So wide open pussy shots are now allowed?

What was the saying? Lipstick on a pig?

No matter how much lipstick you put on it - it's still a pig.

MP was wrong to do it. "Runaway"? Tat nailed it - 18yo's are not runaways. Period.

Even IF they were 18 - just wrong.

Mp was wrong. Every bit of scum who high-fived him were wrong - yes that includes the MODs. <- Particularly includes the MODs. I'll have to think up a new acronym for the MODs who jumped on that bandwagon.

Mother fuckin...hmm O ..O...O... a lil more coffee & it'll come to me.

Mother fuckin <blank> dickheads. Yeah I said it. The Houston MODs who didn't shut that down asap and ban him for posting underage naked pix as well the 'fictional story' of kidnap rape etc of a minor. Cracktard Genius'.
So, if you guys are only here for each other, then keep your trash in the locker room or create a Men's Only $$uper $$aver Board where you can all compare notes and jerk off to to pussy shots and stories about picking up desperate young girls and keeping them holed up in your home while your guard dog keeps them in check. And when you're done with them pass them around to your buddies to use and abuse.
The ladies on this site are not impressed by it and do not want to see it.

So your not a hooker then ? Cause last time I checked you walked like a hooker, sounded like a hooker, looked like a hooker and fucked men for money just like a hooker.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and I promise you aren't doing anyone any favors by being here. You personally have made choices in your life that made accepting sex for money a viable alternative to getting a job. That's fine it's your choice, but don't get all morally superior and start talking about if it weren't for you we wouldn't be here. The truth if is if we weren't here you would be working a 9 to 5 just like the rest of us.

As a side note I probably wouldn't do the things MP is doing, but the girls are adults and so is he. They needed a place to stay and he provided one. If he hadn't they would more than likely be turning tricks on the street while being hassled by an army of pimps and drug dealers. It's not a great situation, but it is better than working for a pimp on the street while being hooked on heroin or crack. Originally Posted by Malachaii
pornodave69's Avatar
WTF? I totally agree ... That is DEFINITELY breaking the rules of this board! Originally Posted by Sweet Melissa
Kind of like how Brooke has access to the Men's Lounge?! Looks like she had to break the rules herself in order to find this. What are the Mods going to do about that?!

I don't care for this guys antics but I also don't care for providers who post "private" material from the men's lounge, regardless of their distaste and disdain for what's been posted. Maybe it's time for us guys to have access to the powder room so we can make your posts public as well. Perhaps this should have been posted there in the first place.
Kind of like how Brooke has access to the Men's Lounge?! Looks like she had to break the rules herself in order to find this. What are the Mods going to do about that?!

I don't care for this guys antics but I also don't care for providers who post "private" material from the men's lounge, regardless of their distaste and disdain for what's been posted. Maybe it's time for us guys to have access to the powder room so we can make your posts public as well. Originally Posted by pornodave69
That thread was started in the Co-Ed section. We ALL had access to it.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Kind of like how Brooke has access to the Men's Lounge?! Looks like she had to break the rules herself in order to find this. What are the Mods going to do about that?!

I don't care for this guys antics but I also don't care for providers who post "private" material from the men's lounge, regardless of their distaste and disdain for what's been posted. Maybe it's time for us guys to have access to the powder room so we can make your posts public as well. Perhaps this should have been posted there in the first place. Originally Posted by pornodave69
You're late as hell to this party. It was in a public forum before it was removed.
ANONONE's Avatar
I tend to agree with others about Monkey's post, but it is a free world and I suppose one person's sexuality is another's abhorrence.

It is just a story--and like much content on this site, it should be read with healthy skepticism and doubt. This is all for entertainment--even the gross or absurd stuff. Illegal is another thing. I trust board management to be on top of this--if they have a problem with the guy, they will act. They have before they will again. Maybe they are just giving the guy a bit more rope to hang himself.

Regardless of that issue, I had to respond to this quote from ANOVA.

Providers dive this site. If not for us YOU would not be here. Originally Posted by anova444
I do not know if it was intended, but there is a level of arrogance in that little post that needs to be addressed. At first, I figured she said it rashly, but given the follow-up dialogue, she seems to really believe this comment. This is unusual--i usually find her post clever and interesting, but I find it ironic that she is upset with Monkey's misogyny given her apparent real feelings about men posted in this thread.

You can be offended. You can express your opinions. . .but please don't lump all of us hobbyists together with this dunderhead. Also, don't make the foolish assumption that you DRIVE (I think that was what you meant to type) this site.

