Should she win this case or not? Thoughts.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yea and you think your Asian slave hookers are there cause they wanna be too!

Originally Posted by WTF
I don't patronize slave hookers, welcher.
I also don't think you should get by with miscategorizing your immigrant workers as contractors, you fucking worthless piece of shit.
Fuck you and the falling down living hazards full of cockroaches and rats that you build while violating US labor law.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No. but i will allow you to refer to me as "His Royal Excellence, Sir Gentile"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think I will pass.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

You thought that knuckle dragger was your friend?

Don't think that because you and Waco Kid agreed on a few issues that Waco will somehow become more open minded. He was raised as a bigot and will always regard you as a "kike" - someone not to be trusted or regarded as equal.

Guys like Waco are only too happy to operate the gas chambers. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Well, he used to be more friendly towards me, whilst haranguing my fellow tribesman, who tends to rub some people the wrong way - though I don't know why....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, he used to be more friendly towards me, whilst haranguing my fellow tribesman, who tends to rub some people the wrong way - though I don't know why.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
i have no idea whom you might be referring to.
but he might be an award winning asshat.

I think I will pass. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
that's why i like you JL, unlike the asshat you have a sense of humor. sort of. lol
and you hang out with gentiles at AMP's.
i've agreed with you on a few occasions. what exactly is your point? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
But unlike JewishLawyer, I was never deluded into thinking you were a friend.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
But unlike JewishLawyer, I was never deluded into thinking you were a friend. Originally Posted by ExNYer
never asked you to either. are you saying i can't agree from time to time with people i may or may not like?


RedLeg505's Avatar
I hope every cop that snooped her records gets fined. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Spot on. Only thing that would make it better if every cop that snooped her records had to pay the fine THEMSELVES. Unfortunately, it will be the tax payers in each cops city/county/district that pays for it.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Spot on. Only thing that would make it better if every cop that snooped her records had to pay the fine THEMSELVES. Unfortunately, it will be the tax payers in each cops city/county/district that pays for it. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
That is why she is part of the problem. Many of her actions are causing taxpayer expense for less effective law enforcement. To what end will her being justified do any good?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This only goes to prove the fact that many police officers believe they are above the law. Just like Obama believes he is above the law and con deal with the laws he is obligated to enforce as he sees fit rather than to follow the law.

It is no wonder the citizens are so mistrusting of our law enfocement divisions.