with any (facts) ? Other than your chimp gibberish.
You can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk.
He (WTF) needs no help with morons like you.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Hey ekim ever come up with any (facts) ? Other than your chimp gibberish.
You can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk.
He (WTF) needs no help with morons like you. Originally Posted by bamscram

You obviously haven't followed this thread. He was crying that it was only him and Asswipe against all of the right wingers on this board. Your name was never mentioned. I can't blame him though. Who wants the biggest moron on this board, on their team!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2017, 07:48 PM
You obviously haven't followed this thread. He was crying that it was only him and Asswipe against all of the right wingers on this board. Your name was never mentioned. I can't blame him though. Who wants the biggest moron on this board, on their team!

Originally Posted by NiceGuy53 mentioned how many posts Yessup and I had. I explained the math in the forum. Evidently that went over your head.

I did not mention either you or bamscram because you both have 1600 posts....which did not fit into the the subject you brought up, which was high post counts.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2017, 07:51 PM
LMAO at your stupid little The Alamo complex, where you and Asswipe have to fight off the hordes of right wingers. You act like you are defending some great and noble cause. You moron, this is just a silly hooker board.

Quit crying like a little bitch! Get the fuck out of here if you don't like it! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

Could you throw in a few more exclamation points?

Why are you righties wound so tight? I feel like I'm posting in a hen's nest
NiceGuy53's Avatar mentioned how many posts Yessup and I had. I explained the math in the forum. Evidently that went over your head.

I did not mention either you or bamscram because you both have 1600 posts....which did not fit into the the subject you brought up, which was high post counts.

. Originally Posted by WTF

Don't give me that BS. You know who "Bamscram" really is. I know you are not that stupid. Or are you? He had over 30,000 posts under his old handle. But I can't blame you. I wouldn't want a retard like that on my team either.
ekim Originally Posted by bamscram
hates cucumbers...

and rich people...
bamscram's Avatar
Don't give me that BS. You know who "Bamscram" really is. I know you are not that stupid. Or are you? He had over 30,000 posts under his old handle. But I can't blame you. I wouldn't want a retard like that on my team either. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
If you have shit for brains you think you know who I am.
Which you prove daily .
bamscram's Avatar
hates cucumbers...

and rich people... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

I am outing you iffylube.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
[QUOTE=bamscram;1059800165]If you have shit for brains you think you know who I am.
Which you prove daily . [/QUOTE

LMAO! Sorry, I don't speak or understand RETARD. You really are a fucking dumbass.
TryWeakly's Avatar
I probably called you a stupid mutherfucker.... Originally Posted by WTF
Even more juvenile..... ^

So tell us why you got a yearlong bancation again?
TryWeakly's Avatar
This is a stupid as fuck forum. An insultfest.

Yssup and myself counter looney right wing propaganda....there are more of you loons than us. Therefore we have higher individual post counts....yet if you total all the right wing loons posts in here....there are just as many if not more.

I know that is to hard for you to understand. So if I reply to 10 stupid questions from 10 different postersI have 10 post.... they each have one. Damn. Originally Posted by WTF
Fucktard math at its finest........

I thought hooker math was difficult to understand.
bamscram's Avatar
If you have shit for brains you think you know who I am.
Which you prove daily . [/QUOTE

LMAO! Sorry, I don't speak or understand anything. I really are a fucking dumbass. Originally Posted by bamscram
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucktard math at its finest........

I thought hooker math was difficult to understand. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Another brilliant response.

I don't know how long this can be expected to continue.

Frankly, I find the lack of anything socially or intellectually redeeming to be, well, exactly in line with the tenor of the national debate. Except of course, for the disproportionate number of utter dumbasses in here.

We true patriots deserve combat pay for having to deal with you crusty bitches day in and day out.