Trump The New Nazi Hitler Clone Wants A Military Parade! God Help Us All!

That would be a typical insecurity thing of someone who doesn't know anything but how to spell better than someone who doesn't. It's the one time they get to feel smarter than someone else. Originally Posted by hentaimania12
Insecure...? lol....hardly. But thanks for taking a shot at it, Dr Phil.

I can only speak for myself per this topic....I, for one, pay attention to practically everything I do and say to others. I am sharply focused on the finest of details. How I communicate with people is vitally important...especially when it concerns business. Dollars can be (and are) foolishly lost when one does not make their point(s) crystal clear...I've seen it happen first hand.

If I sent written correspondence to my banker requesting a bump in my business line-of-credit for Too Million Dollars, it's quite possible that one (simple as it may be) error would raise an eyebrow. I doubt I could blame it on the fact I employed one of the Dictation Devices Professor Dipshit famously uses.

Note: for the spelling impaired out there (StandInShit, pay attention) the word TOO was actually supposed to be the number TWO. I can be confusing as hail (errr...HELL), right?
themystic's Avatar
Hahaha... why can't you even spell the word obsessed properly? Correct spelling and grammar and diction are a key indicator of how well educated a person is. Reading posts that are riddled with poor grammar and spelling errors is like listening to Rosanne Barr sing the national anthem.

The only people with a need to feel superior are ignorant libtards like StandinStupid, whose mangled posts scream to all that he is the victim of a substandard education. It's painfully obvious the poor schmuck is struggling to compensate for his own inadequate schooling by calling everyone else "uneducated" and making preposterous claims to hold a doctorate degree.

Riddle me this - If Trump supporters are so uneducated, how do they even know when you misspell a word?
Originally Posted by lustylad
So IB has limited education?. I dont think all Trump supporters are uneducated. I think Trump supporters are un Patriotic Anti American Traitors
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just curious. Why are you Trump supporters so obssesed with spelling? Youre biggest poster IB doesnt even know what spell check is, let alone how to use it. Does that make yall feel superior to people? Seriously whats the deal? Originally Posted by themystic
You just demonstrated how truly stupid you are as you disingenuously argued you are smarter, mistake.
themystic's Avatar
Insecure...? lol....hardly. But thanks for taking a shot at it, Dr Phil.

I can only speak for myself per this topic....I, for one, pay attention to practically everything I do and say to others. I am sharply focused on the finest of details. How I communicate with people is vitally important...especially when it concerns business. Dollars can be (and are) foolishly lost when one does not make their point(s) crystal clear...I've seen it happen first hand.

If I sent written correspondence to my banker requesting a bump in my business line-of-credit for Too Million Dollars, it's quite possible that one (simple as it may be) error would raise an eyebrow. I doubt I could blame it on the fact I employed one of the Dictation Devices Professor Dipshit famously uses.

Note: for the spelling impaired out there (StandInShit, pay attention) the word TOO was actually supposed to be the number TWO. I can be confusing as hail (errr...HELL), right? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Very witty CB. Enjoyable post in this shithole lol
gfejunkie's Avatar
Well to prove my point of Trump wanting to be Hitler he wants to parade tanks and nukes down the streets of Washington past him standing on a podium in homage to himself.
If this doesn’t bother and or scare even you deplorables then you have no sense of what America is even about.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Would you prefer it be in New York???

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Gentlemen and standing shithead and mystical asswipe.

Since day 1 when Donald Trump announced his intent to run for POTUS I've been a super backer of him. Hey I like the guy and what he does for our country, plus I want another 7 more years of him in the white house.

Sometimes I wish he would back off twitter and keep a bit of a lower profile, but he's still my guy and my president.

When I read about this great parade of our armed services, I was in shock. It isn't against the military, because I think these men and women should get everything they deserve, it's about then unknown factor.

I look at it like this. President Trump won't lose his base, and he won't gain his haters. It's about middle America that can go either Trump or some democRAT.

It's about the illusion of this great parade. Some, like myself, will love it, the Trump haters will hate ti, which is understandable. It's about those who aren't sold on President Trump who may view this POTUS as some ultra conservative 'hawk' who is showing off his military as a source of intimidation.

I truly like President Trump, but he's not perfect and there are too many people like standing shithead that expects his every decision to be perfect.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-09-2018, 09:56 AM

It's about the illusion of this great parade. Some, like myself, will love it.

. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Pay for it then if you love it....charge everyone that wants to go or put it on pay TV. I agree with the Senators below.

