Any merit to these proposed "work arounds"?

Deanna, basically prostitution is fee for sex. If jury believes the fee involved in your scheme is a membership fee for entrance to a party and not for sex, then not guilty. If jury believes the fee is for sex, then guilty. Do not for a second believe that the police, prosecutor, and jury are in any way bound by what you call it. They will look at the facts and make a decision as to what they think it really is, not what it's called. This really is conceptually no different than saying that you're selling your time and anything that just so happens between consenting adults is happenstance and unrelated to the fee. If a jury believed that was actually the case, then not guilty. But, I seriously doubt that will be a persuasive argument, just like I doubt anyone will be persuaded by your proposed arrangement into believing that it is not really fee for sex. Originally Posted by Shackleton
Awesome! That is the best way to state it! Very nicely done!