
My view is that the best way to think of it is as a personal service like a high end hair salon. Yes, it is business on both sides but treating your stylist or customer well makes the exchange pleasant and encourages better future business on both sides.

I took Mr. Smith as stating that just don't forget on both sides that it is just a "haircut". Nothing more. He didn't imply to me that one should not be friendly nor that extra gifts are bad. Just don't think that it was an emotional exchange beyond a friendly business relationship.

This all started with Cockring's, "Sweetie we know each other and you are not thick in my eyes I classify you as in shape. This is where the problem lies I see you one way someone see you another way but I dont care you are a 10 to me."

For me, this was over the top sucking up. It was cute bf/gf talk. IMO.

Some Providers (coughEmilycough) give an extra level of service that money just can't buy. Those Providers are very much appreciated and always have a special place in my hobby heart. They are the exception, not the rule. Originally Posted by That.guy001
Well, thank goodness and thanks for the clarification. Here was me fuming, "Being nice to the hookers is beneath them, bastards can suck my what?"
That.guy001's Avatar
Allow me to clarify one more thing, Emily. This is a public forum. First you meantioned pay for play and now your talking about Hookers. I believe you are confused about our subject. We never meantioned either of those topics.
Heather Anderson's Avatar
Damn, this went way out there. Just from a few people being exceptional?

Just Another Joe and Cockring thank you; you are both OUTSTANDING gentlemen and I am very happy to have you within my tiny circle.

And I'm sorry Mr. Smith and That Guy that you see it this way. I have INTELLIGENT discussions with my clients, we talk about anything and everything. I don't charge an extra penny if we go over time as both these gentlemen will vouch for; so your theory is incorrect about the almighty dollar. I don't treat it just as a business, as my clients are the best out here and I treat them as such. I guess I'm just one lucky girl, as it goes both ways as you can see. It's not sucking up, it was just a kind comment from someone who sees me regularly.

Thank you RJ, Brandy and Emily for the support as well. End of discussion, sorry I even participated to begin with. I was just having a little fun with Aiden's comment as I thought it was funny, and those of you that do know me well know my sense of humor. I'm so sick of people who get on here just to cause drama....I'm outta here.
virginguy's Avatar
My Momma taught me Flattery will get you everything...has always done well for me.. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Hey! My momma thought me the same thing and it only got me getting cheated on twice.... meh. Work for some, but not for all of them; that is perhaps thats the main reason why I am in the hobby and my luck finding FwB is non existent. I guess ladies in my age bracket don't like 'fluffy' guys

...."Ok, dude you finished now leave"... Originally Posted by BDevereaux
Wow!!! that just happened to me about a month ago!!
cockring's Avatar
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.

Heather iam so sorry i too was just trying to have fun with your sense of humor next time i will just tell you directly no need for anyone else to know.
miss sexy's Avatar
I personally hate to be called a bbw but im not a spinner and i am overwieght. To me a BBW is a 250 an above. I'm thick in the middle but I am sexy, sweet, and have a nice face. I think becuz people describe me as a BBW this has some clients stay away. I know I should just put new pics but I'm waiting on my buddy. U know who you are. I prefer to be called chubby or thick..lol
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 01-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Let's not be hating, remember its a hobby and if its not fun for both parties, why bother. I always believe if you are a gentlemen and treat the ladies with respect it will be reciprocated.
BDevereaux's Avatar
Oh thats right! This thread was about terminology, my apologies.

Sometimes I think it can be relative. To a man that is 5'3 and a 2% body fat marathon runner, I am one big fat mama! To a man that is 5'11 with a little extra padding I may be STL, and then to someone who is 6'7 345 lb ex quarterback I may be downright petite. This may be part of the problem with descriptions varying from one person to another in reviews.

One way to be comparitive may be using celebrities as examples. She is the size of Natalie Portman or Oprah Winfrey (guys can google the name if they are unfamiliar or something).

Anywho, just a thought.
cockring's Avatar
I personally hate to be called a bbw but im not a spinner and i am overwieght. To me a BBW is a 250 an above. I'm thick in the middle but I am sexy, sweet, and have a nice face. I think becuz people describe me as a BBW this has some clients stay away. I know I should just put new pics but I'm waiting on my buddy. U know who you are. I prefer to be called chubby or thick..lol Originally Posted by miss sexy
Hey babe I have not forgotten I will call you soon and as for as bng's go yours are damn good not trying to suck up just tell you how I feel
Texasquest's Avatar
My Problem here is If you use a Term that isnt condescending to the Person being Reviewed it will be Taken as "SUCKING UP" and then the Flamers will really get worked up.Hmm I wonder how some of these "Gentlemen" and i use the term loosely would feel about having their looks Debated over in the open forums...There Again some people will be accused of " SUCKING UP"...Just saying...It is what it is !
My Problem here is If you use a Term that isnt condescending to the Person being Reviewed it will be Taken as "SUCKING UP" and then the Flamers will really get worked up.Hmm I wonder how some of these "Gentlemen" and i use the term loosely would feel about having their looks Debated over in the open forums...There Again some people will be accused of " SUCKING UP"...Just saying...It is what it is ! Originally Posted by Texasquest
I wasn't going to say anything else on this , but I have to tell you that you basically missed the gist of everything I said. And as far as my body being discussed in an open forum, I'm not running ads here, but if you must know I would call myself a BFB(big fat bastard).
People have been trying to teach me lessons for years. I am just not trainable. But I am fluffy. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
Mr. Smith... Fluffy? No, I consider you burly... and that damn smile of yours... stop it already!

I think the tip is for flattering her but where is the chivalry guys do you clean up before you go? Originally Posted by cockring
Cockring, you would be surprised at those that don't clean up before they arrive. Don't you guys know you get so much more if you just take the time to man-scape?

There is nothing wrong with being extra friendly. These guys are coming across like they are going to see a real life GF. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111

Ummmm... the girl is supposed to be acting like your "real girlfriend" for the time you are together right... or is that not what you wanted? Because I can make adjustments for you if need be Sweet Pea... I'm just saying...

Some basic level of politeness should be a given. Beyond that....

I think of the extra flattery (or extra $$ or extra gift) not so much as a tip for past actions, but as a little extra incentive to help her rember me and continue to expend that extra bit of effort in the future.

Will she be willing to go out and get a particular outfit or toy to accomodate my next request? How willing will she be to get all gussied up and "fake it" if she's having a crappy day? How much energy will go into her next strip-tease and BJ? Will she let me ogle and fondle her nakedness afterwards, or will I be rushed out once the deed is done?

A minimum level of service may only merit a minimum level of compensation, but the reverse is also true. So while it may make me a selfish bastard, but I give a little something extra not just for her benefit, but for my future benefit. Originally Posted by littlejoe
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Little Joe!!! Haven't you guys seen a review of a girl you have been with previously and finished reading with the thought, why wasn't my experience "all that"... well.... I'm just saying do unto others...

Pot, kettle, Nasty. I'm rather surprised you even said this. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
A fluffy +1 on that comment Emily!!!

Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd. Originally Posted by cockring
Cockring, that is one of my favorite quotes of all time!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
MrSmith...look what ya' opened.

Sucking up, chivalry, whatever. I'm doing good to wash my crack~n~sack.
Ungrateful buncha'...

All that other stuff makes ya' sound high-maintenance.

...I'm just saying.



(Of course you know that I'm just poking at the hornets nest here, right? )

From top to bottom (no pun intended)...

Curvy (aka "Fluffy")

Is this something we can all agree to?