From Layla Rose's ad posted late yesterday...

What a cool way to go. Just don't let the undertaker remove the smile. I want to see those walk'n by, doing the slow walkin, sad talking saying don't he look good. He sure left here happy. Originally Posted by Sonoman
Hopefully they won't be as astute as the co-workers who labelled you "freshly fucked"!
Sonoman's Avatar
Well happened again last Friday, walked in, hair all mused up, trying to hide the smile on my face. They said, Again? What's up with these Friday morning glowing look you have? I grinned. Actually smiled.

Hopefully they won't be as astute as the co-workers who labelled you "freshly fucked"! Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
Tru dat!!! Btw, what time are you coming next week?!? Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
Wednesday, I think. Is that okay?
Well happened again last Friday, walked in, hair all mused up, trying to hide the smile on my face. They said, Again? What's up with these Friday morning glowing look you have? I grinned. Actually smiled. Originally Posted by Sonoman
Just wait for when you have both of us!!!
Wednesday, I think. Is that okay? Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
I'm trying to make it work! Have some irons in the fire on Tuesday.
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
I'm trying to make it work! Have some irons in the fire on Tuesday. Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
Let me know if I can do anything to help. I'm pretty anxious to treat some of our favorite gentlemen to the full Jones experience!
Sonoman's Avatar
Oh dear. O damn, O me, O my:.....O boy some of us might not be able to live thru the full jones experience.

Let me know if I can do anything to help. I'm pretty anxious to treat some of our favorite gentlemen to the full Jones experience! Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
Sonoman's Avatar
Just wait for when you have both of us!!!
Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
I'm simply at a lost for words. I know not what to say.

I guess, The worst that could happen is I get fired.
Oh dear. O damn, O me, O my:.....O boy some of us might not be able to live thru the full jones experience. Originally Posted by Sonoman
But you'll die happy!!!
I'm simply at a lost for words. I know not what to say.

I guess, The worst that could happen is I get fired. Originally Posted by Sonoman
Fired for being supremely happy?!?
Sonoman's Avatar
Fired for being supremely happy?!? Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
Like I said, lose of words, unable to spreak, mumbling,
Incoherent. The jones effect
SexyBritneyJ's Avatar
Like I said, lose of words, unable to spreak, mumbling,
Incoherent. The jones effect Originally Posted by Sonoman
Hahahahahaha! I'm going to have to add "The Jones Effect" to my profile.
mike1701's Avatar
Hahahahahaha! I'm going to have to add "The Jones Effect" to my profile. Originally Posted by SexyBritneyJ
Ya know, the "jones effect" does sound about right. Awe hell, it is a great effect, double your fun and just about any thing you could add between.

So hot sheets on a cold day?
Like I said, lose of words, unable to spreak, mumbling,
Incoherent. The jones effect Originally Posted by Sonoman
The Jones Effect is very powerful! It comes w/ a Surgeons General warning.
Ya know, the "jones effect" does sound about right. Awe hell, it is a great effect, double your fun and just about any thing you could add between.

So hot sheets on a cold day? Originally Posted by mike1701
As only you would know... So far
