I Expect Net Neutrality To Shut Eccie Down or Severely Limit It's Ability To Operate

What is Net Neutrality?

It is basically the Internet’s guiding principle that preserves our right to communicate freely online. Basically it's protected free speech online against ISP's. Right now ISP's are required to provide us with open networks and are not allowed to block or discriminate against any apps or content they may deem offensive. Without these rules in place anything you view or post online is subject to being blocked, interfered with, or severely slowed down. Again if they don't agree with it they can shut it down...and it just so happens that it's highly likely they all may not like ECCIE...and let's be honest...they don't like ECCIE if for no other reason that political expediency.

It's my opinion that the Eccie shareholders / owners will suffer from an over turn of Net Neutrality as their advertisers and customer base will start to shrink up. Ohh and while I'm at it...I'd be remiss if I didn't say you folks can thank Republicans for this good ole change request attacking your freedoms.... So now what are you good people going to do once you try to login and can't because your ISP is part of the discriminatory right wing religious think tank or the insane left wing puritans who think everything should be unicorns and rainbows.

The ruling will be handed down Dec 14th and if Net Neutrality does not prevail expect a major change to your ability to access this site starting next week. Not sure how long it will be before ISP Gustapo start acting gangsta as a result.

Good luck to you all. Armageddon is upon us and I see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. grrrr....

I'm scared

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Umm.. NO.. Net Neutrality won't affect ECCIE as it is a website that does not stream videos or operate on some weird network port (it runs on 80 for web and 81 for secure weg - IE HTTPS) certain types of sites & services that stream video, TV, music etc use A LOT of the Internet Highway. Some companies want to throttle back those services so there is more bandwidth.

Think of it like oversized loads on the freeway that take up 2 lanes.. it causes slow downs and fewer cars can be on the freeway when they are en route.

No what will effect ECCIE is a modification of the Computer Decency Act part 230 in which they are proposing that a website owner/operator can be legally held responsible for any and all content posted by their users.

In other words if users post something illegal, the site owner/operated could be legally responsible and face charges. For now the goal is to reduce the human trafficking stuff but we all know it is a slippery slope.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Umm.. NO.. Net Neutrality won't affect ECCIE as it is a website that does not stream videos or operate on some weird network port (it runs on 80 for web and 81 for secure weg - IE HTTPS) certain types of sites & services that stream video, TV, music etc use A LOT of the Internet Highway. Some companies want to throttle back those services so there is more bandwidth.

Think of it like oversized loads on the freeway that take up 2 lanes.. it causes slow downs and fewer cars can be on the freeway when they are en route.

No what will effect ECCIE is a modification of the Computer Decency Act part 230 in which they are proposing that a website owner/operator can be legally held responsible for any and all content posted by their users.

In other words if users post something illegal, the site owner/operated could be legally responsible and face charges. For now the goal is to reduce the human trafficking stuff but we all know it is a slippery slope. Originally Posted by Lincoln.F.Stern
I can appreciate this response as I dont know about all the services Eccie offers with their multiple layers of access as you either pay or write reviews to obtain.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
SC, you must’ve been crushed at Congressman Al Green’s dismal failure to get Trump impeached last week.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
SC, you must’ve been crushed at Congressman Al Green’s dismal failure to get Trump impeached last week. Originally Posted by Curved65
No..and learn to stick to the topic even if the subject material goes over your head...as you know we wont get a chance to impeach Trump until we take back the House and Senate..once that happens then we are good... that vote last week was a symbolic gesture for the Dem base. You folks really arent Progressive thinkers you dont know whats going on out here...such a non strategic mindset yall have...dont worry Trump's impeachment day is coming if he doesnt die of natural causes sooner.

However, I am proud of the great Congressman Al Green for this Gem.

bigwill832's Avatar
I love it when S13 starts yammering all over the place and going on tangents he can't return from. Lemme tell ya sumthin...Im gunna let you...Haha...and other typical starts will be he response. I'm sure there's a couple that I left out.


I can appreciate this response as I dont know about all the services Eccie offers with their multiple layers of access as you either pay or write reviews to obtain. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Are you a member of the EFF like I am? do you work in the fields that pertain to the Internet?

Net Neutrality is more about the big companies not having to spend $$$ to provide as high a speed to their end users as well as constantly improving their own network backbones.

Fact: in the late 90's ISP's could be run on a single T-3 (T-1 was 1.54 mbit up and down, t-3 was 45 mbit) and users had dialup at 56 kilobits or about 5 kilobytes (8 bits to a byte) per second.