“We’re not North Korea, we’re not Russia and we're not China, and I don’t want to be,” Kennedy said. “And for that reason I would be against flaunting our strength. We don’t need to; everybody knows we have it."
Kennedy joins a growing chorus of voices from both sides of the aisle who are voicing criticism over the prospect of holding a military parade in the nation's capital. Some Republicans have backed the idea, though have urged caution.
Sen. Lindsey GrahamL(R-S.C.) said that he would support a parade that focuses on people, not “hardware.”
"I don't mind having a parade honoring the service and sacrifice of our military members," Graham told CNN. "I'm not looking for a Soviet-style hardware display. That's not who we are, it's kind of cheesy and I think it shows weakness, quite frankly."

themystic's Avatar
Gentlemen and standing shithead and mystical asswipe.

Since day 1 when Donald Trump announced his intent to run for POTUS I've been a super backer of him. Hey I like the guy and what he does for our country, plus I want another 7 more years of him in the white house.

Sometimes I wish he would back off twitter and keep a bit of a lower profile, but he's still my guy and my president.

When I read about this great parade of our armed services, I was in shock. It isn't against the military, because I think these men and women should get everything they deserve, it's about then unknown factor.

I look at it like this. President Trump won't lose his base, and he won't gain his haters. It's about middle America that can go either Trump or some democRAT.

It's about the illusion of this great parade. Some, like myself, will love it, the Trump haters will hate ti, which is understandable. It's about those who aren't sold on President Trump who may view this POTUS as some ultra conservative 'hawk' who is showing off his military as a source of intimidation.

I truly like President Trump, but he's not perfect and there are too many people like standing shithead that expects his every decision to be perfect. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Thanks John. An honest opinion from a Trump supporter. Thats as rare as a non white Republican

Since youre being so honest,

Do you honestly think Trump did not communicate, conspire or launder money with the Russians, concerning the 2016 Election?

General Flynn did not conspire with the Russians as charged?

Paul Manafort did not conspire with the Russians as charged?

Poponopolous & Page did not conspire with the Russians as charged?

Hey I know they all got some dirt and know ones perfect, but this is major serious stuff that Trump and his people are calling " fake news". If this is all fake news, I AGREE WITH TRUMP. If its not dont you think the American people have a right to know
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's not going to be the end of the world either way. But I feel like the SEAL in the following article. A bunch of tracked vehicles can damage the streets, the high cost involved in staging the parade, and since we don't generally have large military equipment parades it appears to be an ego display.

Plus I'm tired of listening to the attendance numbers pissing contest.

Even the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden thinks Trump’s military parade is a bad idea
By Marwa Eltagouri February 9 at 5:32 PM Email the author
Trump wanted a parade. He might get one.
The Pentagon and White House are planning a military parade requested by President Trump, breaking with U.S. tradition. (Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post)

Veterans, politicians and many in between are criticizing President Trump’s desire for a grand military parade, believing it to be too costly or too similar to the displays of military might seen in North Korea, China and Russia.

Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill during a deployment to Liberia. (Courtesy of Robert J. O’Neill)
The former Navy SEAL who fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden, for instance, used an expletive to dismiss Trump’s parade in a tweet on Thursday.

“A military parade is third world bulls—-,” wrote Robert James O’Neill. “We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation.”

O’Neill, a Trump supporter who dined with the president at the White House last fall, then said in a tweet Friday, “I simply think a parade is a bad idea. And I used locker room talk….”

O’Neill was among dozens of U.S. Special Operations troops to attack bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout in 2011, and he told The Washington Post’s Joby Warrick in 2014 that he shot the terrorist leader as he took cover in the dark behind his youngest wife.

While Trump has long talked about his wish for a show of military strength, the idea of soldiers marching down boulevards alongside tanks did not seem likely until Jan. 18, when Trump gave the order to top Pentagon generals.

The president said he wanted a parade similar to the annual Bastille Day celebration in Paris, according to a military official who spoke to The Washington Post’s Greg Jaffe and Philip Rucker on the condition of anonymity. Trump was charmed by that parade when he attended last year as a guest of French President Emmanuel Macron.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday that he will give President Trump several options for staging the parade in Washington but declined to share his feelings about the plan.

“I owe him some options,” Mattis told reporters. “We’ll put together options, and we will work everything from size to participation to cost, and when I get clear options, we’ll send those over to the White House, and I’ll go over and talk with them.”

America has not held a large military parade since 1991, when President George H.W. Bush led the celebration down Constitution Avenue to mark the country’s victory in the Persian Gulf War.

Like O’Neill, many are skeptical of the significance and necessity of such fanfare. A parade could cost millions, Jaffe and Rucker reported, as it’s expensive for Abrams tanks and other high-tech hardware to be sent to Washington. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif), an Air Force veteran, tweeted that the parade would be a waste.

