Review: No LMCC for Me!

Originally Posted by Drtry1
I agree on that with access to the ROS, that's messed up. I was just commenting earlier on why she was responding to the review section. Girls have posted in the past and their comments just deleted. The software allows them to post still. But yeah, sounds like there are pussy whips who gave info, or likely a mandle. Originally Posted by Dr Grey
There is no speculation. She commented on hidden ROS content. That much is clear. Whether or not a session occured is irrelevant to that point. I understand who you are defending and that is your choice, but LMCC doesn't deserve to be coddled. I've dealt with her mess before and choose to not involve myself with her or those that enable her. Originally Posted by Rover14
Actually i disagree I don't see any of her comments referencing ROS

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-08-2018, 10:10 PM
No activities took place.

Moved to the proper forum.

And because of the above, LMCC's post will remain where it is.

Yes, the systems does not prevent all things that are not allowed to be done from happening. That is part of why the Forum Guidelines were established.

Dr Grey's Avatar
I was going to say I didn't either, but others say she did. Was just saying she can technically comment here as it should be in coed anyhow as this really isn't a review of a session.

These threads all made it to coed with no sessions taking place, but meetings with a lady did.

I can go on all night and find more examples of guys meeting girls and they just talked, but no session took place. Hence not a review.

Update...Mokoa posted before I did....
Bankshot's Avatar
I've always thought she was a BSC hoodrat.
Guess i won't be scheduling with slave anymore if they are sharing an incall.
Xesaddict's Avatar
No activities took place.

Moved to the proper forum.

And because of the above, LMCC's post will remain where it is.

Yes, the systems does not prevent all things that are not allowed to be done from happening. That is part of why the Forum Guidelines were established.

Originally Posted by Mokoa
Whether or not it belongs in coed or under Reviews is your call, but her thread is obviously a direct response to the OP’s review and is a rebuttal to many of his statements. She commented on his review well before you even made a decision to move it to the proper forum, so she had to read, or be told about, the review’s ROS. Goodnight “John” boy!
I too am unmoved by the suggestion that she made her rebuttal seven posts into the thread without knowledge of the ROS. Where else in the review was there information that would have led her to make such a detailed rebuttal? This whole thing stinks, and I am truly surprised at the white knights struggling to grovel for approval.
Sounds like sour grapes on OY's part , there has to be a time limit on fidgeting around
Hell she might have thought he forgot to get a hard on, he is a geriatric monger , she did return his money after he wasted her time
And who knows how she found out about ROS maybe SG shares more than a incall with her
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I've always thought she was a BSC hoodrat.
Guess i won't be scheduling with slave anymore if they are sharing an incall. Originally Posted by Bankshot
Hmmm... I am not sure why my in call is being mentioned in this thread... However, I would never want anyone to see me if they were not comfortable...

I did let Nina know to add your Eccie handle to our DNS list.. I am not familiar with this handle but you may have used p411 to Contact me in the past... If I saw you then I would have given you an OK on p411...just let Gina, at p411, know that you would like my OK removed..

Have a great day!!

Your affectionate slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Sounds like sour grapes on OY's part , there has to be a time limit on fidgeting around
Hell she might have thought he forgot to get a hard on, he is a geriatric monger , she did return his money after he wasted her time
And who knows how she found out about ROS maybe SG shares more than a incall with her Originally Posted by milo
WOW... The conspiracy theories have been running wild in the last 24 hours... Lol

I hate to disappoint you but I was at school until almost 8 pm last night and I didn't find out about the unpleasant situation that Sir OY and LMCC experienced until late last night..

I adore Sir OY and I love LMCC... I hate to hear that two of my favorite people had a bad time together... however, life sometimes works out that way., I have a tremendous amount of respect for both of them and I trust that they will work this issue out on their own.

Not only do I have a very busy schedule but it is not my place to interfere between the two of them. It would be an insult to their intellect if I were to intervene.

I hope that everyone has a great day and I hope that everyone has a great weekend!!

Your affectionate slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I too am unmoved by the suggestion that she made her rebuttal seven posts into the thread without knowledge of the ROS. Where else in the review was there information that would have led her to make such a detailed rebuttal? This whole thing stinks, and I am truly surprised at the white knights struggling to grovel for approval. Originally Posted by Rover14

Well Rover... If this is ROVER that I am speaking to... although, I really doubt that it is...

I had a "NO" review once...and I can tell you that from my own personal experience...that she probably replied so quickly because some of the comments hurt her feelings... They would have hurt mine... I know that we are not supposed to have FEELINGS but we do...

It is human nature to want to respond when you are hurt...or when you feel like you are being attacked....I'm not saying that is what Sir OY did... But I can see why she responded the way she did..

I get it .. This is a board for you boys... I understand that... But allow us to be human OK? We aren't perfect... We have feelings and when you are as passionate as LMCC then those feelings come out with intensity...

Just as you boys have the right to review us..
We have the right to respond and tell our side of the story... After that it is up to the audience to decide what they believe and how they are going to proceed with that knowledge in the future...

I will also say that the "NO" review I received was one of the BEST learning experiences that I could have ever had... And I am glad that I had to go through that challenge... I hope that one day lmcc will be able to find the positive gifts that I discovered during that painful time...

I apologize if I overstepped my regards to our friendship... take care and I appreciate you taking the time to let me put my two cents in...