As higher speeds were extended to the end user, the providers had to up their own backbones.. which cost HUGH! I worked at Everyone's Internet and I was well up in the company to have access to a lot of the behind the scenes stuff.. when you replace a router that cost 10 grand that can handle 1000 users with one that cost 60 grand that can handle 10,000 users and at a higher up/downlink on a distribution ring it gets pricey.

Point is that certain types of Internet traffic users more bandwidth.

Web browsing like we do here uses very little and for a short time.. like a small burst. Torrenting files be them legit files or pirate uses A LOT of bandwidth. Movie streaming, your HULU or NetFlix... the higher resolution you watch it at, the more bandwidth you use.

Think of it like a toll road, you pay to use it and you can can avoid red lights and go at a higher speed but you pay for that use.

net neutrality means treat all internet traffic the SAME, regardless of its content.

The Computer Decency Act was set up in 1996 and was done so to slow down/prevent the tidal wave of porn that was appearing on the net. As digital imaging technology got better and everyone has a digital camera/camcorder in their phone, that wave which was in 1996 5 foot tall is now 500 feet talk and it keeps on coming.

part 230 wants to make website owners responsible for their user's posted content. In other words the owner's of ECCIE would become directly responsible for the services advertised on here by the ladies. See where this is going?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm an aspiring community organizer. and I understand clearly and conceptually the technical details of your points..however, for me its all about the slippery slope for blocking content... now we are better off leaving Net Neut as it currently is.Torrents and Movie Streams today and tomorrow its something totally differnt once they rescind...and yes back in the day I pirated everything off the dark web I do that less now.
I'm an aspiring community organizer. and I understand clearly and conceptually the technical details of your points..however, for me its all about the slippery slope for blocking content... now we are better off leaving Net Neut as it currently is.Torrents and Movie Streams today and tomorrow its something totally differnt once they rescind...and yes back in the day I pirated everything off the dark web I do that less now. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I still do not think you grasp this.. Net Neutrality and the CDA deal with 2 different things.

One address's the content of a site and it cares less at what speeds it is served up at, the other deals with throttling down certain types of website because the content they serve up is a constant stream of data that ties up the bandwidth for a while and has NOTHING to do with the content it is serving.

Please research both ok?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Coed Discussions - Houston Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

On your forehead.
I'm an aspiring community organizer. and I understand clearly and conceptually the technical details of your points..however, for me its all about the slippery slope for blocking content... now we are better off leaving Net Neut as it currently is.Torrents and Movie Streams today and tomorrow its something totally differnt once they rescind...and yes back in the day I pirated everything off the dark web I do that less now. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
To paraphrase, you used to be a bandwith hog on a cheap internet connection, slowing everyone else down, while illegally downloading digital content that you didn't pay for.

You object to the companies improving web experiences for the majority of people, in order to protect your right to continue to do so.

Finally, your ability to teach people to grift off the government(be a community organizer) depends on the right to be a content stealing bandwith hog.

To rationalize this, you are making the false claim that web providers are going to block access adult sites based on legal content(not bandwith use), which is illegal, and will always be illegal.

Got it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I still do not think you grasp this.. Net Neutrality and the CDA deal with 2 different things.

One address's the content of a site and it cares less at what speeds it is served up at, the other deals with throttling down certain types of website because the content they serve up is a constant stream of data that ties up the bandwidth for a while and has NOTHING to do with the content it is serving.

Please research both ok? Originally Posted by Lincoln.F.Stern
i get it... i guess my point as it pertains to streaming content is why should I be concerned... there is no cost savings passed on to me (as the consumer) because of this throttling... it only benefits the ISP...whatever saved bandwidth they're claiming will end up being cost neutral to me...No?

and if there is such a clear delineation as you say then repealing it should be a pretty straight forward excerise...but its not.
You can explain to sc all you want but he will never "get it"
He's too blinded by his animosity and ignorance.
I feel sorry for him.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
Have you come to understand that Net Neutrality is not going to infringe on your right to free speech or discriminate against certain sites? Which was the point of your OP?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You can explain to sc all you want but he will never "get it"
He's too blinded by his animosity and ignorance.
I feel sorry for him. Originally Posted by tbone2u

awe sweetie....

i dont mind learning when the Professor is knowledgeable.. Lincoln is knowlegeable.....but I also challenge while I learn... a technique you'll have to master in another life