Worst Predicament

Was driving one night up 35 , some years back. Saw a wreck occur right in front of me. It was nasty, lady was thrown from her car as it flipped. Saw her go face first on to the pavement and slide headfirst into the median. I ran to aid and she was almost gone. This was before cellphones were everyday items.

Because it was late , traffic was light. Back in the early 80's, Dallas area wasn't as busy or populated.especially south of I-20. .

Delima was..... Leave her there to die alone and run to call help, or stay and comfort her in what was to be her final moments??

I stayed, prayed what prayer I could muster (athiest here), and held her as she slipped away. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
How about that. Nobody else stopped to assist you but God, and all this time you've been denying him.
That is about as bad as a predicament can get! Give thanks for making it home alive so that you can share the story! Originally Posted by bigtex
I had not yet turned 20 years old when that happenned, any of the fine Ladies that have ever been BCD with me have seen the terrible scars on my shins and upper feet. I make it a point to tell them before hand, just so they don't feel uncomfortable. None have ever given it a second thought.

I have three friends that I graduated from High School with whose names are on The Wall that is the Vietnam Memorial. That is three young men out of a graduating class of 120.

I feel pretty lucky.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that is a pity.

. . . I mean about the part of you not dying.

I remember stepping on some dog shit with my bare feet when I was a kid.

Thought I was going to die. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I hate it when lama makes me laugh. Fuck.
I hate it when lama makes me laugh. Fuck. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I know, ya just got to go with it though, lol.
I hate it when lama makes me laugh. Fuck. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Through the years Lama has been forced to develop creative ways to do a Reach Around!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I could post the photo of her while we were inside but my face is there too. So fuck off.