LEGALITY?? Justice? AGENDAS? What REAL REASONING fuels our new sex trafficking bill???

Waleli's Avatar
You say the owners of BP made poor decisions. Is it not poor decision making for hobbyists to put themselves, the website, and the ladies at risk of getting caught up in a legal investigation? Why can't they be discreet instead of violating service providers confidentiality by revealing private personal information about what two consenting adults did in private that is of a very highly YMMV nature? Discretion is the key to making things legal. Indiscretion is a ticket to jail. Fosta says you can get ten years for facilitating prostitution. Everybody who writes a review that violates confidentiality by giving details of a highly YMMV nature is trying to promote prostitution, whether or not the lady wants to do all that with anybody else. The only thing that has to happen for this entire house of cards to come tumbling down is for a massage hobbyist, who specializes in going around searching for fresh meat by seducing new masseuses, to find a brand new massage therapist fresh out of school, talk her up, and get her a whole bunch of business. She starts to wonder where it's coming from. Lot's of people will be hounding her for sex. Some of the people who make appointments will be crude and disgusting. This will scare her and make her wonder if she really wants to be in the business. She isn't going to want to have sex with everybody. She is going to start asking people how they found out about her. Somebody is going to tell her about the review. When she sees this website and finds out where the business is coming from she is going to freak out and report this website to the cops. It will come down too, just like BP did. LE will use Data mining to find out the identity of everybody who has ever posted a review. Dozens of members will be arrested for violating Fosta. It's now a felony for you guys to promote prostitution the way you have been doing. Sure it may be unconstitutional. But how many hobbyists are gonna have the balls and deep enough pockets to hire a team of lawyers good enough to take it to the supreme court and win? Who's going to risk losing and getting 10 years in prison when they can cop a plea, do some probation, and be done with it? The government is going to make a whole lot of money and this website is going to be gone. Even if you guys switch to a ten start review system, the ladies will also have to start being more discreet and selective about what all they will do and with who, or it's just a matter of time before the government starts robbing the gold mine by using fines and threats of imprisonment as an alternative form of taxation.
KalyEscort's Avatar
Don't be drama queen. If you pay attention on websites for escorts, as a non regulated activity in many countries, the webmasters take worst desitions than this. Not many places have control about the ads and who are behind the screen. Do you know how many times other ladies or pimps stolen my photos and I couldn't find a serious webmaster to solve the problem?

Come on, go outside and look the real life by yourself. USA is not The Netherlands where you can be just a worker with your license and benefits. Even in other countries less conservatives as Spain the websites of ads for escorts don't have physical office, only an e-mail and with luck a whatsapp.

They don't give you attention, they allow false profiles and for money they don't even control that they aren't pimps exploiting women. Because thery're focused on collect money.

There're escort forums where they allegedly denounce abuses and abuse themselves negotiating advertising with pimps or pressuring workers to get discounts or remove the condom during sex.

Unfortunately they learned the lesson too late and the cost was really expensive. Not only for themself, we're paying also the consequences too.

And the problem is not BP or other websites, the problem is the US government that doesn't respect the basic constitutional principles.

Today the basic principle of being innocent until proven otherwise is the reverse, you're all suspects to investigate and you must prove that you are not guilty. It's crazy I don't understand how you can live so smothered with such severed liberties and no one raises your voices.

There was always exploitation and trafficking, of adults and children. The law was always followed and the judges are the ones who extend the search warrants or permission to investigate private information. It never took a delirium to attack individual liberties and constitutional principles such as the FOSTA agreement to make a serious investigation of traffickers.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The question of consent is an important point of equivocation with regard to trafficking that interests me and I hope this will not be considered hijacking your thread to bring it up. I get very little business from these review forums because I do not like being reviewed as I am extremely selective and YMMV so much that they seem irrelevant....

Wait until you spend some time with a person to decide what you will and will not do. Do it because you care and not because they have offered you some money to do it. Originally Posted by Waleli
Very well stated by a very intelligent woman.
Very well stated by a very intelligent woman. Originally Posted by sjohnlewis
100 % agree