Who do ya got? PA GOP Primary for Senate

bambino's Avatar


The bottom line is, Fetterman and the Dems will destroy her. Originally Posted by bambino
Barnette Tweets and Breitbart are Oz Media? Really? The Breitbart piece posted the same documents you did. And Parnell and another Colonel are still skeptical about her record. Gregg Kelly also is. That’s 3 WAR veterans. Are they somehow Oz sycophants? I listened to her speak. My bullshit detector went off. So who’s being played? I’m not voting for her. I’m also skeptical of Oz. It has nothing to do with the media as you suggest. At the end of the day, I’ll vote for whomever wins the primary in the general.

BTW I meant to quote BB. Post 29


I wouldn’t be surprised if a bombshell hits before Tuesday.


I trust Trump far more than Bannon. Or Pompeo.
berryberry's Avatar
Barnette Tweets and Breitbart are Oz Media? Really? The Breitbart piece posted the same documents you did. And Parnell and another Colonel are still skeptical about her record. Gregg Kelly also is. That’s 3 WAR veterans. Are they somehow Oz sycophants? I listened to her speak. My bullshit detector went off. So who’s being played? I’m not voting for her. I’m also skeptical of Oz. It has nothing to do with the media as you suggest. At the end of the day, I’ll vote for whomever wins the primary in the general.

BTW I meant to quote BB. Post 29


I wouldn’t be surprised if a bombshell hits before Tuesday.


I trust Trump far more than Bannon. Or Pompeo. Originally Posted by bambino
No - Breitbart is not OZ media. But what I said was this was all part of the coordinated attack by OZ. The selective tweets in that Citizens Press hit job? Leaving out others of course

And Breitbart's article actually debunked Hannity and Kelly's false claims. But ask yourself why the news stories, the BS claims, etc all hit the same day. With fake videos and lies put out by Hannity and Kelly and Grenell using classic liberal misinformation techniques.

As to Parnell - he's endorsed McCormick so of course he is not going to be pushing Barnette.

As to her military record - the records were released for all to see. Anyone still pushing that line of questions has an agenda

Gregg Kelly has his head buried so far up OZ's ass it isn't funny. He is still trying to share the fake edited video he originally pushed. He is a piece of trash for doing so and yes, an Oz sycophant

Trump is out of touch on this one. Hannity has been an OZ sycophant for some time and most people believe the only reason Trump endorsed liberal OZ is because Hannity pushed him to do so. So on this one, I will go with Steve Bannon.

There is no doubt Barnette is much more unknown than the others in the race but you also need a candidate who comes across as genuine to go up against Fetterman. That ain't OZ. Oz would get trounced by Fetterman, as a disgenuine NJ carpetbagger. Plus OZ's liberal elitist past would deflate MAGA turnout.

Remember, my preference initially was McCormick but if Barnette has the best chance to defeat Oz, she has my vote. If something big (and not more fake Hannity / Kelly bullshit) comes out in the meantime, I will reconsider and continue backing McCormick. But there is no way I can ever vote for Oz, now or in November. And I know lot's of people who think the same about him. No sense electing RINO's just because they have an R next to their name
bambino's Avatar

Jack Posobiec is pushing Kathy Barnett hard.

His entire day has been dedicated to trash Dr. Oz and promote Barnett. ��

I thought reporters were supposed to have no bias. There’s some agenda behind this.

There’s a reason why Trump endorsed Dr. Oz.

Trust Trump.
Not Jack Posobiec.


Oz media or Barnette media? Just sayin
bambino's Avatar
No - Breitbart is not OZ media. But what I said was this was all part of the coordinated attack by OZ. The selective tweets in that Citizens Press hit job? Leaving out others of course

And Breitbart's article actually debunked Hannity and Kelly's false claims. But ask yourself why the news stories, the BS claims, etc all hit the same day. With fake videos and lies put out by Hannity and Kelly and Grenell using classic liberal misinformation techniques.

