I know a lot of nice ladies from SA who do not mind driving down to CC every once in awhile. I do visit that way about once a month also. So not all the pussy is being driven away. 
Good luck STU.
Originally Posted by Victoria Columbari
I feel sure they are referring to managed or pimped pussy and not independents like yourself.
BTW, EW is doing a great job. Blaming him is like blaming the Police for the speed limit!
Originally Posted by Optimator
I do blame the cops for some of the ridiculous speed limits. There is one local highway TX that within six miles changes speed limits eights times. The speed bounces all around making it easy to pop speeders.
Now I do not know if EmptyWallet is doing a good job. Only the dead modtards really know how to modtard. But he has got to be doing better than the replaced modtard.