Hobbying while pregnant. Why do you do it?

I've fucked two.....each was about to pop and the session was the bomb.

one soaked the sheets several times over

twice she yelled "omfg this session is supposed to be for you "

i couldn't get enough and looking for the next one.
How many people can take 9 months off of work with no income? And, that is only the preggo part. They CAN'T provide for many weeks after they have the baby. I see some calling it desperation but if they are a provider before getting pregnant, why is it all of a sudden desperation after? Seems to me they are just doing their chosen job regardless.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-13-2016, 04:40 PM
It is sad, annoying, and comical all rolled in together to read what some guys believe. It is as if the ladies in this business only exist during sessions. Some guys thing they have no real lives, they have no families, feelings, financial needs, emotional needs, or brains.

Thank you for posting what should be blatantly obvious but still goes over some people's heads.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Their body, their choice.

I'd posit that they have a greater chance of getting in a car accident / slipping on something / other common accidents than having a hobbyist beat them up, so the risk argument doesn't really fly to me.

There are way riskier things you can do while pregnant (smoking, drinking, drugs, etc.) than having sex.
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
I mean no disrespect, but providers who are charging 200 to 300 an hour shouldn't have too many financial problems unless they just can't hold on to their money. I don't make anywhere near that and have money saved even with hobbying. Unless they are not independent and giving 80% to a pimp. I've always wondered how much a provider makes a year. If they see 5 clients a week that's a grand a week cash. That being said I've never seen a pregnant provider but it wouldn't bother me if she were. Like I said, not trying to be disrespectful but they should have plenty money saved if they have been doing this years before or between pregnancies.
I know I'd probably disown my mum if I found out she was a provider sleeping around with men after she conceived me lol. Originally Posted by makav
I hate to break this to you kid but, she was sleeping around WHEN you were conceived. Love, Dad.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Because hooker hook and Johns John..
Never hobbied while pregnant but god was i horny everyday. When do any of us consciously decide what gets us going? We don't, which is why as long as the sex doesnt involve kids or nonconsentual abuse, i think judgements on 'icky-ness' for some should just stay out of it, but since we're also discussing childrearing and life in general, i personally believe all this 'respect for the child, (starting at the zygote stage)...' and not the other way around train of thought is a huge contributer to the devolution of our society in general.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-14-2016, 04:03 PM
I mean no disrespect, but providers who are charging 200 to 300 an hour shouldn't have too many financial problems unless they just can't hold on to their money. I don't make anywhere near that and have money saved even with hobbying. Unless they are not independent and giving 80% to a pimp. I've always wondered how much a provider makes a year. If they see 5 clients a week that's a grand a week cash. That being said I've never seen a pregnant provider but it wouldn't bother me if she were. Like I said, not trying to be disrespectful but they should have plenty money saved if they have been doing this years before or between pregnancies. Originally Posted by Bikerjoe337
As with most guys who try to estimate the average lady's financial situation I am quite certain you overestimate their income, ignore their expences, and assume they pay no taxes.
I find it extremely sexy and hot!
I agree with you when I see a pregnant provider. But I also wonder who or do they even know who they are pregnant by and was it planned. I also think the guy must not take any responsibility for the women and the unborn child to be ok with her continuing to work while pregnant.I just couldn't see myself doing it and with the amount of free birth control that we have access to there is no excuse for it.
That's a big demand pregnant hookers....I see ad on Craigslist.Pregnant hooker raked in the money at the Bunny Ranch.
Guest072118's Avatar
As with most guys who try to estimate the average lady's financial situation I am quite certain you overestimate their income, ignore their expences, and assume they pay no taxes. Originally Posted by Old-T
Thank you... cause this ho pays taxes and calculates expenses.
that "whore mentality" is stick in her head forever ..once a whore always a whore.....
not everyone plans a pregnancy. i know, i know... the op just bought a glass house and ran out of windex so now he is just projecting on others "bad decisions.... "

but seriously, i would be more concerned that i gave money to an escort who had other issues, some forbidden topic and some just down right sad then if she was having a baby.

most people dont plan to be able to take 9 months away from income. i have three set aside in case something were to happen, but nine? i would be on the phone with my mom crying in a minute. rather them get on government assistance? either way, youll be paying for it. either way youll be getting fucked. your choice which option is better.

blood3, wow. how long did it take you to come up with that insult? im impressed.