Physical attraction also seems a bit of a strawman. While that is a frequent factor in the client's choice, conventional wisdom is that few escorts refuse to see clients whom they don't find attractive. (And I, personally, am very thankful for that. ) If a lady doesn't want to see AA clients because she doesn't find them attractive but also turns down white clients she doesn't find attractive, that's consistent. But how many ladies who refuse to see AA clients also refuse to see white clients who are unattractive?
I've been curious about this phenomenon, although discussions here rarely shed any light. Few ladies who have such a policy try to explain it (in some cases perhaps out of fear of allegations of racism?) and when they do, the explanations may not tell us much. For example
I don't like their mentality. That's my reason. Originally Posted by Naomi4ushe knows what "mentality" means to her, but I don't. Or whether it's based on personal experience rather than what others say. Or whether it's based on a lot of experience or a small enough sample that it might be considered a stereotype. Or whether it's seen as a matter of probability rather than absolutes -- "AA men don't always have that mentality, but based on experience, I'd assess the probability as 23% as opposed to 18% with other men.". *shrug* Who knows? And the ladies may feel that they aren't required to account for it.
Not that it really matters. The important thing for AA clients is whether a lady has such a policy, not why. The OP was just curious, as am I. But I don't expect discussing it here will help answer that curiosity.
Carry on.