As to Parnell - he's endorsed McCormick so of course he is not going to be pushing Barnette.

As to her military record - the records were released for all to see. Anyone still pushing that line of questions has an agenda

Gregg Kelly has his head buried so far up OZ's ass it isn't funny. He is still trying to share the fake edited video he originally pushed. He is a piece of trash for doing so and yes, an Oz sycophant

Trump is out of touch on this one. Hannity has been an OZ sycophant for some time and most people believe the only reason Trump endorsed liberal OZ is because Hannity pushed him to do so. So on this one, I will go with Steve Bannon.

There is no doubt Barnette is much more unknown than the others in the race but you also need a candidate who comes across as genuine to go up against Fetterman. That ain't OZ. Oz would get trounced by Fetterman, as a disgenuine NJ carpetbagger. Plus OZ's liberal elitist past would deflate MAGA turnout.

Remember, my preference initially was McCormick but if Barnette has the best chance to defeat Oz, she has my vote. If something big (and not more fake Hannity / Kelly bullshit) comes out in the meantime, I will reconsider and continue backing McCormick. But there is no way I can ever vote for Oz, now or in November. And I know lot's of people who think the same about him. No sense electing RINO's just because they have an R next to their name Originally Posted by berryberry
Well, I can tell you this, I’m not duped by any media. For over a decade. Check my posts in the PF. They go back a long way. I’m no Johnny come lately. I’m connecting the dots. From what I read and see. I came to the conclusion that somethings wrong with Barnette. Trump said it in his last tweet. But, if she wins, he’ll support her. So will I. Trump has read all the classified info. I agree with that. Unlike the rest of us. He said she’s not vetted, and some things need to be explained. That will ultimately be her downfall. I’ll bet you a steak dinner and drinks.
... Trump is starting to turn me... Maybe Doctor Oz really IS
the best o' the lot.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar

Jack Posobiec is pushing Kathy Barnett hard.

His entire day has been dedicated to trash Dr. Oz and promote Barnett. ��

I thought reporters were supposed to have no bias. There’s some agenda behind this.

There’s a reason why Trump endorsed Dr. Oz.

Trust Trump.
Not Jack Posobiec.


Oz media or Barnette media? Just sayin Originally Posted by bambino
Jack has been anti-OZ for some time. Remember Philly is Jack's hometown. He is familiar with OZ and knows he is a liberal carpetbagger

He has been active on this today and last evening because he got pissed off by the coordinated hits with fake videos and lies from Hannity, Kelly and Grenell.

And by trashing OZ - you mean posting actual videos and comments made by Oz? Because that is all he has done. Not fake ones - real ones
berryberry's Avatar
Well, I can tell you this, I’m not duped by any media. For over a decade. Check my posts in the PF. They go back a long way. I’m no Johnny come lately. I’m connecting the dots. From what I read and see. I came to the conclusion that somethings wrong with Barnette. Trump said it in his last tweet. But, if she wins, he’ll support her. So will I. Trump has read all the classified info. I agree with that. Unlike the rest of us. He said she’s not vetted, and some things need to be explained. That will ultimately be her downfall. I’ll bet you a steak dinner and drinks. Originally Posted by bambino
Trump is just covering his bases in that tweet - trying to support OZ but giving himself an out if Barnette wins

And there is no classified info Trump read about Barnette. Come on - Trump didn't know who she was until a week ago. How could he read any classified info.

I don't disagree with you that she is mainly an unknown and therefore not as vetted as the two guys who have been spending millions in the race. It could be her downfall, it could be just the type of genuine attitude people want and need to beat Fetterman. No doubt she is a risk but no doubt she is NOT a RINO when we all know Oz is.

Anyway, we will see. But Congressman Burgess Owens came out today supporting Barnette as did a former Trump appointee.

Burgess Owens - My friend Jack Brewer knows what he's talking about. Looking forward to seeing what @Kathy4Truth accomplishes in the Senate.


