
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-30-2023, 01:48 PM
You think the younger entry girls aren't ran through as much as the entry 40+?? That's laughable at best.. most 49+are wayyy more selective on who they bring inside. Most 18 yo are taking any and every appointment as soon and fast as possible( one could argue that's why clockwatching is a real thing it's always with some 18 to 25 y.o that it's reported,but they have b2b appointments to keep. And like other ladies have hinted at most are pimped there's quotas even fir the web girls . And heres a hint :the more they make above their quota the higher their daily quotas become and if not well their beauty fades for a few weeks and nobody wants that) Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo
Yes! The older hookers are more ran through, most are bitter and a lot of them hate Men, to suggest that the young one's all have pimps is crazy and a poor defense for the grannies.

The reality is Men prefer youthful and beauty without having to put a mask on or heavy Photoshop glamour pics to get them to call, like I said before, there's someone for everybody
DoubleEagle's Avatar
When the young ladies get in the biz they are taught one line and one line only. You contact them and set up 1hr appointment. You arrive and get down to the fun. Fifteen minutes in she asks “Have you cum yet? You need to cum now. I don’t have all day.” There goes Mr Wiggly and all is lost.
When the young ladies get in the biz they are taught one line and one line only. You contact them and set up 1hr appointment. You arrive and get down to the fun. Fifteen minutes in she asks “Have you cum yet? You need to cum now. I don’t have all day.” There goes Mr Wiggly and all is lost. Originally Posted by DoubleEagle
So you’re saying you had time to spare after tapping a young lovely, lol, just kidding.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Blue pills work wonders on the older generation. When u get my age u will c. LOL.
Blue pills work wonders on the older generation. When u get my age u will c. LOL. Originally Posted by DoubleEagle
I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on some blue pills. I’m doing okay for now, but it’s inevitable.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Not every older lady that's in the hobby now was in the hobby in her young adult years.. I REMEMBER SLAYERS MEET AND GREET( CHAROCOAL) one yr. I met through him alot of older ladies and me being me liked to soak up knowledge when available... but alot were married 15-30 yrs. Got divorced and was just done with having a man permanently in the house but they wanted their fun too. Just cus a lady posts she's 59 doesn't mean she's been working or even aware of the hobby all her adult years.. now I understand in this day and age the hobby is everywhere like pimp c said " pimping ain't dead it just moved to the web"...but the web wasn't a thing till the late 80s early 90s Google itself wasn't launched till 1999 and that's when hobbling took off.. for the gene ( ughh don't kill me here I'm bad at this) z???... alot of women were married in college and homebodies most of their 20 and 30s and all they knew of were strip clubs and street corners.. some may have been professionals till later in life... don't judge a book by its cover...
I wonder what the end game for an older lady involved in this hobby is, hopefully money was invested in some way to keep herself comfortable when she does exit.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-30-2023, 06:35 PM
I wonder what the end game for an older lady involved in this hobby is, hopefully money was invested in some way to keep herself comfortable when she does exit. Originally Posted by arañanegra
To be like Sherry, she's almost 90yr and still turning tricks
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Yall are cold.. all I'm saying is be nice diff strokes for dif folks but in the end we are all squirrels looking for a nut ( in some form or the other) but there's no reason to insult a mature,professional companion..but as I say that some of us ladies have age requirements as well ( and they usually don't favor the young) its weird how that works huh? Lol.. anyways hope all of you have great evenings and great holidays.. I simply poke my head in every once and awhile just to stay active status. You all play nice ya hear..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-30-2023, 08:35 PM
Nobody is insulting anybody, you older hookers have guys who desire you all. There's someone for everyone here
DoubleEagle's Avatar
You are very correct Ms Lovely. If any guy would see Ms Anastasia they would see that she can keep up with any lady in their 20’s and 30’s with very little effort.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-01-2023, 04:19 AM
This dude tells the truth in video/older dudes, 40's & 50's/older manipulate younger women
Cendell M's Avatar
Yes! The older hookers are more ran through, most are bitter and a lot of them hate Men, to suggest that the young one's all have pimps is crazy and a poor defense for the grannies.

The reality is Men prefer youthful and beauty without having to put a mask on or heavy Photoshop glamour pics to get them to call, like I said before, there's someone for everybody Originally Posted by BLM69
This is a review boards perspective, y’all don’t even make up half of the hobby guys soooo uh yeah. I think your wrong

And most young ones are pimped so if you want to call me a grannie because I speak the truth well so be it. Y’all talk shit about us what about you guys, y’all all ain’t right either, I don’t give a damn if you the buyer theres lots of things we won’t put up with no matter how much the money!! Bad hygiene assholes not respecting boundaries haggling etc…

We can be picky to just saying….
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Just stopping by for a few seconds,
Then over to Austin, followed by upper midwest.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-01-2023, 04:39 PM
This is a review boards perspective, y’all don’t even make up half of the hobby guys soooo uh yeah. I think your wrong

And most young ones are pimped so if you want to call me a grannie because I speak the truth well so be it. Y’all talk shit about us what about you guys, y’all all ain’t right either, I don’t give a damn if you the buyer theres lots of things we won’t put up with no matter how much the money!! Bad hygiene assholes not respecting boundaries haggling etc…

We can be picky to just saying…. Originally Posted by Cendell M
Show me the happening granny strip club? Nevermind the granny club, where's the 40yr and over happening strip club at? They don't exist! Why not? Because guys prefer young and tight body whores, that's reality, it's not to insult anyone outside of this, there's someone for everyone here, even if it is a small percentage of tricks. So this is why in correct 💯 About the smelly cheesey tricks, you need to send them to the shower before blowing them