Our money drives this site. Even the revenue generated by your banner ads--was actually our money that you allocated to marketing--designed to get more of our money. Even if all you ladies did was post an ad (or even if you had no presence here), we would be on here reviewing and posting our comments and questions so that we could spend OUR MONEY more carefully.

It is wonderful to talk with ladies and flirt with them here, but make no mistake--you aren't driving anything. If you did, trust me, this board would become the vehicular equivalent of an AMC PACER if we let you DRIVE.

You can put the prettiest girl in the world next to a Pacer and it is still a fucking Pacer.

Now get back over in the passenger seat where you belong, ANOVA!

I am just foolin' with you.
pornodave69's Avatar
That thread was started in the Co-Ed section. We ALL had access to it. Originally Posted by anova444
You're late as hell to this party. It was in a public forum before it was removed. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Well then, my bad. Apologies to the ladies.
ANONONE's Avatar
Somebody above said it even better. This is the oldest profession in the world. It is driven by our lust, and our financial ability to satisfy that lust--which comes at many levels from the guy that can only hobby every six months (perhaps masturbating to the material here until he can save up the money to spend it on a special lady) to the guy that see's three women a week, to the gent that pours out a couple of thousand dollars on a night with a Diamond (HDH). It is a big hobby world. We can move the tent stakes out, but lets not hammer them into a person's feet as we make room for tolerance.
jokacz's Avatar

It is wonderful to talk with ladies and flirt with them here, but make no mistake--you aren't driving anything. If you did, trust me, this board would become the vehicular equivalent of an AMC PACER if we let you DRIVE. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Come visit Upstate New York if you want to see what happens when the mods give the keys to the ladies.
Come visit Upstate New York if you want to see what happens when the mods give the keys to the ladies. Originally Posted by jokacz
Gotta love the blatant misogyny! Thanks!
I tend to agree with others about Monkey's post, but it is a free world and I suppose one person's sexuality is another's abhorrence.

It is just a story--and like much content on this site, it should be read with healthy skepticism and doubt. This is all for entertainment--even the gross or absurd stuff. Illegal is another thing. I trust board management to be on top of this--if they have a problem with the guy, they will act. They have before they will again. Maybe they are just giving the guy a bit more rope to hang himself.

Regardless of that issue, I had to respond to this quote from ANOVA.

I do not know if it was intended, but there is a level of arrogance in that little post that needs to be addressed. I was quite surprised, because i usually enjoy her posts and while I don't always agree with her, they are usually insightful and rational. Not this one. There is some real bitterness being thrown at all of us. I find it ironic that she is bothered by by Monkey's misogyny, but has decided to vilify most of the hobbyist on this board.

You can be offended. You can express your opinions. . .but please don't lump all of us hobbyists together with this dunderhead. Also, don't make the foolish assumption that you DRIVE (I think that was what you meant to type) this site.

Our money drives this site. Even the revenue generated by your banner ads--was actually our money that you allocated to marketing--designed to get more of our money. Even if all you ladies did was post an ad (or even if you had no presence here), we would be on here reviewing and posting our comments and questions so that we could spend OUR MONEY more carefully.

It is wonderful to talk with ladies and flirt with them here, but make no mistake--you aren't driving anything. If you did, trust me, this board would become the vehicular equivalent of an AMC PACER if we let you DRIVE.

Please let us decide what and how to drive--it is our money. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Yeah I AM arrogant.
It's our bodies and what we say goes. This topic is a hot button for me and many other providers. I'll say exactly what is on my mind.
Kisses, ANONONE, oxo
dearhunter's Avatar
It actually started in the Houston Other Reviews forum.....then was moved to the Men's Lounge where there is.....more privacy.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I wanna meet you Anova. I know this is a serious thread but I just had to say that lol.
ANONONE's Avatar
Yeah I AM arrogant.
It's our bodies and what we say goes. This topic is a hot button for me and many other providers. I'll say exactly what is on my mind.
Kisses, ANONONE, oxo Originally Posted by anova444

It is my money--I say where it gets spent. Without it, you would be working a job where you would like it even less when the person paying you tells you what you will do in an even more assertive fashion.

Yes, it is your body and we should respect you--that goes without saying. As to your control over the hobby--minuscule. Money drives the hobby--plain and simple.

It actually started in the Houston Other Reviews forum.....then was moved to the Men's Lounge where there is.....more privacy. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Did you bite a hole in your cheek when you typed that?
My bad!