ghost on I-29

I was on my way to a call on 29 near 72nd street, suddenley I see this guy in the middle lane just walking down the freeway, well I it scared the hell out of me, I knew he was dead by the way he was walking, and he did,nt turn around thank when I passed and looked in the mirror ,he was gone! very spooky Originally Posted by alaxe
So, someone died tonight, Tuesday at i-29 and 64th st. One car accident.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I will keep looking at the walking dead in the White House.
  • alaxe
  • 07-05-2012, 09:42 AM
it happened the next day, I was turning left & hit the medin on the plaza , tore the tire & bent my rim , over $300 in damage, so it kinda hit me later as some times things do.sorry I did,nt clarify,