Provider Based & Owned Media Company Needing Some Answers...

Grace and all reading this thread,
Please Please Please understand I appreciate everyone's opinion about this subject.

I think there is place for everyone in this business ( except human traffickers or any sort of forced situation) I truly am trying to help folks in the industry out. I am so hoping to keep the thread on track and avoid the pile on effect that commonly happens.
I am not able to put this in a men's only forum and am truly looking to get answers from hobbyist. Not that provider input isn't important as I am planning a survey for them as well. I am not trying to say butt out however if the thread goes to far astray or gets insulting or ugly, it will be lost or stopped. ECCIE has a strict policy about hi jacking threads, using threads to be threatening and such, so I am just hoping yall will let this one ride...PLEASE

I wish all the best

In answer your concerns you raised about my business.

One must also learn to define things. I had a call from a provider friend who was very upset about how slow things were for her. Turns out, she felt that "only" making $1200 for the week was just unbelievably, devastatingly slow. Slow is a very subjective term. Ladies sometimes lose perspective when they get used to the money during the "milk and honey" times.
You are absolutely correct about terms like slow being subjective. That is why I always ask what they consider slow. Plus there were many other questions I sought and still seek answers to, but I only mentioned the simplest and most common denominator (money) as I thought it was the least controversial and something we could all relate to. I thought everyone especially providers could benefit from hearing it staight for the horses mouth ( a few hundred horses mouths from various hobby sites) I see I was wrong about the controversial part.

I appreciate the fact that you are trying to look into the market by conducting your survey, but I have to say that the time to do this level of market research is BEFORE you take on clients who are paying for your marketing services. I also have to chime in and agree that if I paid someone for website design, I would be furious if what I got was a template generated site that I could make for free if I had the time and inclination.
As I stated before business is an ever changing thing. I personally know that the climate of hobbying is different now than it was 5 years ago. I have also built my provider business twice in two different areas of the country which meant my client base changed.
As for My websites Which is not what this thread was about. All my clients know I use Wix before ever deciding to have me do a site for them. As a matter of fact many choose me because of that. I offer them a way that once the work is done they can then simply manage the site themselves. All my sites are built from nothing. I do not use Wix templates or graphics unless a client prefers.
I often liken what I do to what a hair dresser does coloring hair. A customer can color there hair themselves if they have the time or inclination to. But many still go see a hairdresser. The color products that hairdressers use are available to the public and yet hundreds of thousands of people a day choose to have someone else do it. and At other times they do it themselves It's just a matter of personal choices. Like any choice everyone has their reasons. But there is no efforts by me to bamboozle clients.

Another thing to bear in mind is that not only does the market fluctuate based on economic factors--- location is also an issue. I travel a little bit as well as maintain a home base. What I make at home, I would consider unacceptable in say, Boston for example. I am in a tough home market that is known for having one of the highest populations of providers per capita in the US. But it is home. Location has a HUGE bearing on market trends. You may be better served to attempt your surveys on a more "local" level.
Your point is very valid. However my provider clients are not only local, thus the question on the survey asking what cities the hobbyist hobbies in.
Originally Posted by GracePreston

All I ask is that you talk to me get to know me and my business practices be before judging me publicly.
I have been a provider for 7 yrs and i also do webdesign and SEO. I am thinking of offering my SEO and webdesign services for free because it really pisses me off that companies like yours try to take advantage of providers and charge them high rates for really crap designed websites.

Nothing against your company but i've checked out all your work and all the websites including yours look very outdated like they were made in the 90's and all are designed from WIX! LOLOL!!!!!!!!!

If you are going to charge to build websites.. code it yourself. don't use a free service like wix. lol Originally Posted by SydneySin

Really..... nothing against my company. Sounds like you have plenty against my company.
I, too, plan ahead. This is mainly due to my demanding schedule plus the need to stay within a reasonable budget that doesn't go over board. Lately, I've actually found myself hobbying more often than I have in the past. This is mainly due to seeing providers who are not as high end as others. Also, I'm seeing more and more the UTRs in my area. I've found that they offer more bang for the buck-- lower rates, expanded time, and more open menu. So instead of seeing a $350 or more provider once every six weeks, I'm seeing 200-250 providers every 3 to 4 weeks. All of this while juggling my schedule. Once I can fit a provider in, I pull the trigger.

Back to the survey aspect of this thread. As for the open question about ways to improve the experience. I had 2 areas-- 1) ladies need to be more honest about all aspects of their services. My second suggestion will probably be highly controversial, but I answered it given the premise of the survey-- i.e. how to improve the experience in a bad economy. I suggested that the ladies should reconsider their menu options and be as all inclusive with the exception of BBFS. Yes, I know each lady has the right to do what she feels comfortable with. I won't argue that. However, as devils advocate here-- guys are paying for a good time. If that means wanting BBBJCIM, MSOG or any of the other services some ladies won't offer, then the guy should get what he wants (again as long as it is not BBFS or anything way off the charts which would be considered an extreme fetish). Things that most couple outside the hobby do should be available inside the hobby. I look at it this way. The lady has made a conscious decision to make herself available in the most intimate of ways. If a lady has gone that far into the biz, she might as well be all in as it will increase her potential client base. After all, isn't that the purpose of the survey? Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I am so sorry your great input got lost in the drama ...please forgive my delay but
I just wanted to say thanks and I appreciate you taking the time.
Here's a few more gems for you:

First of all, there's no reason to be vindictive. I would never contact Wix about your site. I'm not that kind of person.

