Why Trump will get a second term

Speedracer, Trump has only been in office less then 2 years and he's had to fight not only the dems but members of his own party every single day. Give him time- more great things are coming. The world is just now understanding how to play with the U.S. again - America First. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Huh, double post I guess.
Speedracer, Trump has only been in office less then 2 years and he's had to fight not only the dems but members of his own party every single day. Give him time- more great things are coming. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
let trump stay longer because the American people want to see more firings like The Apprentice
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedracer, Trump has only been in office less then 2 years and he's had to fight not only the dems but members of his own party every single day. Give him time- more great things are coming. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Elections are in 32 days. I have to grade Trump on how he has done thus far and vote on candidates based on that. You think he has done a fantastic job. I think his performance has been mediocre at best.

We'll see on November 6th how voters in the U.S. believe he has done. Like I said before, if Republicans hold the House and Senate then Democrats should be more open to supporting Trump's policies. If the House and/or Senate move to a Democratic majority, one must question whether voters believe that this country is moving in the right direction under Trump.
We'll see on November 6th how voters in the U.S. believe he has done. Like I said before, if Republicans hold the House and Senate then Democrats should be more open to supporting Trump's policies. If the House and/or Senate move to a Democratic majority, one must question whether voters believe that this country is moving in the right direction under Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

IMO even IF the dems lose seats, let alone things stay as they are i doubt the dems will EVER be on board with supporting Trump's policies. THEY JUST HATE him that much.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Elections are in 32 days. I have to grade Trump on how he has done thus far and vote on candidates based on that. You think he has done a fantastic job. I think his performance has been mediocre at best.

We'll see on November 6th how voters in the U.S. believe he has done. Like I said before, if Republicans hold the House and Senate then Democrats should be more open to supporting Trump's policies. If the House and/or Senate move to a Democratic majority, one must question whether voters believe that this country is moving in the right direction under Trump.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I listened to Feinstein's ad naseuam denigration of the 2nd Amendment and Kavanaugh. Her bullshit notion that "millions of gun owners" do not constitute "common" is nonsense. Her bullshit position that Kavanuagh's ripping away the fig leaf of moral outrage and revealing the dim-retard agenda to block his confirmation for political reason's is not an "accusation": it's a statement of fact.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the bench is exactly what I voted for. Amy Barrett replacing Ginsberg will be my reason for voting for Trump again in 2020.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
IMO even IF the dems lose seats, let alone things stay as they are i doubt the dems will EVER be on board with supporting Trump's policies. THEY JUST HATE him that much. Originally Posted by garhkal
You could be right. Don't forget that Obama was given almost zero support from Republicans once they took control of the House and Senate. I'm afraid that being open-minded and looking at policies as good or bad simply based on the policies themselves rather than which party has proposed it is a thing of the past.

I listened to Feinstein's ad naseuam denigration of the 2nd Amendment and Kavanaugh. Her bullshit notion that "millions of gun owners" do not constitute "common" is nonsense. Her bullshit position that Kavanuagh's ripping away the fig leaf of moral outrage and revealing the dim-retard agenda to block his confirmation for political reason's is not an "accusation": it's a statement of fact.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the bench is exactly what I voted for. Amy Barrett replacing Ginsberg will be my reason for voting for Trump again in 2020.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are voting Trump again so that you can argue some more in eccie political. You did not know much about the supreme court positioning until nightly news brought it up. You vote by party only. You like the color red like some mentally challenged kid who's learning how use crayons for the very first time in a retard classroom.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are voting Trump again so that you can argue some more in eccie political. You did not know much about the supreme court positioning until nightly news brought it up. You vote by party only. You like the color red like some mentally challenged kid who's learning how use crayons for the very first time in a retard classroom. Originally Posted by 85degreebakery
My position was stated clearly. I voted for Trump over hildebeest entirely based on judicial appointments. I will do so again in 2020, and your personal insult has been captured for posterity.
Tsk,tsk- no insults are allowed in here.

You are voting Trump again so that you can argue some more in eccie political. You did not know much about the supreme court positioning until nightly news brought it up. You vote by party only. You like the color red like some mentally challenged kid who's learning how use crayons for the very first time in a retard classroom. Originally Posted by 85degreebakery
My position was stated clearly. I voted for Trump over hildebeest entirely based on judicial appointments. I will do so again in 2020, and your personal insult has been captured for posterity. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
lol, no one votes solely because of judicial appointments. There is more to it than that. But then again you are never in the right frame of mind. It is not an insult. I really do think you are ill-equipped to make sound decisions on your own.
Tsk,tsk- no insults are allowed in here. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I did not grab you by the pussy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Like I said, I expressed my position accurately and without personal insult. The notion that Supreme Court nominees weren't a significant factor in the 2016 election or won't be a factor in the 2020 election is refuted by obvious facts.

A quarter of Republicans voted for Trump to get Supreme Court picks — and it paid off

Like I said, I expressed my position accurately and without personal insult. The notion that Supreme Court nominees weren't a significant factor in the 2016 election or won't be a factor in the 2020 election is refuted by obvious facts. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
and another quarter of Republicans never got polled.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Like I said, I expressed my position accurately and without personal insult. The notion that Supreme Court nominees weren't a significant factor in the 2016 election or won't be a factor in the 2020 election is refuted by obvious facts as represented in the unrefuted WaPo article below:

A quarter of Republicans voted for Trump to get Supreme Court picks — and it paid off
