Discrimination in ...

CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I really do not see the problem with this. I know guys who only like a certain type of woman. It could be based on age, ethnicity, tit size...you name it. If we as hobbyists get to choose what we want, I don't see a problem with the provider having the same choice.
BigAl69's Avatar
Why? There are providers that I would never see for any reason; why can't they have the same option towards us? Duh...
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Bt ... Thank you for including me in such an elite group. So flattering !
PaganGuy's Avatar
Racism is just plain stupid.. but of course stupidity is a fundamental, inalienable right.
Said it before.. I'm as Cracka as they come, but wouldn't see or associate with anyone I knew to be overtly racist.. couldn't relate to a stupid person, that's my one prejudice.
Perhaps my question should have been " Ok you don't provide to (AA) black men; please help out here. Why don't you provide service to (AA) black men" Originally Posted by sanan
sanan, I'm sure that if you rounded up a dozen providers who had that policy, you'd get at least 13 different reasons.

I vaguely recall having seen an ad, awhile back, and in some other town, by a black provider who had a "no black men" policy.

As I wondered "WTF?!" to myself, it occurred to me that some -- not all -- of these cases may be based on some bad personal experiences; in the wake of which, the providers drew conclusions that they then applied to an entire category of men.