Those Moments that Cause You to Re-evaluate Everything

Being a constant self-assessor, I also like to be sure of who I am and what I stand for. What has helped me Lauren, is acceptance of the changes that happen to me without definition. Just bending and yielding to the change allows you to put words to what you've experienced when it's time to. It also helps in making sure it isn't a short bout of depression disguised as life changes. Just make sure that the changes haven't affected you negatively and are causing you to make decisions you wouldn't normally make.

As far as this industry is concerned, I think my mind frame fit the profile so to speak. Being from a traditional background, and having the deeply nontraditional feelings I have (which I have yet to express to my mother. She would think I don't believe in God anymore.) about people, relationships, humility, pride, and sex, this industry allows me to be free in every aspect. So I would like to think I am the change in attitude towards this industry and not the other way around. Honestly, to everyone in my family's horror, I was never this pure-of-mind kid who got sucked into this 'lifestyle' who changed.

I hope you sort things out, Lauren. Just don't get in your own way by over thinking. Relax, relate, release.
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  • 08-20-2010, 01:04 AM
Herclitus: No man steps into the same river twice, for it is not the same river, and he is not the same man. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
Funny how this english translation is quite different from the original [0], which is indeed hard to translate.

[0] "ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμβαίνουσιν ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ· καὶ ψυχαὶ δὲ ἀπὸ τῶν ὑγρῶν ἀναθυμιῶνται."
I have gone through many changes in my life that causes to me veiw the world and the people in it differantly.

For instance, I use to look down on girls who allowed themselves to become pregnant in high school, until I was a senior and becomes pregnant myself with my first boyfriend ever. Then I realized just how silly it was to assume that they were all sluts who didn't respect themselves and ruined their lives.
Also I looked down on 'Welfare trash' until I was stuck in a bad situation and had to resort to it myself....then I realized that same may be welfare trash who is just existing on it and have no ambitions to improve and take the easy road.....but for most of the welfare recipiants are those who were just like me, stuck in a bad situation and needing a hand up, not taking advantage of a hand out.
Again, when I became homeless, changed my veiws, and again when I had to collect unemployment...When I worked with the disabled...

Did becoming an escort change me? Some...yes, of course, but what has changed me the most is these two things:
1-My own mother not only disowning me but attempting to sabotage my life for her own benifit.

2-Becoming a swinger.

You live life, you have expierences, and if you are lucky, you allow them to change you. It is sad that there are people who do not change.
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  • 08-20-2010, 10:32 AM
. It is sad that there are people who do not change. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Those are my Republican friends. They hate change!

No need to feel sad for them though, they do ok with Rush and Sean leading them through life.
Those are my Republican friends. They hate change!

No need to feel sad for them though, they do ok with Rush and Sean leading them through life. Originally Posted by WTF
hey WTF i love betty just a tad more than veronica
Those are my Republican friends. They hate change! Originally Posted by WTF
Not true. Right now they are BIG fans of change (as in get rid of these people).
2-Becoming a swinger. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Care to elaborate?
What has helped me Lauren, is acceptance of the changes that happen to me without definition. Just bending and yielding to the change allows you to put words to what you've experienced when it's time to Originally Posted by Tiffani
A wonderful thing to read, thank you Tiffani. I'm a bit upset I hadn't come to this conclusion, but seeing it now, you are absolutely correct.

I have a strong philosophy of not labeling human relationships. It seems stupid and trite and useless. Whether it be platonic or romantic, each relationship we share is unique, and when we try and throw labels on things, it complicates what could otherwise be a beautiful and organic experience.

I see what you mean about change being organic and nameless as well.

Being from a traditional background, and having the deeply nontraditional feelings I have (which I have yet to express to my mother. She would think I don't believe in God anymore.) about people, relationships, humility, pride, and sex, this industry allows me to be free in every aspect. So I would like to think I am the change in attitude towards this industry and not the other way around. Honestly, to everyone in my family's horror, I was never this pure-of-mind kid who got sucked into this 'lifestyle' who changed.
We share this as well. I come from a very strict traditionally religious family. Interestingly, nothing about my life is traditional, save for my belief in faith based ritual. They feel I don't believe in God because of the way I life my life. Oddly, I feel we believe in the same core elements, but come to different conclusions about that means about the way we should interact with those in our lives and the world we live in.

And like you, the greatest gift this life has to offer is the freedom to be myself in every aspect of my life - I personally feel my lovers don't "pay" me, they choose to give me the greatest gift there is: freedom. In return, I do my best to make them happy in as many ways as they will give me permission to

My family learned of my lifestyle - at first the business, then my bisexuality and lastly my firm belief in ployamory and refusal to marry or have children. They thought I was having a mental breakdown and needed to be medicated

Thank you so much for posting Tiffany. That was most therapeutic.
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  • 08-21-2010, 12:53 PM
hey WTF i love betty just a tad more than veronica Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yea but I bet Archie is the one you really have the hots for!

Not true. Right now they are BIG fans of change (as in get rid of these people). Originally Posted by pjorourke
"nevergaveitathought, Is that you in the closet" Originally Posted by WTF

im right next to the mink stole
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  • 08-22-2010, 10:09 AM
im right next to the mink stole Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well whatever you do don't get any yogurt on the mink