My girlfriends case of being stalked, tortured and thrown out of the window

he never stomached the turning point from "DDR to the republic of germany" he was well of in eastern german communism, but the pressure of capitalism broke him. Originally Posted by ninasastri

I knew he'd be one of THEIR lefty-pinko scum.....probably the relative of some doofus.......

PS: men are raised by women
Madame X's Avatar
Nina, I am so sorry to hear about this happening to your friend. That's awful! I'm glad to hear that she is out of the hospital though, and that this man will at least be off the streets again. Nobody in their right mind would let that man go free!

Also, I'm absolutely disgusted to see some of the men's (men? monsters?!) comments on here. Words can't even express, seriously. Thanks for the serious blow to my faith in humanity on a Saturday morning...

I will say though, that this is yet another case for why *not* to become personally involved with men here. It's hard, because my boys are so nice... but the ones with integrity enough to truly respect me would never cross boundaries, and those that would try to push for further emotional intimacy generally lead to trouble. No fault to your friend, it's a lesson we all have to learn the hard way (at least once), but it's just awful that her lesson was so terribly severe. She is lucky she survived!

~Mme X~
Nina, I am so sorry to hear about this happening to your friend. That's awful! I'm glad to hear that she is out of the hospital though, and that this man will at least be off the streets again. Nobody in their right mind would let that man go free!

Also, I'm absolutely disgusted to see some of the men's (men? monsters?!) comments on here. Words can't even express, seriously. Thanks for the serious blow to my faith in humanity on a Saturday morning...

I will say though, that this is yet another case for why *not* to become personally involved with men here. It's hard, because my boys are so nice... but the ones with integrity enough to truly respect me would never cross boundaries, and those that would try to push for further emotional intimacy generally lead to trouble. No fault to your friend, it's a lesson we all have to learn the hard way (at least once), but it's just awful that her lesson was so terribly severe. She is lucky she survived!

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
HI Madame,
Thanks for your words of empathy! On a very cynical note, i do think its best only to get involved with "married" clients, because it shows they must be at least have some sanity. I am always wary of clients of a certain age that are single and book entertainers. Is judgemental for sure, but i know only young boys (in europe) or married men are the usual clientele. That is for a reason. A single guy that does not just play around but uses escorts also for dating is always risky. ESpecially when they are emotionally needy.
I have the habit of declining to entertain such gentlemen, because i am extremely sensitive to emotional vampirism and one time i even stood up in the middle of the session because a guy just used to look at me way too much with that certain "admiration" that tells me he is looking for affection and not fun or meditation. The emotionally needy ones are really a big turn off for me. Can`t handle them .
I rather have a guy spank me than a guy trying to suck affection out of me with this romantic notions that imply a real relationship.
The guys with whom it happened i began to be involved in private were a) not needy and b) had girlfriends or were married . They were emotionally balanced. Those guys who can`t get affection and minimum emotional response elsewhere and come to us for "that" freak me out, really!

That was the difference between me and my girlfriend. She had the habit of getting involved with "emotional vampires" and "energetical vampires" in the first place. Because she needed that kind of admiration for herself. She felt like a princess when some guy told her she is the best of the best and the queen bee and became emotionally addicted to her. I cut such things off at the first notion of the happening. I truly hate that.
Madame X's Avatar
Disagree entirely - every client I have had that has gone off the deep end has been married. Single men, never. Marriage, as many will tell you, is insane in and of itself, lol, so I wouldn't stake any man's claims to sanity on that front. Furthermore, many men who feel emotionally rejected by their wives are more apt to funnel their needs onto a surrogate (that's be us) than single men, who are used to their independence.

Emotional vampires of any sort though, you can generally spot them from a mile away. But, they tend to strike when they find a female in a weak moment...

~Mme X~
There was and is no correlation between waterboarding and torture. It was a juvenile disrespectful comment because of some vein of thought that every post should be about male pleasure and entertainment and if there is not you will be insulted and degraded. You threatened the male domination and thretaened an insecure man. I don't even want to know how prevalent that attitude is...I'll ignore it so that I can enjoy my time here. I am sorry about your friend, but I wouldn't see this as a place for wholesale sympathy for the reasons that I said. i am glad your friend is okay!!
I knew he'd be one of THEIR lefty-pinko scum.....probably the relative of some doofus.......

PS: men are raised by women Originally Posted by Marshall
sure , because capitalists don`t commit such crimes, right ?

and "men" are raised by men AND women.

sometimes you sound like a 12 year old..... for some people using a brain before posting does seem an impossible task ....
There was and is no correlation between waterboarding and torture. It was a juvenile disrespectful comment because of some vein of thought that every post should be about male pleasure and entertainment and if there is not you will be insulted and degraded. You threatened the male domination and thretaened an insecure man. I don't even want to know how prevalent that attitude is...I'll ignore it so that I can enjoy my time here. I am sorry about your friend, but I wouldn't see this as a place for wholesale sympathy for the reasons that I said. i am glad your friend is okay!! Originally Posted by katexxx
Thanks Katexxx,
you might be right .
I'm sure anyone exposed to the terror and physical suffering of simulated drowning would disagree. You can always give it a go yourself, and see what you think Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
No joke. What a thing to dismiss.
whitechocolate's Avatar
People can say anything online. Why continue to address stupid statements. They should be ignored not debated.
What providers need to assess is a clients personality and any possible mental disorders which are very difficult to assess even after a few meetings but, at some point, the mentally ill client will give warning signs which need to be heeded and not dismissed until it is too late. Always be in tuned with your gut feelings about someone and heed those feelings.
Disagree entirely - every client I have had that has gone off the deep end has been married. Single men, never. Marriage, as many will tell you, is insane in and of itself, lol, so I wouldn't stake any man's claims to sanity on that front. Furthermore, many men who feel emotionally rejected by their wives are more apt to funnel their needs onto a surrogate (that's be us) than single men, who are used to their independence.

Emotional vampires of any sort though, you can generally spot them from a mile away. But, they tend to strike when they find a female in a weak moment...

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
I agree with you, you are right. I think it all depends. The issue is emotional vampirism. Having been with a married man whose emotional disaster and vampirism i discovered too late into the affair i agree with you. Same it is with exactly these married men and them wanting submissive lover :-). The wife dominates them , bosses them around and then they go and want submissive lovers (and at the same time pretend to be sex positive ... oh my gosh god). But at one point i seemed to think that a married man`s emotional vampirism (except for being a pain in the ass for lovers ) does not go THAT far because the wife restrains them from doing what they REALLY want. That is an important difference i noticed. A single man is more likely ABLE to cross boundaries. Its just my personal experience.

In my opinion, married men as lovers can be emotionally problemativ for immature women who don`t know that these guys are not really available.
But the hardcore problems i encountered in this business concerning violent men are from single guys. That means abusive patterns of relationships that turn out to physical violence.
Although i agree that violence in my book starts way earlier than just with being physical.