Former Trump appointee calls his endorsement of Dr. Oz 'wrong,' supports Kathy Barnette in Pennsylvania

Former Trump appointee Jack Brewer came out in support of Kathy Barnette in the Pennsylvania GOP primary, saying former President Trump was wrong to endorse Dr. Mehmet Oz.

"I am here today to endorse Kathy Barnette for U.S. Senate in the state of Pennsylvania," Brewer said in a video message Thursday. "As a former Philadelphia Eagle, I understand the issues that are facing so many of the underserved across that state. And I'll tell you what, Trump got this one wrong. Dr. Oz just does not represent American Christian principles that this nation was founded on."

Brewer, a former NFL player who served on Trump's Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys, made his endorsement one day after anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List endorsed Barnette over Oz.

"We are excited to endorse Kathy Barnette for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania," said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser in a statement. "Kathy is a courageous advocate for life who exposes the human cost of abortion. "

Brewer said that the country is facing "spiritual battles" that are "attacking our country from its core," while defending her against what he called slanderous media coverage.

Polls show a tight race between Oz and Barnette, who are the top two of the three candidates in the running. According to the Real Clear Politics polling average, Oz currently has a 2.3 point lead over Barnette. Former Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury David McCormick is currently running in third, trailing Barnette by less than one point in the polling aggregate.

But Brewer believes Barnette is the best choice in the race, citing her principles and service in the U.S. military.

"Kathy Barnette understands, she's a real warrior. She served in the U.S. military and will continue to serve and represent the people of Pennsylvania through her time in the senate," Brewer said. "I know this woman, she's a principled lady, and we got to get her in D.C."

bambino's Avatar
Trump is just covering his bases in that tweet - trying to support OZ but giving himself an out if Barnette wins

And there is no classified info Trump read about Barnette. Come on - Trump didn't know who she was until a week ago. How could he read any classified info.

I don't disagree with you that she is mainly an unknown and therefore not as vetted as the two guys who have been spending millions in the race. It could be her downfall, it could be just the type of genuine attitude people want and need to beat Fetterman. No doubt she is a risk but no doubt she is NOT a RINO when we all know Oz is.

Anyway, we will see. But Congressman Burgess Owens came out today supporting Barnette as did a former Trump appointee.

Burgess Owens - My friend Jack Brewer knows what he's talking about. Looking forward to seeing what @Kathy4Truth accomplishes in the Senate.


Former Trump appointee calls his endorsement of Dr. Oz 'wrong,' supports Kathy Barnette in Pennsylvania

Former Trump appointee Jack Brewer came out in support of Kathy Barnette in the Pennsylvania GOP primary, saying former President Trump was wrong to endorse Dr. Mehmet Oz.

"I am here today to endorse Kathy Barnette for U.S. Senate in the state of Pennsylvania," Brewer said in a video message Thursday. "As a former Philadelphia Eagle, I understand the issues that are facing so many of the underserved across that state. And I'll tell you what, Trump got this one wrong. Dr. Oz just does not represent American Christian principles that this nation was founded on."

Brewer, a former NFL player who served on Trump's Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys, made his endorsement one day after anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List endorsed Barnette over Oz.

"We are excited to endorse Kathy Barnette for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania," said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser in a statement. "Kathy is a courageous advocate for life who exposes the human cost of abortion. "

Brewer said that the country is facing "spiritual battles" that are "attacking our country from its core," while defending her against what he called slanderous media coverage.

Polls show a tight race between Oz and Barnette, who are the top two of the three candidates in the running. According to the Real Clear Politics polling average, Oz currently has a 2.3 point lead over Barnette. Former Under Secretary of the U.S. Treasury David McCormick is currently running in third, trailing Barnette by less than one point in the polling aggregate.

But Brewer believes Barnette is the best choice in the race, citing her principles and service in the U.S. military.

