Benefits of Sex with an Older Woman

DarthMaul's Avatar
Because SNL is the only hobbyist allowed in RS's ass.... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Uh, wait a minute, SNL... Originally Posted by sharkman29
Don't get jealous bro....HAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by SNL9933
All that is hilarious but stay on topic!
sharkman29's Avatar
Hey, we're talking about sex with an older woman's ass, right? Sounds like on target to me.
notanewbie's Avatar
they make my dick look less wrinkled
DarthMaul's Avatar
they make my dick look less wrinkled Originally Posted by notanewbie
tbone77494's Avatar
Funny NaN. Anyway. I've found 27-28 to be the sweet spot. Gravity is still at bay for the most part and they've been fucking for ten years or so so they have some experience. After that, the girls lifestyle makes a huge difference. The partying stripper who looked great at 20 looks like shit at 27 if she still has the same lifestyle. But an in shape healthy MILF can still look fantastic well through 40.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
They don't yell, tell or swell and they're grateful as hell?

I think women's prime years really start at about 35 and steadily improve until their ass goes flat.
dearhunter's Avatar
Old whores got to eat too.
Nice to see a intelligent thread on this site! Love it keep them coming! In my opinion, a true professional is Always better,,, older women are highly skilled,,
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-22-2017, 04:52 PM
Nice to see a intelligent thread on this site! Love it keep them coming! In my opinion, a true professional is Always better,,, older women are highly skilled,, Originally Posted by Wizzywig1026
But do they have a twin-turbocharged V-8...


Guess which one does...

DarthMaul's Avatar
But do they have a twin-turbocharged V-8...


Guess which one does... Originally Posted by WTF
Are they both Ferrari's
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-23-2017, 01:21 PM
1965 and 2017

I'd like'em both but if I had to drive just one...

pyramider's Avatar
Are they both Ferrari's Originally Posted by DarthMaul

All that means they are both over priced cars.
Caligula1's Avatar
Guys really sorry but can someone explain me the term "older ladies". Thanks

One aspect I can think of is mature experience with class that all you folks are referring to....My best ....sir...And madam

And who are they in Houston...worth visiting....
DarthMaul's Avatar
Guys really sorry but can someone explain me the term "older ladies". Thanks

One aspect I can think of is mature experience with class that all you folks are referring to....My best ....sir...And madam Originally Posted by Caligula1
Everyone's concept of older is different. Mine is 30 plus but you can do a search for women 30 and above in the Houston area.

Read the reviews and how many "yes"'s that they have.
69UILTAZ's Avatar
All i can say is look at Fine wines!
They mature, they please the palate
And can leave a Hell of a lasting memory!
Enjoy and drink up my Brothers Life is too short!!