Texas Law banning Plan B pill after 7 weeks goes into effect

eccieuser9500's Avatar
You really don't understand politics do you. Legislators vote what ever way keeps them in office. If they didn't, they wouldn't have a job long. Will there ALWAYS be people that think they are being "forced" to do what the majority has obviously voted for? Yes. This is America, you can live where you please and there will be multiple states where both outcomes can be found.

You have a group of people. They all live in one state. When it comes time to vote, the man or woman or "it" votes what the most amount of people want. Apparently in Texas, that is the toughest laws on abortion that can get through the SC.

Why? because that's the way it works in a Representative Democracy. You are forced to pay taxes. You don't want to pay taxes. The government forces you to pay taxes. That's equity BTW and the only way a functioning Democracy can work.

50 possible different outcomes and you get to chose where you want to live. What a great country. Nobody can force you to live where you don't want to live but they can pass laws supported by the majority that don't unduly infringe on only the minority. The laws are for everybody regardless of anything.

There isn't a country on this planet where everybody gets to do what they want when they want to do it so stop dreaming of a Utopia that common sense should tell you can't exist. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I almost feel like sending him a PM so he knows. Aside from the minor punctuation (at my discretionary literary opinion) and spelling mishaps, this was a hell of a retort. Not necessarily rude, but curt. Who knows, maybe he felt it necessary.

Let this be a lesson to the corny sailor. I may be fuckin' drunk now, but I can still read and make sense of FOXholeforever's stance. Barley needs a way to sharply articulate what FOXhole has come to exemplify.

Damn good read. (Like he can really ignore me. He just can't admit he reads me.)

You're damn right I will never waiver from my abortion position.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're damn right I will never waiver from my abortion position. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I'm not anti-abortion particularly when I see your posts.

It is unfortunate that more parent(s) don't exercise that option, but require the remainder of our sane society to suffer the parents' bad judgment by failing to exercise that option. Your(s) didn't opt for it.

You generate a good argument for retaining the right...and exercising it.
VitaMan's Avatar
There is not an absolute definition of when life begins, and there never will be. It is a matter of opinion, and scientists and people in general will provide different opinions.

People should be left to live their own lives.

If men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be an issue.
HedonistForever's Avatar
There is not an absolute definition of when life begins, and there never will be. It is a matter of opinion, and scientists and people in general will provide different opinions.

People should be left to live their own lives.

If men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be an issue. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Tell it to Biden and the Mandate crowd.

Like I said, there is no country in the world that takes that advice. They all have laws that piss off some people. Can't think of a single law that doesn't.
My second quotation? You mean the New York Times quotation?


But hey, you go ahead and argue with the New York Times and NIH and I'll sit back and watch.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Sometimes I think you’re just fucking with me because you really can’t be as daft as you’re pretending at this point.

Higher number of
Higher rates of

Are two totally different things.

Easy example.

There are 200 Blue people. 20% of blue people eat bananas.
There are 600 Green people. 15% of green people eat bananas.

Blue people have a higher RATE of banana eating.

Here’s where you evidently get lost. Intentionally I hope because if it’s unintentional then I can’t help you.

40 Blue people eat bananas (see numbers above)
90 Green people eat bananas (again see numbers above)

MORE BANANAS ARE EATEN BY GREEN PEOPLE. Hence, though the rate of Banana eating may be higher amongst Blue people, there are More Green banana eaters.

If this concept remains elusive to you, I don’t really don’t know how to inform you better.
VitaMan's Avatar
Many Indian tribes started their women breeding as early as 12 or 13. Everything was fine....until the white man came along.

Of course, nobody asked the women what they felt about this.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Many Indian tribes started their women breeding as early as 12 or 13. Everything was fine....until the white man came along.

Of course, nobody asked the women what they felt about this. Originally Posted by VitaMan
don't know where you've been VM; hiding a under a rock?

white men were boffing and marrying girls at 12/13 long before they met the indigenous american tribes.

and btw, stop calling them Indians. they're not from India.
Many Indian tribes started their women breeding as early as 12 or 13. Everything was fine....until the white man came along.

Of course, nobody asked the women what they felt about this. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Too right, mate.

Reckon it WAS the Indians there who FIRST didn't believe
in any women's rights and what-not.

Then the white man came along and RUINED IT for everybody.

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sometimes I think you’re just fucking with me because you really can’t be as daft as you’re pretending at this point.

If this concept remains elusive to you, I don’t really don’t know how to inform you better. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Well, at least you are right about that. Your attempt to "inform me better" on the Rittenhouse trial put that notion to bed that you could inform anybody better.

I gave you two quotes from the NYT's and the NIH, in an attempt to inform you better by posting that those two articles are what I was saying. So you disagree with the NYT's and the NIH, not me.

LexusLover's Avatar
Many Indian tribes started their women breeding as early as 12 or 13. Everything was fine....until the white man came along.

Of course, nobody asked the women what they felt about this. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I'm curious ... why do you restrict it to "Indians"?

And I assume you are referencing "Native Americans"?

Having read some true accounts from the Real U.S. history it also has been documented the warring "Native Americans" started "breading" their female captives rather early and PREMATURE during their captivity. It might also help you understand the "Real U.S. history" that the warring "Native Americans" turned over their captives to the squaws back at their encampment, because the squaws notoriously more "ingenuous" and creative at making the captives' deaths more miserable ... as they saved the "fresh" females for the "braves'" enjoyment later before killing them. It's understandable why you and others want to rewrite U.S. History.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those native americans weren't very nice to other tribes. lol.

don't like that term "native" americans. not fair to other white native americans.
Clay Media's Avatar
We need free plan b. Especially for the niggers.
Clay Media's Avatar
"native Americans" are not native. Human life is not native to the western hemisphere. I believe you're referring to Siberian Americans.
VitaMan's Avatar
What we really need is more people.

How many of us are there now....6 or 7 billion ? And we started out with a few hundred. If this keeps up, before you know it, there will be 20 billion....30 billion...50 billion.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"native Americans" are not native. Human life is not native to the western hemisphere. I believe you're referring to Siberian Americans. Originally Posted by Clay Media

good point about them from some parts of siberia of Eastern russia.