"Kathy Barnette understands, she's a real warrior. She served in the U.S. military and will continue to serve and represent the people of Pennsylvania through her time in the senate," Brewer said. "I know this woman, she's a principled lady, and we got to get her in D.C."

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bre...kathy-barnette Originally Posted by berryberry
Look Bro, this is your OPINION. As mine is. I’m not telling anyone who to vote for and not saying you’re somehow “duped” for not supporting my OPINION. I thought you were a little out of line there. Vote for who ever floats your boat. It’s all we can do. Let the chips fall where they may.
berryberry's Avatar
Look Bro, this is your OPINION. As mine is. I’m not telling anyone who to vote for and not saying you’re somehow “duped” for not supporting my OPINION. I thought you were a little out of line there. Vote for who ever floats your boat. It’s all we can do. Let the chips fall where they may. Originally Posted by bambino
Bam my friend - of course I am posting my opinion as are you. But I never told you or anyone how to vote in this race (and to be fair neither did you). I have even posted how I preferred McCormick but have moved to Barnette just recently

And unless I am wrong, I never used the term duped. I did say "you are being played by Oz media cronies" and that was only in relation to the fake edited video Greg Kelly was pushing - and the lies about her military service Hannity and Kelly were pushing. I think that was a fair statement that Hannity and Kelly are trying to deceive / play people (not you per se but the entire public)

Everyone here needs to vote who they believe is best - we are on the same page . Anyway I think this has been a good discussion of the candidates
berryberry's Avatar
This woman while not well known is obviously a fighter.

Let's see if Hannity has the balls to do this. Although she would be better off doing this on Tucker Carlson's show where she would get a fair shake which she won't from Hannity if he can manage to pull his head out of OZ's ass

Kathy Barnette - @Kathy4Truth - 1h

If @SeanHannity wants to claim his show is “fair and balanced,” then bring me on, in-studio with @DrOz and let’s have a fair and balanced discussion.

I'm blocking out 9pm on Monday, just for you Sean.

Ratings will be huge! See you then.
bambino's Avatar
This woman while not well know is obviously a fighter.

Let's see if Hannity has the balls to do this. Although she would be better off doing this on Tucker Carlson's show where she would get a fair shake which she won't from Hannity if he can manage to pull his head out of OZ's ass

Kathy Barnette - @Kathy4Truth - 1h

If @SeanHannity wants to claim his show is “fair and balanced,” then bring me on, in-studio with @DrOz and let’s have a fair and balanced discussion.

I'm blocking out 9pm on Monday, just for you Sean.

Ratings will be huge! See you then.
Originally Posted by berryberry
“Bam - sorry my friend but you are being played by Oz media”

PLAYED, DUPED. What’s the difference? I’m not either played nor duped by anyone.
berryberry's Avatar
“Bam - sorry my friend but you are being played by Oz media”

Played, DUPED. What’s the difference? Originally Posted by bambino
OK, but what would you call it when Kelly and Hannity clearly put out a fake video and fake information to the public? What exactly is their goal? They are playing people. I guess I could have said they are lieing to people. Same difference

It wasn't about you - it was about their deceitful actions
Brother bam, my opinion, for what it’s worth to you (and I assume that’s slim to none), oz is phony as a 3 dollar bill.
bambino's Avatar
OK, but what would you call it when Kelly and Hannity clearly put out a fake video and fake information to the public? What exactly is their goal? They are playing people. I guess I could have said they are lieing to people. Same difference

It wasn't about you - it was about their deceitful actions Originally Posted by berryberry
If you say so. I’m losing faith in you. I’ve been ahead of the mockingbird media. I know what it is. As Trump would, best of luck.

“Bam - sorry my friend but you are being played by Oz media “
bambino's Avatar
Brother bam, my opinion, for what it’s worth to you (and I assume that’s slim to none), oz is phony as a 3 dollar bill. Originally Posted by Loretta77
Most are. I said was a skeptic.