
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's another theory worthy of consideration.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 08:08 PM
You are lucky your mother was Neanderthal:

Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them Originally Posted by I B Hankering
About time you came out of the closet, bigot:

Lucky = Neanderthal blood = non-African. Your words, your true inner feelings that Africans are "unlucky".

Talk long enough and you hung yourself (again).
I think Fast Cumms elevator for his cars will carry him into the afterlife. You know make him IMMORTAL.
I B Hankering's Avatar
About time you came out of the closet, bigot:

Lucky = Neanderthal blood = non-African. Your words, your true inner feelings that Africans are "unlucky".

Talk long enough and you hung yourself (again). Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-goaT, you are still a despicable, lying goober. Just like the MSM, you willfully distort the truth even when it is staring you in the face. See at post #21, you lying sack of shit, Old-goaT:

Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them – between 1 and 4 per cent of their genome, Pääbo's team estimates. In other words, humans and Neanderthals had sex and had hybrid offspring.

What that means, for your ignorant, racist ass, Old-goaT, is the other 96% to 99% can be sourced to African origins.

Again, for your ignorant, racist ass, Old-goaT, what that means to FastGoon, is that Neanderthals interbred and were not 'exterminated', per se. In other words, they achieved immortality.

Rattle, rattle, you despicable, lying goober, you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 09:28 PM
BS! You very clearly say those who have Neanderthal blood--i.e. those "who developed outside Africa" are the "lucky" ones, i.e. "luckier" than those who do not have Neanderthal blood, i.e. those who DID devlope in Africa.

You can spin it antway you want, but you said (and quoted here again) that pure Africans are not as "lucky" as thos who developed outside Africa.

Sorry if you don't like to have folks point out your bigotry, but it's there.

If all you wanted to do was make your point that Neanderthal genes still live on, there was no need at all to make a "lucky" comparison to Africans, was there?

As I said, you talk, you show your true bigotry.

Carry on!
Y'all are making Fast Scum Immoral. Yea I forgot a T.
I B Hankering's Avatar
BS! You very clearly say those who have Neanderthal blood--i.e. those "who developed outside Africa" are the "lucky" ones, i.e. "luckier" than those who do not have Neanderthal blood, i.e. those who DID devlope in Africa. You lie. That's not even implied within the context of this exchange, and your distorted construct in no manner reflects the meaning in the original post.

You can spin it antway you want, but you said (and quoted here again) that pure Africans are not as "lucky" as thos who developed outside Africa. You lie.

Sorry if you don't like to have folks point out your bigotry, but it's there.You're a liar,so people have already taken your measure and found you wanting in the realm of truth.

If all you wanted to do was make your point that Neanderthal genes still live on, there was no need at all to make a "lucky" comparison to Africans, was there?

As I said, you talk, you show your true bigotry.

Carry on! Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-goaT, there's no 'spin' here but yours, you stupid lying goober fuck. A fifth grader can read those posts -- and the COMPLETE citation -- and see you are a lying sack of shit. But you obviously don't have a fifth grader's comprehension skills, and once again you've established yourself as the inveterate lying-goober fuck you are.

Rattle, rattle, you despicable, lying goober, you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 09:48 PM
You are lucky your mother was Neanderthal:

Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Here is your quote again. Nothing left out between the comments. Nothing errased and edited. What spin? I never disparaged the sited reference, just YOUR post, so quit that specious BS. Maybe you didn't mean:

Lucky = Neanderthal = non-African

but it IS what you posted.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here is your quote again. Nothing left out between the comments. Nothing errased and edited. What spin? I never disparaged the sited reference, just YOUR post, so quit that specious BS. Maybe you didn't mean:

Lucky = Neanderthal = non-African

but it IS what you posted. Originally Posted by Old-T
No, Old-goaT, you are lying and distorting. Fast Goon was 'lucky' to have a mother -- let alone a mother with a FULL set of DNA, you ignorant dumb fuck!!!

Furthermore, 'lucky' was Fast Goon's operative word throughout this thread. Plus, given the context in this instance, it was meant as an 'insult' since Fast Goon was so sure Neanderthals were too ignorant to compete with Cro-Magnon Man. Nevertheless, those 'ignorant' 'unlucky' Neanderthals, as Fast Goon termed them, found immortality, and their genomes found their way into Fast Goon's (all European's) DNA. A fifth grader can see that, but no, you're more moronically ignorant than a fifth grader. So spin that, Old-goaT.

BTW, it's melanin that controls skin color and not Neanderthal genomes. Given a substantial amount of time (10 to 40,000 years), the skin color of black people living in non-tropical latitudes will lighten. Skin color is an adaptive, genetic characteristic. Obversely, the skin color of white people living in tropical latitudes will darken, you dumb-lying goober.

Rattle, rattle, you despicable, lying goober, you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2012, 03:50 AM
So just to make sure I have it right:

--YOU make a post, it's intelligent, insightful commentary.

--I quote you verbatim I'm lying.

I B Hankering's Avatar
So just to make sure I have it right:

YOU make a post, it's intelligent, insightful commentary.

I quote you verbatim I'm lying. You are lying. "Lucky = Neanderthal = non-African" is NOT a verbatim quote; plus, you completely FAIL to capture the sarcasm in the original post.

Hmmmmmmm..... Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-goaT, you are still a despicable, lying goober.

Rattle, rattle, you despicable, lying goober, you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2012, 05:28 PM
Since you are delusional, hee it is AGAIN:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are lucky your mother was Neanderthal:

Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them

Where did I misquote you? I didn't.
You are lucky your mother was Neanderthal: IS the same as "lucky = Neanderthal"

Any human [who] developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them
IS the same as "non-African = Neanderthal blood"

Guess agan. No lie on my part, just a quote (in red). Sorry you don't like what you said.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This thread has gone way off track.

The subject was immortality, but as usual the endless squabbling has derailed it.

Certain unstable individuals whom we know well are so insecure that they must shotgun scatter their insults and sprinkle their precious little knowledge in the hopes of convincing the board of their intelligence.

However, that tactic only works when you actually have at least a modicum of intelligence to impart and the more you press your foolish diatribes, the more you show your ignorance.

. . .Give it a rest, fool!

BTW, it's melanin that controls skin color and not Neanderthal genomes. Given a substantial amount of time (10 to 40,000 years), the skin color of black people living in non-tropical latitudes will lighten. Skin color is an adaptive, genetic characteristic. Obversely, the skin color of white people living in tropical latitudes will darken, you dumb-lying goober.

Rattle, rattle, you despicable, lying goober, you.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Enlightenment by Van Morrison. Lyrics:Chop that wood
Carry water
What's the sound of one hand clapping
Enlightenment, don't know what it is

Every second, every minute
It keeps changing to something different
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
It says it's non attachment
Non attachment. non attachment

I'm in the here and now, and I'm meditating
And still I'm suffering but that's my problem
Enlightenment, don't know what it is

Wake up

Enlightenment says the world is nothing
Nothing but a dream, everything's an illusion
And nothing is real

Good or bad baby
You can change it anyway you want
You can rearrange it
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
Chop that wood
And carry water
What's the sound of one hand clapping
Enlightenment, don't know what it is

All around baby. you can see
You're making your own reality. everyday because
Enlightenment, don't know what it is

One more time

Enlightenment. don't know what it is
It's up to you
Enlightenment. don't know what it is
It's up to you everyday
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
It's always up to you
Enlightenment, don't know what it is
joe bloe's Avatar
That's a great song. I had never heard it before. I used to be very into eastern philosohphy. I've heard a few Van Morrison songs that had mystical overtones but this one is the most overt.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
William Blake