When should Providers update Photos


Fact of the matter as providers we're not all in the same class. Ladies that don't treat this as a business simply just don't care. They don't care about their clients and they don't care about their image. They're looking for what's available right now and feel that they can make money with the same old photos. Providers tend to forget that this business is about body, looks and most of all .. packaging. Some don't realize that photos are critical to their financial bottom line. With ok photos you make ok money .. with damn good photos you make damn money (especially when they're a true representation of you). Right?

I'm in my very early 20s and have even tried to make myself appear older. Why? Well the reasoning behind that is very stupid. Let's not go there. So it's not only older providers trying to appear younger. Young providers sometimes lie to appear older. As long as they're of legal age..I don't see anything wrong with it.

The problem with professional photos is sometimes they can come across fake. Too much airbrushing/photoshop will do that to any girl. If the ladies want to know what the guys are looking for in photos they should read this thread: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=174106 and the article about photos on www.geishadiaries.com. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I am one of those RARE people who believe in Altruism. Because I am a geek/nerd etc I usually have my camera with me and my tripod. On a few rare occasions, and if the lady has time for it I can take some new photos for her, as long as the photo session does not dig into my time with her. IE, I go for a 1 hour session and she has time for a mini photo shoot for about 20-30 minutes in which she gets new photos for free then she benefits in the long run, the immediate benefit is that it will make my session with her very enjoyable

Once the photos are taken I can get them into her Laptop for her to edit however she needs and I do not retain a copy of them.. mainly because I want her to post the ones SHE wants the world to see.

So sometimes a client can get you a few update photos
Naomi4u's Avatar
I am one of those RARE people who believe in Altruism. Because I am a geek/nerd etc I usually have my camera with me and my tripod. On a few rare occasions, and if the lady has time for it I can take some new photos for her, as long as the photo session does not dig into my time with her. IE, I go for a 1 hour session and she has time for a mini photo shoot for about 20-30 minutes in which she gets new photos for free then she benefits in the long run, the immediate benefit is that it will make my session with her very enjoyable

Once the photos are taken I can get them into her Laptop for her to edit however she needs and I do not retain a copy of them.. mainly because I want her to post the ones SHE wants the world to see.

So sometimes a client can get you a few update photos Originally Posted by Spirit13

While I have a few clients that I trust (See Avatar, Client shot that photo). I don't think that many women feel comfortable with this arrangement. Sure the client can always say that he doesn't have copies but how do we really know that? If a lady trusts her client that much then most definitely she should go for it. Another thing is that anyone can take a photo but not everyone is a good photographer. Spirit, I would love to see your work

Photography schools are the best way to get inexpensive but good pictures. The students there are always looking to help a lady in need of photos for a low price. Another way to get free photos is through model mayhem. There are a lot of photographers that will do TFPs or TFCDs. Time for prints is when a photographer and begining model trades services. She gets free prints and he adds your pictures to his online/offline portfolio. TFCD is the same thing but this time she gets her photos on a CD. I got my first batch of photos this way and they came out better than I thought being that he was a new photographer. Ladies, if you're looking to start this way visit modelmayhem or contact spirit for a free photo session

I have a modelmayhem profile and photographers contact me almost everyday to be their model free of charge. This will only work if the photographer likes your look but new photographer will shoot just about anyone to get their portfolio started. So there is no excuse for a lady not to get updates. If a lady refuses to update her pictures them I would get she has some sort of appearance issue . I am just guessing.
john353's Avatar
Why would a younger provider want to make herself appear to be older?

That's easy.

Some of your older or more mature clientele are not really interested in ladies who are younger than their preferred maturity level, so they overlook you thinking your skill level or intellect may be beneath what they generally seek. By making yourself appear to be older and by fudging your age to say you're a few years older than what is actually true, you potentially expand your client base.

Several years ago, I dated a younger provider who did the exact same thing...so I know I'm in the ballpark. LOL.

While I have a few clients that I trust (See Avatar, Client shot that photo). I don't think that many women feel comfortable with this arrangement. Sure the client can always say that he doesn't have copies but how do we really know that? If a lady trusts her client that much then most definitely she should go for it.

Photography schools are the best way to get inexpensive but good pictures. The students there are always looking to help a lady in need of photos for a low price. Another way to get free photos is through model mayhem. There are a lot of photographers that will do TFPs or TFCDs. Time for prints is when a photographer and begining model trades services. She gets free prints and he adds your pictures to his online/offline portfolio. TFCD is the same thing but this time she gets her photos on a CD. I got my first batch of photos this way and they came out better than I thought being that he was a new photographer. Ladies, if you're looking this start here or contact spirit for a free photo session

I have a modelmayhem profile and photographers contact me almost everyday to be their model free of charge. This will only work if the photographer likes your look but new photographer will shoot just about anyone to get their portfolio started. So there is no excuse for a lady not to get updates. If a lady refuses to update her pictures them I would get she has some sort of appearance issue . I am just guessing. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

That sounds like a plan... over all there are resources out there that one can use to gain something out of that is either free or so low cost its silly.

At one time I used to go to a barber college for a shampoo, blow dry, haircut, steam towel face treatment and a straight razor shave by a SENIOR student under the watchful eye of the instructor (Only seniors could shave and the instructor would watch) all that for the low price of 6 dollars.

They got graded, I got a great service for 6 bucks and everyone is a winner.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why would a younger provider want to make herself appear to be older?

That's easy.

Some of your older or more mature clientele are not really interested in ladies who are younger than their preferred maturity level, so they overlook you thinking your skill level or intellect may be beneath what they generally seek. By making yourself appear to be older and by fudging your age to say you're a few years older than what is actually true, you potentially expand your client base.

