Music makes it better!

I don't mind music but I normally don't use it because I REALLY have no idea what my client would like to hear for sexy times.

I know what I want to hear to horizontal tango to a beat but it doesn't coincide with the majority of my clients. If we like the same type of music for getting dirty that's great....but I get tooooo into the music to where every moment and look is informed by the music choice.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Anything from Enya, Enigma, Sade, The Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Coldplay, The Cure...
Guest010619's Avatar
I don't mind music but I normally don't use it because I REALLY have no idea what my client would like to hear for sexy times.

I know what I want to hear to horizontal tango to a beat but it doesn't coincide with the majority of my clients. If we like the same type of music for getting dirty that's great....but I get tooooo into the music to where every moment and look is informed by the music choice. Originally Posted by SA Angel
Anything from Enya, Enigma, Sade, The Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Coldplay, The Cure... Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate

I love the haunting melodies of Sade, and Enya's 'Storms in Africa stirs deep in me when I hear it.
Years ago I used to love going at it to the music of Pink Floyd's - Dark Side of the Moon.
Flash forward to the present and I'm more into Spanish guitar. Blame the movie The Erotic Adventures of Zorro and perhaps my encounter with Ms Francesca (soundtrack was in my mind)
The mellow sounds just seem to work for any tango, upright or horizontal.
Merry Minx's Avatar
I love listening to music, and typically choose something based on the mood I wish to set. In the hobby, I usually pick something that is calming, creating a relaxed atmosphere; unless something else is suggested, of course. In my personal life, however, it really depends on my mood, and how I want to get down... I know it has been mentioned numerous times already, but Nine Inch Nails - specifically from the album The Fragile, Left disk - is an all-time favorite of mine. It penetrates my soul in a special type of way... I actually just put it on because thinking about it made me need to hear it.

My number one go to, though, is a compilation of movie scores. Almost all instrumental, coupled with Enya and various other mystical voices...but a variety that ranges from the likes of Hans Zimmer, James Horner, Rachel Portman, John Williams, Thomas Newman, John Otway, John Elliott, Alan Silvestri... I could go on forever.

There's nothing like making love to Last Of The Mohicans.

I can get down to almost anything, though.
Guest010619's Avatar
I love listening to music, and typically choose something based on the mood I wish to set. In the hobby, I usually pick something that is calming, creating a relaxed atmosphere; unless something else is suggested, of course. In my personal life, however, it really depends on my mood, and how I want to get down... I know it has been mentioned numerous times already, but Nine Inch Nails - specifically from the album The Fragile, Left disk - is an all-time favorite of mine. It penetrates my soul in a special type of way... I actually just put it on because thinking about it made me need to hear it.

My number one go to, though, is a compilation of movie scores. Almost all instrumental, coupled with Enya and various other mystical voices...but a variety that ranges from the likes of Hans Zimmer, James Horner, Rachel Portman, John Williams, Thomas Newman, John Otway, John Elliott, Alan Silvestri... I could go on forever.

There's nothing like making love to Last Of The Mohicans.

I can get down to almost anything, though. Originally Posted by Merry Minx
I love doing it to movie scores. Never did it with any providers though. Put on Last of the Mohicans and throw in Apocalypto and I think we got a session one day.
Merry Minx's Avatar
I love doing it to movie scores. Never did it with any providers though. Put on Last of the Mohicans and throw in Apocalypto and I think we got a session one day. Originally Posted by ugotme10
Apocalypto is great, and one of Horner's lesser known works. Ties in perfectly with our Last of the Mohicans theme...

The music is already handled, 'Nathaniel Poe', you just let me know when.
Guest010619's Avatar
Apocalypto is great, and one of Horner's lesser known works. Ties in perfectly with our Last of the Mohicans theme...

The music is already handled, 'Nathaniel Poe', you just let me know when. Originally Posted by Merry Minx
Looking forward to going 'native'.
thrakattack82's Avatar
Music adds a lot to the experience for me. I visited a lady in DFW that I had not seen in a couple of years and was impressed that she had remembered I love metal and turned on Opeth when we were ready to get down to business, it was a really nice touch.

Most of the time I don't have a preference as to what is playing, I just like the background noise. If the lady has something that she likes to move to, I am all about it. If it happens to be the same stuff I like, even better!
formula89's Avatar
Tool, perfect circle, slipkont, incubus, montley crew something that keeps you pumped and or passionate always great. Had some dam great times recently with a similar mix up.
Tool, perfect circle, slipkont, incubus, montley crew something that keeps you pumped and or passionate always great. Had some dam great times recently with a similar mix up. Originally Posted by formula89
Need to remember A Perfect Circle. Amazing and very relaxing during a massage I had once. Can only imagine during....

And very nice choices there Sonya.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar

I love the haunting melodies of Sade, and Enya's 'Storms in Africa stirs deep in me when I hear it.
Years ago I used to love going at it to the music of Pink Floyd's - Dark Side of the Moon.
Flash forward to the present and I'm more into Spanish guitar. Blame the movie The Erotic Adventures of Zorro and perhaps my encounter with Ms Francesca (soundtrack was in my mind)
The mellow sounds just seem to work for any tango, upright or horizontal.
Originally Posted by ugotme10
Those are all the best!
Need to remember A Perfect Circle. Amazing and very relaxing during a massage I had once. Can only imagine during....

And very nice choices there Sonya. Originally Posted by Dr. Grey
Thanks Grey...;-)
oldtiger's Avatar
Anything from Enya, Enigma, Sade, The Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Coldplay, The Cure... Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
A girl after my own.... heart....
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
A girl after my own.... heart.... Originally Posted by oldtiger
Hi tiger
Guero69's Avatar
The Cure... Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Just Like Heaven . . . Dreamed of all the different ways I had to make her glow . . . .
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Just Like Heaven . . . Dreamed of all the different ways I had to make her glow . . . . Originally Posted by Guero69
That's a good one. "The Cure" has so many amazing songs...