"First Dumb ass learn the definition of racist. A Black man could not by definition be racist. Racist is one who believes there race should be and stay in power and is superior to all other races- so calling me a racist is politically incorrect. "
dude you are a dumb ass, we have had this conversatiuon before and you always seem to leave out the part of the definition you want to so you can hide you beliefs. You remember this discussion dont you, remember when you told me that black people can be racist and you said your nation of Islam brother was not racist by definition.
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–noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine;
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
You might note number 3 of the definition, when you make comments that minorities are in danger than you are implying that they are endanger from the white majority, this is hatred and intolerance. I hate to point this out homeboy but it is possible to be black and a racist. When you promote seperation of the races and infer than one is in danger from the other you are a racist and that is exactly what you did and are.
"How in the hell do you and your wife or your in laws get along?"
We get along very well because unlike you she does not use her race as an excuse to instigate division.
"You are a sick individual DD- this shooting has nothing to do with race."
I am sick you simple simon, if this shooting has nothing to do with race then why the hell did YOU bring race into it. You ran your mouth got called out on it and now your back peddeling. You brought race into this when you said that minorities should be afraid.