Several years ago, I dated a younger provider who did the exact same thing...so I know I'm in the ballpark. LOL. Originally Posted by john353

The thing is though.. I can pass for older. I can hold a conversation with a guy in his 50s and sound like I know what I am talking about.. lol. There ARE client that won't date a 21 year old BUT I have come to find that that group is very small. Now I prefer to tell people that I am 21 instead of 25 or 26. I don't date guys under 35-40 and I do just fine. When I see a drop in business maybe I'll adjust. I am glad that you understand .
Naomi4u's Avatar
That sounds like a plan... over all there are resources out there that one can use to gain something out of that is either free or so low cost its silly.

At one time I used to go to a barber college for a shampoo, blow dry, haircut, steam towel face treatment and a straight razor shave by a SENIOR student under the watchful eye of the instructor (Only seniors could shave and the instructor would watch) all that for the low price of 6 dollars.

They got graded, I got a great service for 6 bucks and everyone is a winner. Originally Posted by Spirit13
Excellent point Spirit! I forgot all about beauty schools and here I am paying full price for a shampoo and a facial. I will have to look some up in my area
In this economy, saving a buck or 2 means alot. Heck I am on mailing lists for Jack in the Box, Denny's, Kentucky fried chicken, Lenny's subs and a few others.

You get an E-coupon you can print, like buy 1 get one free sandwich from Lenny's subs. Well there is a meal or 2.
Naomi4u's Avatar
In this economy, saving a buck or 2 means alot. Heck I am on mailing lists for Jack in the Box, Denny's, Kentucky fried chicken, Lenny's subs and a few others.

You get an E-coupon you can print, like buy 1 get one free sandwich from Lenny's subs. Well there is a meal or 2. Originally Posted by Spirit13
Lmbo. I won't take it that far. Too funny spirit. I do get coupons from VS and Agent Provocateur though. I'm actually trying to cut down on the fast food and start eating better. While on Tour it is very hard to see the big yellow M sign and say no. Thank goodness for high metabolism. On second thought, I do need to get on the AppleBees and Red Lobster Mailing list.. .

Back on Topic, When looking for a photographer you want a photographer that specializes in both Commercial and Boudoir. It is hard to find a photographer like this but if they're here in the Carolinas, I'm sure they're some in Houston.
Lmbo. I won't take it that far. Too funny spirit. I do get coupons from VS and Agent Provocateur though. I'm actually trying to cut down on the fast food and start eating better. While on Tour it is very hard to see the big yellow M sign and say no. Thank goodness for high metabolism.

On second thought, I do need to get on the AppleBees and Red Lobster Mailing list.. . Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Naomi, when you get into Houston, I know a few hidden gem's of restaurants that are WELL worth it, Some are mid town, and some are here and there.

Also in mid town I know of a really nice coffee house (Coffeegroundz) that offers great nibbles (their vegi panini is out of this world), and free wifi. I have sat there for 6-8 hours just relaxing and they do not block any sites so you can find a seat and work the hobby some

I have
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, when you get into Houston, I know a few hidden gem's of restaurants that are WELL worth it, Some are mid town, and some are here and there.

Also in mid town I know of a really nice coffee house (Coffeegroundz) that offers great nibbles (their vegi panini is out of this world), and free wifi. I have sat there for 6-8 hours just relaxing and they do not block any sites so you can find a seat and work the hobby some

I have Originally Posted by Spirit13
Thank you
OK Spirit and Namoi, can we get back to the real topic and not where cheapo will take you with a coupon. Watch out for the buy 1 get one. He might have you pay. hahahah

I do not equate foto's with age, intellect, or caring. I agree with you. It business. The fake, old good looking fotos may get me and others in, but once we start spreading the word that the foto's are fake, or well cropped to hide the fat belly, well its business NO MORE.

Face shots are nice, but I think most men want good service and body shots. I have read many a threads, where the provider was butt ugly, but could suck the chrome off a bumper (well in the old days).

I personally have thought, that younger providers (especially the ones not in it for long) don't want an old, fat, balding guy to touch, eat or talk to them. Maybe I'm wrong and it is all about the money. Naomi, you tell me.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I personally have thought, that younger providers (especially the ones not in it for long) don't want an old, fat, balding guy to touch, eat or talk to them. Maybe I'm wrong and it is all about the money. Naomi, you tell me. Originally Posted by Lustnotlove

You can see my reviews for the answer to that question (here and on other site). I do not click with young guys at all and have expressed that throughout eccie. Many people tend to think that we're all about the money and will see anyone that flashes a few hundred bucks. Well I'm sorry but that's not the case for a few of us. I won't date a 23 year old in this hobby. Many have tried to see me and they always get turned down. I do have an age limit and you can read about it here http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=180345. I will not see a guy under 35-40. So while the guys in my reviews here weren't bald and fat they were 20 years my senior. Lustnotlove, I will see an old, fat, balding guy any day over the 23 year old. Older guys tend to be more into the companionship than the act. If you know what I mean...

Sisyphus's Avatar
Whenever you want your PM, email, & phone blowing up....nothing does it like new pixs!

Not that I would KNOW! People talk...you hear things...
This has been eating me up lately. I have seen a few providers, who have excellent fotos in their showcase. But upon arrival, I see the fotos are several (more than 2) years old. The hair, the weight, the tattoo's are all different than the foto.

I think Providers fotos should be no more than 18 months old.

What are your thoughts. Originally Posted by Lustnotlove
Naomi4u's Avatar
Whenever you want your PM, email, & phone blowing up....nothing does it like new pixs!

Not that I would KNOW! People talk...you hear things... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Of course.