compare Trump and George Washington

winn dixie's Avatar
Both hate people of color.
Both hate immigration.
Both tried illegal power grab while in office (one succeeded and one didn't).

Now tell me specifically what trump did for blacks.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
For starters blacks under Trump had the lowest unemployment rate ever!
Anymore examples would be piling on! And your feeble mind would explode in rage! hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For starters blacks under Trump had the lowest unemployment rate ever!
Anymore examples would be piling on! And your feeble mind would explode in rage! hahahahahahahahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
Every group did, WDB.

Thank you President Obama.

That all you got, stud?
winn dixie's Avatar
Every group did, WDB.

Thank you President Obama.

That all you got, stud? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Still drunk i see!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Paying someone to take your college entrance exams was way more popular back then. You can't get away with it nowadays, but back then you could, and lots of people did it. You didn't have to be a millionaire to get away with it, either.
ICU 812's Avatar
George Washington?

Compare the Democrats of today with the Democrtats of twenty years ago . . .or more.

Think of: Obama, Biden/Clinton,AOC-Sanders or Pelosi/Schumer.

Now think of FDR, JFK, Johnson, Cartier or any other prominent Democrat of the 20th Century. Those are the politicians. In the area of civil rights: Think of Barbara Jorden, Cesar Chavez, Andrew Young, Ralph Abernathy, Jessie Jackson or MLK . . . .

None of them would support any prominent Democrat in the public arena today.

Under a Biden/Harris administration, the previously hated "MAGA" will stand for:

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Every group did, WDB.

Thank you President Obama.

That all you got, stud? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Obama wasn't president for the last 4 years
Ripmany's Avatar
Trump would be a better comparison to Hitler than Washington. Many more similarities in common. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Hitler ended hipper inflation, Ballance the budject educated the people, won life time chancer of germenery, got rid faimly bulls shit, united a common cause, had the balls to attack the country it opressers.

Trump had fed print money, over spent in liberal program, lost reelection, went to on line learning bull crap, allow biches child support, and was push around by iran north korea, china , mexican.
Ripmany's Avatar
Paying someone to take your college entrance exams was way more popular back then. You can't get away with it nowadays, but back then you could, and lots of people did it. You didn't have to be a millionaire to get away with it, either. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
There don't figure print at the community collage I went for a short period time. I but I could get you in and go class for you and get you the grade you deserve.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
She's a squinty eyed eastern bloc mail order hooker and it's debatable whether he's a billionaire or not. But he is a soon to be ex president. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Melania is gorgeous and doesn’t have a penis, unlike her baboon look-alike predecessor. Interesting that even on a whore forum the hate for Trump runs so deep that the haters can’t even admit she’s easily the best looking, most graceful 1st Lady this country has ever seen.
matchingmole's Avatar
Melania is gorgeous and doesn’t have a penis, unlike her baboon look-alike predecessor. Interesting that even on a whore forum the hate for Trump runs so deep that the haters can’t even admit she’s easily the best looking, most graceful 1st Lady this country has ever seen. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Lapdog's Avatar
Melania is gorgeous and doesn’t have a penis, unlike her baboon look-alike predecessor. Interesting that even on a whore forum the hate for Trump runs so deep that the haters can’t even admit she’s easily the best looking, most graceful 1st Lady this country has ever seen. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

You need to get your eyes checked, goober. I wouldn't fuck that skank for practice.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You wouldn’t get the chance in 1000 lifetimes, women like that are highly selective.
  • Tiny
  • 11-23-2020, 03:03 PM
Compare the Democrats of today with the Democrtats of twenty years ago . . .or more.

Think of: Obama, Biden/Clinton,AOC-Sanders or Pelosi/Schumer.

Now think of FDR, JFK, Johnson, Cartier or any other prominent Democrat of the 20th Century. Those are the politicians. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd prefer Biden as president to Carter or Johnson. And also Biden to FDR if we're not engaged in a world war.
Lapdog's Avatar
You wouldn’t get the chance in 1000 lifetimes, women like that are highly selective. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

I think I'll be perfectly fine with that, goober.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Trump is yesterdays news.

He has been rendered impotent.



Had his wings clipped

He is similar to Hitler in that he Demonized a segment of the population to divert and focus the dissatisfaction of the populace onto them.Gave a face or cause to the nation's ills.