Covid and the hobbyist

berryberry's Avatar
NY is now opening up, must me because of Biden. Covid not quite as dangerous now.

I've been going out to WV bars at least twice a week. Yes you can sit at the bar in WV.

Point being Covid basically hasn't changed my lifestyle. The liberal states are saying it's ok now that Trump won't be in office. Originally Posted by Chase7
I don't think that changes the fact that Covid is still out there and one should be careful. But yeah, the blue state lockdowns are disappearing 5 days before January 20th. Truly a miracle.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden wants to be sworn in as normal even though there is a high chance of rioters, more death, and yes a superspreader. Don't get me wrong, I think there will be riots regardless but at what pont does logic ever prefail? We are supposed to be a superpower yet our Capitol was breached?
Nice double standard (seems to be going around). There were protesters all over DC when President Trump was inaugurated.

Or maybe they were just there to play some ball?