Biden promises he'll pick a woman as his running mate. Sanders is less certain.

Val Demings?

I like her.. she and her husband are long-time Police Officers/Chiefs of Police. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Wouldn't that be epic. A corrupt criminal minded president with a former Law Enforcement agent as a Vice Pres, lol.
adav8s28's Avatar
Biden has already mentioned her as a running mate. She rebuked the offer as some type of racist pandering then hasn't given an update on her availability. I want ya'll to get a good look at her:

Just flat out ugly and morbidly obese. Yes, please choose her as a running mate. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You're right she is not exactly Marilyn McCoo from the Fith Dimension (you remember that post?). He can't have Abrams on the ticket, even though she went to the same law school as Cavanaugh. He would lose with Abrams. He should go with Kamala or Amy, if he is going to choose a woman.
Val Demings?

I like her.. she and her husband are long-time Police Officers/Chiefs of Police. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No. Get that memory checked dammit!

Fredricka Wilson

Imma posting a picture of McCoo to get these images out of my brain.

The Democratic VP candidate in 2020 will be the most important VP pick EVER.

The economy cratering and his disorganized response to the coronavirus response are going to doom Trump. YES, I know the cratering economy is not his fault, but the President always get credit for a rising economy and blame for a falling economy. So, tough luck.

So, Biden has a VERY good chance of winning. But not a very good chance of finishing his first term. He may barely make it to November. If he does not resign from office, he may be removed by his Cabinet as being too feeble within about 2 years of taking office.

So, basically, Biden's running mate is sure to become president. I can't believe he will pick someone as radical and inexperienced as Stacy Abrams. She is a state legislator for God's sake. She is delusional thinking she won an election she lost by over 50,000 votes - because the GOP stole it from her.

And she is a progressive radical.

Kamala has NO chance if Biden has any backbone. She straight up accused him of being a racist because he opposed forced bussing in the 1970s. He isn't forgiving or forgetting that.

The Democratic establishment is going to insist that Biden pick a moderate as his running mate. Unfortunately, the number of female moderates with any gravitas in the Democratic party is pretty small.

But picking Stacy Abrams might be the only thing that can save Trump at this point.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2020, 06:51 PM
H.... is waiting and on the speaking platforms.

H.... is running! She would take the VP slot - and I have previously posted how dangerous it would be to be the heartbeat between H... and the Oval Office.

On the other hand - Stacey Abrams would give Biden a very LARGE VP to sniff and fondle!
How about Stacey Abrams on Biden's Lap - Biden might disappear and never be found again.!

Recent pic of Marilyn McCoo!
If he picks Moooshell, Obama just might endorse him. Originally Posted by bambino
If Biden picks Michelle Obama, Trump will be wiped out.

She is not as radical as Stacy Abrams, but she tickles all the progressive erogenous zones. The only thing the left cares about is identity politics and she is a black female and - dammit - it's their turn!!

Biden will not only get overwhelming black support, he will get overwhelming female support, since Obama will almost certainly get to be president before 2024.

And this country will have completed its descent into a Third World oligarchy by picking its leaders from the same families over and over and over and ...
It's settled. Marilyn McCoo for Biden's VP. And yes I do remember that post.