What if you meet a provider in public...

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
It was awesome. We have known each other for a long time and she new it would be cool with me.

Never bought a drink for a guy? I can understand that, for most guys it just send the "all systems go."

Buying drinks for a lady takes a bit of style. If she is out with the gals, always buy a round for the entire table. When they look your way, make brief eye contact with the one you are interested in, smile, nod or raise your own glass slightly. Then, do nothing, go back to chatting with your friends. Play coy.

Let her make the next move, either thanking you for the drink or sending one in return. If neither happens, she is not interested.
SFviii's Avatar
Buying drinks for a lady takes a bit of style. If she is out with the gals, always buy a round for the entire table. When they look your way, make brief eye contact with the one you are interested in, smile, nod or raise your own glass slightly. Then, do nothing, go back to chatting with your friends. Play coy.

Let her make the next move, either thanking you for the drink or sending one in return. If neither happens, she is not interested. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
It sounds oddly familiar to an excerpt of "How to pick up chicks in a bar 101."

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
It sounds oddly familiar to an excerpt of "How to pick up chicks in a bar 101."

SF8 Originally Posted by shootfighter08
Hmm, I've never read those type of books, always more of a freelancer myself. Closet I came was reading "Our Bodies, Ourselves" that an old GF had. Gave a 19 yr old kid some insight.

But, hey, i don't judge. If you need to read pick-up books to get laid, hope it worked for you.
Hmm, I've never read those type of books, always more of a freelancer myself. Closet I came was reading "Our Bodies, Ourselves" that an old GF had. Gave a 19 yr old kid some insight.

But, hey, i don't judge. If you need to read pick-up books to get laid, hope it worked for you. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
Hey at least they are reading. Always good to keep the mind filled with new information. I have never known anyone to say "You read too many books" like they say about watching television. No book is a bad book, just some more interesting and enjoyable to us than others.

I have always been a fan of the guy that comes over to our group and says, "Hey my friends and I were going to do a shot. You girls want to join us." Then we say "Oh that's okay, but thank you so much for asking." Then he says, "Oh come on. One shot won't kill you." We look at each other, and agree to do the shot. After the shots are thrown down, we thank them and then its always amusing to sit back and watch how they begin to feel us out (not "up" LOL) and make their moves accordingly. I like the group shot offer as it poses no real threats that can be sensed from a guy who buys an individual girl a drink, knowing that his only mission is to have her naked in his bed in a few hours LOL.
SFviii's Avatar
Hmm, I've never read those type of books, always more of a freelancer myself. Closet I came was reading "Our Bodies, Ourselves" that an old GF had. Gave a 19 yr old kid some insight.

But, hey, i don't judge. If you need to read pick-up books to get laid, hope it worked for you. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
There's no such things as a pick-up book if that is your thought process. It was a joke in reference to an article in playboy that said the same thing you said. Not original! But hey, I don't judge either.
This would be a good thread for some provider input. I know I have come across dancers outside of the work place that I didn't acknowledge but they still said "Hello" to me in public. I respond it back and held a little chit chat with them.
BiggestBest's Avatar
This would be a good thread for some provider input. I know I have come across dancers outside of the work place that I didn't acknowledge but they still said "Hello" to me in public. Originally Posted by alalvin
You've raised an interesting question. I get the impression that MOST of the friends of the average dancer know what they do. And MOST of the friends of the average provider don't know. I have no facts to back that impression.

Starry69's Avatar
I met a provider I've seen several times at movie theater several years ago. She looked kind of startled to see me and then made it clear she didn't want to talk so I just went my way.

I would say it's best to leave it up to the provider. If she wants to be friendly then have a conversation, if not that's OK too.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
There's no such things as a pick-up book if that is your thought process. It was a joke in reference to an article in playboy that said the same thing you said. Not original! But hey, I don't judge either. Originally Posted by shootfighter08
Thanks for letting me know it was in Playboy. Those bastards owe me some money for using my intelligical property since 1979.

You think I stole the info from Playboy, I don't think I did. I will give you that perhaps it could have been sibliminal if the article was published before 1995. I stopped reading Playboy when the models were now old enough to be my daughter, because one never knows where there seeds may have been sown.

Either way, I don't think anyone else on the board cares and I don't think a pissing contest is need about it. So let's just put it to rest.
SFviii's Avatar
Thanks for letting me know it was in Playboy. Those bastards owe me some money for using my intelligical property since 1979.

You think I stole the info from Playboy, I don't think I did. I will give you that perhaps it could have been sibliminal if the article was published before 1995. I stopped reading Playboy when the models were now old enough to be my daughter, because one never knows where there seeds may have been sown.

Either way, I don't think anyone else on the board cares and I don't think a pissing contest is need about it. So let's just put it to rest. Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
Rest???? I totally agree that you should litigate those bastards for millions for intelectual piracy. LOL!

I never said you stole anything...it was just uncanny that your words were similar in which I assumed you were quoting that Playboy article ('86). But you didn't...so yes, let's move on and happy hobbying.

But before we get there, one last word on Playboy and intellectual property theft. Playboy gets their "articles", which of course is all we ever want from Playboy, from many different correspondents. Perhaps someone at one point caught the "pick up" lines of Big Mike back in the early 80's. Who knows, or cares. Those of us old enough to remember the old Playboy Clubs no doubt have daughters, both known and unknown, that could have given birth to today's Playmate centerfolds.

Just in the last year, on 3 separate occasions, I've had strippers buy ME a drink. Personally, I applaud the marketing strategy and hope it continues to become a national trend.
Omahan's Avatar
I met a provider I've seen several times at movie theater several years ago. She looked kind of startled to see me and then made it clear she didn't want to talk so I just went my way.

I would say it's best to leave it up to the provider. If she wants to be friendly then have a conversation, if not that's OK too. Originally Posted by Starry69

I think you are somewhat on the right track but it's best to leave it up to the provider is not right IMO. What about the client's need for discretion? He has a right to decide too. It is probably better to just avoid contact unless you know each other well enough to know it's OK.
Starry69's Avatar
I think you are somewhat on the right track but it's best to leave it up to the provider is not right IMO. What about the client's need for discretion? He has a right to decide too. It is probably better to just avoid contact unless you know each other well enough to know it's OK. Originally Posted by Omahan
For sure, I guess I took that for granted. If either person looks uncomfortable it's best to just pass by.

I was thinking that even if you were with your SO, your mom, or whoever, just saying hi to somebody is pretty natural. It could be a lady you work with, a friends sister, or whatever. You just got to shrug off the first reaction of surprise.

You probably don't need to tell your Mom that this lady gives the best BBBJ you've ever had!
Funny, it just happened to me yesterday. I was in the gas station, and a provider walked in. I knew her apartment/incall was very close by, and I wasn't sure if she wanted her real life and hobby world to collide (she may go in this station all the time). So, I just hung out looking at junk food until she left.
john_galt's Avatar
I guess I have an advantage over some by being single. I'm not that embarrassed by any extracurricular activities that I engage in though I do understand professional concerns. I would love the opportunity to talk to some of my providers in the off hours. I am curious about them and hope that they would be willing to talk that or anything else. That is one of my pastimes; learning about other people through conversation. When I lived in New London, CT I found that I lived in the street walker zone just off the main drag. Not a bad neighborhood by any means but was just the place that the action happened. I met a few SWs on the job and they knew where I lived. At times they came by to get off their feet or out of the cold. Once in a great while we would conduct business but mostly it was just conversation.