Ted Lieu

Dear @POTUS: If you want to honor our troops, here are things more useful than an expensive #militaryparade:
-Have a coherent N Korea strategy
-Nominate US Amb to S Korea
-Have a coherent Afghanistan strategy (we've been in 16 years)
-Have a coherent Syria strategy
-Deter Russia

7:17 AM - Feb 7, 2018
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Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), a Marine veteran who served in Iraq, also said the parade doesn’t make financial sense.

“No one in the world doubts the strength of our military or the professionalism of our men and women in uniform. A parade will not alter that perception. Instead, it will likely prompt ridicule from our friends and foes alike,” he said in a statement.

[Military parades are about ego and power. Of course Trump wants one.]

Other critics of Trump’s parade have called his idea shallow, as the president has never served in the military. Some, like retired Major Gen. Paul Eaton, have even likened the president to an authoritarian dictator.

“The military is not Donald Trump’s to use and abuse in this way. Our military is the very best in the world — they are not to be reduced to stagecraft to prop up Donald Trump’s image. Any commander in chief who respects the traditions of the military would understand that,” Eaton said in a statement through Vote Vets, a left-leaning veterans group.

“Unfortunately, we do not have a commander in chief, right now, as much as we have a wannabe banana republic strongman,” he said.

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) — a friend of Trump — also opposed the parade, telling reporters Wednesday that an event showcasing the country’s military power was “kind of cheesy and a sign of weakness.”

Some think Trump’s parade would be a morale boost for the American people more than a message for other countries.

Ari Fleischer

Ds and most media will decry this, objecting to the costs. When it happens, many Ds won’t like it because it’s militaristic. But most Americans will eat it up. They’ll love the pomp and will take pride in the show of force/honor of the troops.

5:55 PM - Feb 6, 2018

Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade
At the president’s direction, officials say they have begun planning a large-scale military event in Washington, inspired by France’s Bastille Day celebration.
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“Most Americans will eat it up,” former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said in a tweet. “They’ll love the pomp and will take pride in the show of force/honor of the troops.”

O’Neill first entered the public sphere in 2014, when he began talking about his role in Operation Neptune Spear, the covert mission aimed at eliminating bin Laden. As former Washington Post reporter Thomas Gibbons-Neff reported:

O’Neill’s exploits were first described anonymously in a 2013 Esquire article that referred to him only as “The Shooter.” In October 2014, his identity was released to the public after an emotional exchange between O’Neill and family members of those killed during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

O’Neill left the Navy in 2012 as a senior chief petty officer and has since taken up a career in public speaking. According to his personal website, O’Neill participated in more than 400 combat missions and received two Silver Stars and four Bronze Stars with Valor.

He made headlines last year when he defended the military on Fox and Friends, after a Drexel University professor tweeted that he wanted to vomit when he saw a man give up his first-class plane seat for a uniformed soldier.
Gentlemen and standing shithead and mystical asswipe.

Since day 1 when Donald Trump announced his intent to run for POTUS I've been a super backer of him. Hey I like the guy and what he does for our country, plus I want another 7 more years of him in the white house.

Sometimes I wish he would back off twitter and keep a bit of a lower profile, but he's still my guy and my president.

When I read about this great parade of our armed services, I was in shock. It isn't against the military, because I think these men and women should get everything they deserve, it's about then unknown factor.

I look at it like this. President Trump won't lose his base, and he won't gain his haters. It's about middle America that can go either Trump or some democRAT.

It's about the illusion of this great parade. Some, like myself, will love it, the Trump haters will hate ti, which is understandable. It's about those who aren't sold on President Trump who may view this POTUS as some ultra conservative 'hawk' who is showing off his military as a source of intimidation.

I truly like President Trump, but he's not perfect and there are too many people like standing shithead that expects his every decision to be perfect. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Well to prove my point of Trump wanting to be Hitler he wants to parade tanks and nukes down the streets of Washington past him standing on a podium in homage to himself.
If this doesn’t bother and or scare even you deplorables then you have no sense of what America is even about.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Go talk to a counselor he'll help you understand your lunacy, lol.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
military parade...

does anyone understand what Trump was saying about the military parade?

He wanted something similar to what France's military parade put on not what Russia, China or NK does theirs.

the french military parade apparently show cased obsolete equipment along with modern equipment. Its apparently a historical based parade. they also invite other countries to take part.

the U.S. parades based on history could have groups of soldiers wearing period uniforms and equipment from the revolutionary war to present.

I don't have a problem if they do something like that. we'll have to see what plan the pentagon comes up with.