Your devoted slave,

Xesaddict's Avatar

Well Rover... If this is ROVER that I am speaking to... although, I really doubt that it is...

I had a "NO" review once...and I can tell you that from my own personal experience...that she probably replied so quickly because some of the comments hurt her feelings... They would have hurt mine... I know that we are not supposed to have FEELINGS but we do...

It is human nature to want to respond when you are hurt...or when you feel like you are being attacked....I'm not saying that is what Sir OY did... But I can see why she responded the way she did..

I get it .. This is a board for you boys... I understand that... But allow us to be human OK? We aren't perfect... We have feelings and when you are as passionate as LMCC then those feelings come out with intensity...

Just as you boys have the right to review us..
We have the right to respond and tell our side of the story... After that it is up to the audience to decide what they believe and how they are going to proceed with that knowledge in the future...

I will also say that the "NO" review I received was one of the BEST learning experiences that I could have ever had... And I am glad that I had to go through that challenge... I hope that one day lmcc will be able to find the positive gifts that I discovered during that painful time...

I apologize if I overstepped my regards to our friendship... take care and I appreciate you taking the time to let me put my two cents in...

Your devoted slave,

Guinevere Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
SG.. what Rover14, myself, and others have been referring to in this thread is not the no review in itself or whether LMCC should have the right to respond in the “proper” forum, but that she obviously had access to the ROS in the review before it was moved to the coed section when she made her response. As you know, provider access to the ROS of a review is a definite guideline violation, and a violation Mokoa seems willing to excuse. Any suggestion that you may have aided her in accessing the ROS is pure conjecture and without merit.
Goddammit Rover!!
SERIOUSLY WTF??? WERE YOU DRUNK??? Did u not stop to consider those comments you've made would be turned around and blamed on me??? I am so beyond pissed at you for this right now that YES I AM CALLING YOU OUT IN PUBLIC.

Slave, A10, LMCC:
I wish to declare I have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the commentary of others, nor was it propelled in ANY way by actions or puppet string pulling of mine. I could give 2 shits about LMCC or any of this litigation style blather. I don't like her, she doesn't like me, so what, life goes on. Rover acted on his own accord and believe me, there WILL be a further discussion regarding his actions as soon as he sees the FB message I just sent him.

I also wish to state directly to Slave that I would NOT be coaching Rover or anyone else to rally for a ban on the "defendant" in this "case." Despite the way our relationship ultimately ended, I know you are busting your ass in school (you've inspired me to do the same) and I would want NO CAUSE OR ACTION OF MINE TO IMPEDE YOUR FINANCES. A ban on the person who splits costs of incall operation with you would do just that.


Really Rover????

Well Rover... If this is ROVER that I am speaking to... although, I really doubt that it is...

I had a "NO" review once...and I can tell you that from my own personal experience...that she probably replied so quickly because some of the comments hurt her feelings... They would have hurt mine... I know that we are not supposed to have FEELINGS but we do...

It is human nature to want to respond when you are hurt...or when you feel like you are being attacked....I'm not saying that is what Sir OY did... But I can see why she responded the way she did..

I get it .. This is a board for you boys... I understand that... But allow us to be human OK? We aren't perfect... We have feelings and when you are as passionate as LMCC then those feelings come out with intensity...

Just as you boys have the right to review us..
We have the right to respond and tell our side of the story... After that it is up to the audience to decide what they believe and how they are going to proceed with that knowledge in the future...

I will also say that the "NO" review I received was one of the BEST learning experiences that I could have ever had... And I am glad that I had to go through that challenge... I hope that one day lmcc will be able to find the positive gifts that I discovered during that painful time...

I apologize if I overstepped my regards to our friendship... take care and I appreciate you taking the time to let me put my two cents in...

Your devoted slave,

Guinevere Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Wow, so now YOU are accusing me of ghost posting for someone else? This is me, unprompted. I have my own knowledge of LMCC's tendency to waste other people's time. I lost a precious 90 minutes of session fun on a very crowded evening because LMCC didn't give a shit about my time. I watched the process from scary to ready to go out the door while I cooled my heals. Never once was there a sense of urgency or apology. What was supposed to have been a special, private evening turned into quick kiss before having to move on to other obligations. That was an opportunity I won't get back, lost because LMCC didn't care about my time, or anyone else's. Sounds exactly like what Old Yeller was dealing with.

I don't know what issues you are trying to project onto me, but it doesn't matter. I'm no longer trying to schedule with you, When I am rejected twice that tells me all I need to know. Apparently you think I am someone else.
Any suggestion that you may have aided her in accessing the ROS is pure conjecture and without merit. Originally Posted by Xesaddict
Based solely upon lack of proper citation corroborating the rules and or procedures to the above stated opinion, I dissent.
ski-hog's Avatar
For those of you that think providers don't see ROS I have some oceanfront property for sale in Utah!! Or the earth is still flat after looking at Elon Musk Tesla in space with the round earth behind it.

Being a business owner I always want to know what my customers are thinking! Therefore if I was a provider and this was my career I gurantee you I would have access to ROS to know what I'm doing right or wrong. Its not fort knox.
Although I wish I had access to powder room just to know whats said about me. Too fat? Too Skinny? to shy? cums way too fast? lol The list prob goes on and on!
Oh well happy hobbying can't believe I just wasted time writing this when I should be scheduling a session.