OBama/Trump Birther Controversy

pittlicker's Avatar
Now you have gone down the path of silliness. The real birther story was that Trump lied about having people that saw the "real" birth certificate and had investigators that discovered there was no Hawaii birth certificate. To keep down your path of silliness is crazy. All of "YOUR BIRTHER STORY" is in your head. That was not the narrative pushed by any of the "Birthers".

Also, you have no proof and neither did Trump or anyone else that Obama received any "foreign" aid in paying for Harvard. We know this because the same people making the accusation complain that they cant get to the information because the school wont substantiate their allegation. So, there it is, an unsubstantiated assumption, admittedly unproven, but believed as fact because you want to believe it. That is nonsensical and for an intelligent person, unacceptable.

You, along with right wing media and a bunch of Trumpys, keep making unsupported accusaations about a lot of stuff. But they never put forth any support except to say "Obama should come forward and disprove our accusation". Once again silliness.

I hate to go here but, I want to believe you know better that what you are typing but sadly, it seems that you dont. Youre bordering on Bambino logic, which is not a place you want to be. Next you'll be posting that UFOs abduct people and Reptile children eating aliens are replacing congressman.

As I noted, under your logic, Trump should be coming forward with his taxes showing us that he isnt a tax cheat and that he is as rich as he claims. He also needs to be coming forward and proving that he was not at the White House on January 5 to prove he wasnt reveling in the chaos. And he should have been sending witness after witness forward explaining in full that there communications with Russia were all above board. He did NONE of these things because he did not have to. By the same measure, Obama had no obligation to dignify allegations which he likely thought were stupid conspiracies by people who werent inclined to be satisfied with the answer regardless. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Salty's whole persona is that of a silly Aussie man. What he is in real life has yet to be established. For all I know he could be a 21 year old oriental hooker. Take what he says with a grain of "salty".
winn dixie's Avatar
Imagine seeing all the wildlife kenya has to offer and then taking a rest break at obamas birth hut!
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2021, 08:53 AM
LOL, this is some of the dumbest stuff I have read in a while. If these are real questions you have bouncing around in your mind, i cant take anything you write as being credible. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Hmmm - NM - Then - don't read the posts.

Thank You.
I have to read the post to know just how dumb the content is. I suppose the post could come with a “this post is pretty dumb” warning at the top but I suspect I couldn’t get any of the forum members to acknowledge how dumb their beliefs might be and put a warning tag on their posts.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
obama birth place origins. while the clinton campaign did not directly accuse obama of his birth place issue, indirectly, it was spread by a former clinton staffer. I believe this was done as a favor for clinton. this is clintons dirty tricks play book.

the fact that obama said he was a foreign student from kenya whilst from Hawaii suggest he committed fraud by posing as a foreign student.
See the article i posted on this subject earlier. The Clinton campaign nor her aides went there at all.

There’s no proof whatsoever that he ever put “I’m from Kenya” on a single document. I also can’t find anywhere that he said he was from Kenya. It appears that a staffer doing a proof on his biography stated he was from Kenya. That appeared to have been correct in publication the whole “he said he was from Kenya” isn’t supported. It’s a false narrative. There’s no proof that he received aid for being a foreign student. Again a false narrative.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why didn't H I M prosecute the Clintons, though?
Of what?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I forget the name of this former clinton staffer. he was the one who spread that the obama's birth place rumor. he left the clinton campaign a month or two (i forget) before he started spreading the rumors.

Obama was apparently involved in a student financing scam by posing as a foreign student. he was telling everyone that he was a foreign student.

its not likely that it was a bio mistake that went unoticed for several years.
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2021, 11:14 AM
Start with H... and her paid for BIG Lie of teh russia Hoax and Steele dossier
go on to the many murders asociated with the clintons.

and the multiple scandlas ( black water, etc) of their corrupt administraton
Just as liberal cultists deny the many corrupt business ties of hudnter and Joe fiden.

