The racist governor...Virginia DEM!!

themystic's Avatar
Btw, which one is the Governor in that pix? The blackface or the KKK guy? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Hes the one in black face. the kkk one is rumored to be Melania Cunt Face. that's unsubstantiated but that's what I was told. I don't want to start rumors. next thing you know they will be saying the guy shot kennedy
Hes the one in black face. the kkk one is rumored to be Melania Cunt Face. that's unsubstantiated but that's what I was told. I don't want to start rumors. next thing you know they will be saying the guy shot kennedy Originally Posted by themystic
So you defending "coonass"
Sooooo this story is just a're more delusional then anyone could possibly imagine
You have been and always will be...a complete waste of bandwidth
The left has no shame
themystic's Avatar
So you defending "coonass"
Sooooo this story is just a're more delusional then anyone could possibly imagine
You have been and always will be...a complete waste of bandwidth
The left has no shame Originally Posted by bb1961
coonass? stop with the racial overtones bb
coonass? stop with the racial overtones bb Originally Posted by themystic
That was your Governor buddy self anointed nickname...that shit is ALL over the be hibernating under a rock
LexusLover's Avatar
Just look at the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers scrambling for ....

.... "damage control" ..........

This FACT surfaced, because the idiot started name-calling and accusing others of being racist for calling him out about killing babies ...

.... and in here also!
themystic's Avatar
That was your Governor buddy self anointed nickname...that shit is ALL over the be hibernating under a rock
The DEM POS is the RACIST...FUCKING WAKEUP!!! Originally Posted by bb1961
racism will not be tolerated. stop it
gfejunkie's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
He needs to be fired ,,, But wait he's a Dumborat and he said he was sorry , The hypocrisy continues
If he were Rep the MSM would be demanding his head on a stick
  • oeb11
  • 02-02-2019, 09:35 AM
The DPST standards of due process of law are very different for
Conservatives and DPST members.
racism will not be tolerated. stop it Originally Posted by themystic
If you can't defend it...pure nonsense from you like always!!
Your buddies on the left do... you!!

YOU DON"T KNOW YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
themystic's Avatar
If you can't defend it...pure nonsense from you like always!!
YOU DON"T KNOW YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Originally Posted by bb1961
I think he should resign just like Kavanaugh. are you ok with that? Or are you a hypocrite
I think he should resign just like Kavanaugh. are you ok with that? Or are you a hypocrite Originally Posted by themystic
Where is the proof on Kavanaugh...YOU DON"T HAVE ANY AS USUAL!!
YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You link any proof on that and I will leave the board!!
bamscram's Avatar
He is a fucking Democrat racist motherfucker - typical liberal sumbitch.

Plus, the stupid motherfucker did that in 1984 - about the same time Kavanaugh was misidentified as a rapist.

Reagan was the fucking President at the time and he was called a racist every fucking day and everyone was aware blackface and Klan robes were unacceptable - except this asshole. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Kavanaugh had some bad stuff in his yearbook, but didn't keep him from getting the appointment.
themystic's Avatar
Where is the proof on Kavanaugh...YOU DON"T HAVE ANY AS USUAL!!
YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You link any proof on that and I will leave the board!! Originally Posted by bb1961
don't leave bb. even though I think most of your posts are nonsense I believe we all have the right to express our views. even that snowflake dick 90 has a right to spit his garbage. we are all part of the web. ( sorry that's a little deep for most right wingers)
don't leave bb. even though I think most of your posts are nonsense I believe we all have the right to express our views. even that snowflake dick 90 has a right to spit his garbage. we are all part of the web. ( sorry that's a little deep for most right wingers) Originally Posted by themystic
Again don't have are the epitome of keep spewing your lies and can't back them up!!
Why don't you move to the social utopia...Venezuela...I hear it's nice there!!