I need you to look at the threads you've started and take note of everything that's been said to you. Criticism is necessary for growth.

You are getting rebuttal from REAL providers that know when it's slow, it's time to change some shit up.

It's not about the guys. The guy that spends today is not spending tomorrow and he won't spend on the same thing the next time.

When a woman starts to care enough about her business to wonder what's going on with it, there is a change in her perception. Even then she is only halfway to the changes that she will have to make to come full circle. This is something YOU can't teach. Trust me, I've tried.

Even once you gather all your information, and derive at a certain answer about whether hobbyists are married, broke, and what he likes in his ATF (which you could have used the search button here, or went to TER who has already compiled this data with MORE than 200 guys), this won't help ladies at all.

Ladies can only give what's in them to give. When they do something outside of that, you get burnout, and unhappy clients. Ladies can't work using the same module.

Recognize there are DIFFERENT markets within this one. If the information you're gathering is meant to be the Gold Standard at which a lady becomes the ultimate companion, and she is NOT that companion, there is still a market for her.

If it's not meant to be the Gold Standard, you're just being nosy. And that's what makes your survey irrelevant.

Please understand that you're not going to re-invent the wheel with your service. There are women that are DOING this, and doing it well. That's how everyone knows you're doing it wrong.

And Grace was right. How are you trying to sell services that you're NOT really learning? This whole thread thing was a marketing ploy that failed miserably. You didn't get the 'OMG, I'd like to know how to market myself based on your market research' reaction you thought you'd get, did you?

You can only fool a quarter of the people a quarter of the the time being halfway smart.
I've been on vacation for three weeks. I had no idea it was going cause this much of an issue!? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Good thing you're here too, SL.

Maybe you can answer this lady's questions.
Well Miss Jameson I am so glad you have cleared everything up for everyone...

fehhhw...I feel so much better now...

BY George I think I got it...
The only reason any provider would be experiencing any concern or interest about the current hobby market is....because they are a bad provider ...

....and providers like yourself (who must be shittin in tall cotton these days) are the good hookers..... Right?
It so clear now why didn't I see it...
______________________________ ________________
Yall folks out here in Hobbyville will have to pardon my stupidity cus ya know I am only half smart....duha

Thank ya Thank ya Thank ya...

Don't tell Ms Jameson but I have picked up a few new clients simply because of this thread...I got so many positive PMs and inquiries I had to empty my mail box....
and it wasn't even the goal...but I guess I should thank her for blowing up the thread.

Shaaaazam not bad for a gal who is only half smart....guess it's the half that counts.

Actuaully SL as valuable as your answer would be...I don't need the answer to any questions...Ms Jameson has all the answers...but thanks

$$$$$$ the only thing worse than a bad hooker, is a self righteous one...IMO

Please keep this thread on track. It looks like it may serve a useful purpose and I would hate to have to take notice of the attempts to hijack and/or attack someone.

Thank you,

The Colonel

Please keep this thread on track. It looks like it may serve a useful purpose and I would hate to have to take notice of the attempts to hijack and/or attack someone.

Thank you,

The Colonel Originally Posted by Col. Zodiak

Thanks Col.
I thought I might have to call in the Calvary.....LOL...........
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I have been a provider for 7 yrs and i also do webdesign and SEO. I am thinking of offering my SEO and webdesign services for free because it really pisses me off that companies like yours try to take advantage of providers and charge them high rates for really crap designed websites.

Nothing against your company but i've checked out all your work and all the websites including yours look very outdated like they were made in the 90's and all are designed from WIX! LOLOL!!!!!!!!!

If you are going to charge to build websites.. code it yourself. don't use a free service like wix. lol Originally Posted by SydneySin

As a member of the local market and also one whom is very pleased with her web page build by this company I do beg to differ.........I would really like to see anyone say my web page looked outdated and crappy and as I only paid 300 for a full web design and 60 days follow up to teach me how to control and update it myself, it is a great deal to me. Yes WIX is a free site, but as I had neither the time nor want to, to mess with making my own site and as it is a very easy site for me now to update and maintain my own web page.

So back to the OPs topic of what do our hobbiest want and how better to give it to them.....I for one cant wait for the final results. I am always willing to learn ways to improve myself and my business.
pyramider's Avatar
Posting some taint will help improve yourself.
Posting some taint will help me improve myself. Originally Posted by pyramider
Ms. Athena's Avatar
LOL My taint IS posted ALL over my web page, which is just where it belongs....Now if you would like to cum and get a closer

Pyramider.........You do so make me smile sugar......
Fixed. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
I so love your sense of humor and amazing insight JD...

as for his original comment. If he is referring to Miss Athena

I believe her philosophy is taint notin wrong with some

Ms Athena I thank you for your support and kind words. It was a pleasure working with you. You are a gal that knows exactly what you want and have no apology for it.
......and certainly none is needed. I admire you commitment to be who you are and know why you do the things you do. As your web designer it was my pleasure to carry out each and every wish you had for your site! My philosophy is that a website should be a good a representation of the provider themselves. That way when potential clients view it the get a good feel for you as a provider. There is so much in this business that has to remain unsaid so why not let the style of your site do the talking.

So back to the OPs topic of what do our hobbiest want and how better to give it to them.....I for one cant wait for the final results. I am always willing to learn ways to improve myself and my business. Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Tia I'd like to hear the results too...Since I am one of your clients I trust you'll be sharing the info. LOL
If I know you you'll share it with anyone

Keep up the good work girl