When in doubt put it in your mouth & wipe it out!

pyramider's Avatar
Im going to waterboard myself with listerine and pour hydrogen peroxide down my asscrack after reading this thread. Nasty mfer's, wow. Haha Originally Posted by DonAsher

Bleach and a Brillo pad would do the trick.
Great post!

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Sorry honey for being redundant I looked for a thread that said just what I did I would of posted that thread and made my comment....But guess I did not scroll down far enough... Or maybe I was just over powered by the stynch I didn't find it..LOL
LaStang's Avatar
Same thing goes for feet as well , until last year i had never met a women that had stinky feet . Geez when she took her shoes and stockings off it was bad ! i insisted on a little get to know each other shower and if she had refused i would have left in a heartbeat . i sure hope i never encounter that smell again .
Same thing goes for feet as well , until last year i had never met a women that had stinky feet . Geez when she took her shoes and stockings off it was bad ! i insisted on a little get to know each other shower and if she had refused i would have left in a heartbeat . i sure hope i never encounter that smell again . Originally Posted by LaStang
So, you think it was her feet...huh? Interesting rationalization....good move on the shower....play on!!