Provider Wants A Loan

Still Looking's Avatar
Learn from Nike... JUST DON'T DO IT!
burkalini's Avatar
I have done it once before with a classy provider that I like. She is the only one that I have or ever will do that for. I will say that I have got some great deals on sessions when they call me and want a session right away because they need some money.. Usually it's 50 percent or better of their regular rate. I don't ask they just offer. So why not!!!!!
come to think of it, plenty of clients have told me that providers email them asking for money. They have a laundry list and they send out mass emails hoping to get 1 client to loan them some money. MOst of the time, the clients only met the lady 1 time. And here she is asking for money. Talk about having brass balls. But I guess when desperate times come you act desperate and lose your pride.
lover_361's Avatar
Is this like a scam they are doing?
gimme_that's Avatar
If she wants a buck, make sure you fuck.

If she wants a loan, make sure you bone.

If she need something on the rent, make sure first she's bent.

If she need something on the note, make sure you poke.

Still Looking's Avatar
Loaning money to a provider you should not do.

Unless of coarse, you will get a screw.

Always problems need rent or money for gas.

Never lend the money unless you get some ass.

Woman will lie to get all your money.

They think its ok because they call you Honey.

I often wonder why they have no luck.

Doesn't really matter if I get a fuck!

Big and small, short and tall, I love them all.

But the wallet doesn't open until we ball!

I've known a few girls to do this. I wouldn't bring any "outside business" into this industry. I think it's very unprofessional.
Just say no to the provider, and I wouldn't call her again.

Actually my policy on loaning money to family or friends is to assume you won't get it back, if you do, great, but better to assume you won't, that way you won't be pissed.
geecue's Avatar
Have loaned money before, worked out ok next session was taken off the donation. Like everyone else thought I would never see her again.
Rachelina's Avatar
Maybe he's the one who really asking
Still Looking's Avatar

Maybe he was the one who was asking through her.
You can't always put the burden on her if there is another involved,
I know the poor girl has problems and she must have felt embarrassed in asking.
Was bartering for services rendered an option? Originally Posted by Rachelina
Loan a pimp money, oh ya that will happen!
  • LynnT
  • 07-03-2011, 08:56 AM
Shit happens.. but in this job.. really, a girl cant pay her rent??

I would never ask for a loan from a client, Id just run a special and make quick cash or just tell my landlord like an adult my rent will be a bit late.. she must not be able to do that.. she must have a chronic problem paying rent on time. If you always pay your rent and are late one time and tell them any landlord should be ok with it as long as you communicate.

I dont understand why she even asked and just didnt run a special..? In this biz we have the luxury to do that and make the quick cash..
Still Looking's Avatar
Shit happens.. but in this job.. really, a girl cant pay her rent??

I would never ask for a loan from a client, Id just run a special and make quick cash or just tell my landlord like an adult my rent will be a bit late.. she must not be able to do that.. she must have a chronic problem paying rent on time. If you always pay your rent and are late one time and tell them any landlord should be ok with it as long as you communicate.

I dont understand why she even asked and just didnt run a special..? In this biz we have the luxury to do that and make the quick cash.. Originally Posted by LynnT
EXACTLY! Couldn't have said it better myself!
Shit happens.. but in this job.. really, a girl cant pay her rent??

I would never ask for a loan from a client, Id just run a special and make quick cash or just tell my landlord like an adult my rent will be a bit late.. she must not be able to do that.. she must have a chronic problem paying rent on time. If you always pay your rent and are late one time and tell them any landlord should be ok with it as long as you communicate.

I dont understand why she even asked and just didnt run a special..? In this biz we have the luxury to do that and make the quick cash.. Originally Posted by LynnT
I agree. I don't understand this at all. The amount of money you can make in MINIMAL time is more than enough to suffice for any basic needs.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of this is due to addictions, pimps or just lack of education when it comes to financial management.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-03-2011, 05:28 PM
It is NOT a loan, though she probably honestly means it. If you want to help her out just understand it is a GIFT, not a loan. Yes, you may actually get repaid, but do not expect it. And I am not saying it because she is a provider, but because of her financial situation. People who have trouble paying their rent or fixing their car often have such problems month after month, at least for an extended while. She may optimisticly believe everything will break right in the next month, but the odds are seriously against that.

I have helped a number of ladies who asked for loans, but in every case it was someone I liked enough and trusted would do the right things with the money that I gave it to them. A few repaid it, most did not. But as a gift it was far less likely to damage a friendship.

The other option if this is someone you see frequently is to arrange it as a pre-pay. I have not done that often but it has also usually worked out as planned, but not always. (Sadly, the one lady I trusted the most to keep her end of the arrangement was the one that didn't. I don't know if that was the reason things fell apart between us, or if there was something else.)