Sad - Liberal cultists are so indoctrinated as to believe Xinn Lies.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-18-2021, 12:03 PM
obama birth place origins. while the clinton campaign did not directly accuse obama of his birth place issue, indirectly, it was spread by a former clinton staffer. I believe this was done as a favor for clinton. this is clintons dirty tricks play book.

the fact that obama said he was a foreign student from kenya whilst from Hawaii suggest he committed fraud by posing as a foreign student. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Is that anything like Trump committing fraud by overstating/understating his real estate portfolio depending on the need?
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2021, 12:23 PM
I have to read the post to know just how dumb the content is. I suppose the post could come with a “this post is pretty dumb” warning at the top but I suspect I couldn’t get any of the forum members to acknowledge how dumb their beliefs might be and put a warning tag on their posts. Originally Posted by NoirMan

nm - Please read your own post while looking in a mirror
Nothing 'forces' anyone to read/particate in this Forum.

To do so - is a personal choice nm makes .

I realize that the concept of 'personal individual choice' - is anathema to and terrorizes teh liberal cultists .

yes - truth, facts, and Reality are difficult for teh indoctrinated of teh Democrat-Progressive - Socialist - Totalitarian party.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
so by your logic we should all be examining Trumps taxes to make sure that he didnt game the system by cheating on his taxes. And all the things he lied about like paying off women and other lies he absolutely got caught in, he is obligated somehow to tell us the truth on those matters.

I am still waiting for him to show us his truthfulness and honesty. Or does it not apply to him?

Like I said, your logic is lacking. Originally Posted by NoirMan
You keep using that word "logic" but you're not showing any yourself.
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2021, 02:02 PM
See the article i posted on this subject earlier. The Clinton campaign nor her aides went there at all.

There’s no proof whatsoever that he ever put “I’m from Kenya” on a single document. I also can’t find anywhere that he said he was from Kenya. It appears that a staffer doing a proof on his biography stated he was from Kenya. That appeared to have been correct in publication the whole “he said he was from Kenya” isn’t supported. It’s a false narrative. There’s no proof that he received aid for being a foreign student. Again a false narrative. Originally Posted by NoirMan

From One who consistently posts unsupported incorrect allegations - per teh liberal cultists agenda/

Show the references adn Proof!
do your own research to support the liberal cultist agenda!
See the article i posted on this subject earlier. The Clinton campaign nor her aides went there at all.

There’s no proof whatsoever that he ever put “I’m from Kenya” on a single document. I also can’t find anywhere that he said he was from Kenya. It appears that a staffer doing a proof on his biography stated he was from Kenya. That appeared to have been correct in publication the whole “he said he was from Kenya” isn’t supported. It’s a false narrative. There’s no proof that he received aid for being a foreign student. Again a false narrative. Originally Posted by NoirMan
... Not a "false narrative" at all, mate.
"Born in Kenya..." RIGHT there in his bio.
Sat that-way for 14 years.

Please don't tell me that you're daft enough
to believe that "born in Kenya" was some sort
of clarical error. IT WENT UNCHANGED FOR 14 YEARS!

IF he was born in Hawaii - WHY would he allow
the "Kenya" part in HIS-OWN bio - UNLESS
they all truly believed he was from Kenya.

Rather simple matter for OBama to clear up.
Which he would NOT do.

Funny that it took him a bit to show his
birther papers. And "Hawaii"... Trump had to
pressure him on that. And I also noticed that
you barely mention, if even, the CHARITY
offour of $$$$ MILLIONS of dollars IF OBama
would just show those pesky admission records.

OBama DECLINED to do so.

... Reckon the US Economy could use some of
those MILLIONS now.

But YOU go on surely believing whatever you like.
YOU no doubt got a OBama poster on yer bedroom wall.
OR on the ceiling above yer bed.

... But THIS is the TRUE Birther Controversy.

### Salty