Drumpf's Russian ties are deeper than anyone imagined.

bambino's Avatar
It's on my fat hairy Italian ass you wan to see it? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You should just shoot yourself. Give it a try.
What Jew do I call a pig Retarded Lenny, you misongynistic POS cocksucker. Originally Posted by bambino
Who do you call a pig stumpy? Think or ask someone if you can't remember.
Asswipe and Retarded Lenny call the Ladies here pigs. They prefer cocks to pussy. Originally Posted by bambino

Here is your award stumpy.
You should just shoot yourself. Give it a try. Originally Posted by bambino
You are proof on why incest is illegal- Are you the product of your mom getting screwed by a close relative?
bambino's Avatar
You are proof on why incest is illegal- Are you the product of your mom getting screwed by a close relative? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Yeah, my father. And her husband. Did they find you in a dumpster you fucking imbecile.
ok let's post some images. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Funny, Cruz supported Trump today.
Let me get it out for you so you don't waist any energy for debate tomorrow night. ass munch, dick sucker, cock sucker, as hole etc........................... .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .................!
Funny, Cruz supported Trump today.
Let me get it out for you so you don't waist any energy for debate tomorrow night. ass munch, dick sucker, cock sucker, as hole etc........................... .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .................! Originally Posted by canuckeight
You dumb fuck everyone knows Cruz's endorsement isn't sincere- he basically told Trump "Fuck You" at the RNC- remember he told conservatives .."vote with your conscience.."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You dumb fuck everyone knows Cruz's endorsement isn't sincere- he basically told Trump "Fuck You" at the RNC- remember he told conservatives .."vote with your conscience.." Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Allowing myself to continue to be subjected to practices that are not in keeping with the true Conservative Goals and that devalue myself as both an individual and a republican are not acceptable.

I have brought concerns to the attention of my friends, the MODS, and even the Republican National Chairman on more than one occasion. Issues raised have been repeatedly ignored-specifically in these forums. Less than equitable practices have been repeatedly excused. I have been accused of stolen valor, people ridicule my weight, medical conditions and a legitimate injury suffered during a war while defending the country I love. If either were to be acknowledged and addressed, the status quo would have to change – but there are just too many people that are comfortable and invested in mediocrity. Too many self-serving individuals. Too much organizational effort expended deflecting accountability at the expense of those having the least input and influence. It's members like Dalilama, Lexus Lover, Bambino, CuteOldGuy, LustyLad, I B Hankering, IIFFOFRDB, The Waco Kid, Rey Laguna, R.M, gfejunkie, gary5912, JD Barleycorn and MrMojoRisin are the real culprits who have no intent other than to stir the daily ECCIE shit pot. I even cordially pm'ed some of those guys to stop their aloofness and to debate in a more humane manner. It obviously fell on deaf ears.

An organization that does not care for its members cannot be expected to have respect for its members (and vice versa).

I can either conform to the least common denominator or separate myself from it and pursue other opportunities. I elect the later while I am in good standing so there can be no question and I will be casting my vote for Clinton.

This is my resignation and two week notice…effective immediately. I will no longer participate in any political discussion for the next two weeks after which time I will have the MODS to deactivate or cancel my account I do not wish to be subjected to further intimidation, abuse, and retaliation; staying out of this forum is the only way to minimize this from happening. If only I hadn’t turned 60…

Good Riddance. My only regrets are believing the Republican party stood for what it represented itself to be, trusting internal check and balance processes, and believing I could make a difference.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

IGNORE ME Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
did Stinky Wizzleteats post something??


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stop trying to deflect the topic UglyOldFart. The U.S has had political ties with Saudia Arabia way before Clinton was involved in politics are you really that senile? Do a little research you senile POOS Russia doesn't tolerate homosexuality and how many high rank women hold major positions in Russia's government?
On Friday, investigative reporter Michael Isikoff dropped a bombshell story: U.S. officials are investigating secret meetings between a Trump campaign advisor and Russian officials suspected of trying to influence the presidential election.
U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with senior Russian officials — including talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president, according to multiple sources who have been briefed on the issue.
The activities of Trump adviser Carter Page, who has extensive business interests in Russia, have been discussed with senior members of Congress during recent briefings about suspected efforts by Moscow to influence the presidential election, the sources said.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Hillary sold access to her office for donations to her foundation. That is way different than what Trump did. Saudi Arabia degrades women and kills gays. That's the kind of regime Hillary will have shaping policy for money. We know you hate women, and your hatred of gays probably stem from sexual confusion which began in your youth. Take the time off you demanded, and get some therapy. Not only are you stupid, you are deranged.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No one knows where Obama’s real birth certificate is.

https://www.mrconservative.com/2013/...icate-is-fake/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Including Obaminable.

His "real birth certificate" has never been produced.

What has been "produced" is a "certificate of birth"!

That's not a play on words. It is a distinction with a meaning. Originally Posted by LexusLover
it is a pointless distinction.

regardless on where he was born, obama is an american citizen due to his mother being an american citizen.

all that's required to be a u.s. citizen is one of the parents to be an american citzen.
  • DSK
  • 09-26-2016, 10:40 AM

IGNORE Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He is not an anti-Semite.

You suck cock.
bambino's Avatar
He is not an anti-Semite.

You suck cock. Originally Posted by DSK
You are correct on both counts.
Hillary sold access to her office for donations to her foundation. That is way different than what Trump did. Saudi Arabia degrades women and kills gays. That's the kind of regime Hillary will have shaping policy for money. We know you hate women, and your hatred of gays probably stem from sexual confusion which began in your youth. Take the time off you demanded, and get some therapy. Not only are you stupid, you are deranged. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Bush has/had closer ties to the Saudi Regime than Hillary. Also, where have you been, there's a lot of countries besides the islamic nut job countries that look down on homosexuality and gays- many of the African countries it's illegal to be gay. Israel also doesn't treat gays as equals- albeit they may not all kill them, but nevertheless they treat them like crap. Have you seen China's record on human rights? We all know Trump's dealing with China. Trump is a communist- he will kiss Putin's ass if he gets the chance.