Mr irrelevant Tucker Carlson

Not quite, GG because I don't get jealous of idiots who get fired from their jobs, cost their employer $787mm because of lies and are so careless that they ruin their own careers. That is who that clown is.

He does have more money than me, but so does my sister and her husband who live in a 15,000 sqft mansion in Greenwich, CT. I'm not jealous of them either. I only care about what is in my wallet. I don't care about what other people have. That doesn't impress me because I already make waaaay more money than I need for me and mine IMO.

On a more important note, Mavs up by 26 at halftime. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Well don't tell your employer that you make way more than you need lest they decide to replace you with someone more economical.

And big houses never were all that to me. I grew up in one about the same size as your sister's outside of Dallas and they are overrated. And I am pretty sure that Tucker would not give 2 shits about what people on a hooker board think of him. If you get right down to it 30 million is not much in today's world.

And looks like your Mavs will survive to see a game 5. I predicted the Celtics in 5 so that should work out about right.
VitaMan's Avatar
The topic is about how Tucker Carlson has become irrelevant....and so quickly.

We have a right wing poster who states he has much better things to do than discuss politics on a hooker board. Yet who has 12 of the 32 posts on this thread ? And most of them are.....irrelevant to the thread topic.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Yet he is still the no.1 ranked news podcast on Spotify. To me, that seems to imply a certain relevance. Does it not?

Seems as though this thread is just wishful thinking on the part of the OP and the writer of the opinion piece he posted.

Precious_b's Avatar
Then say that. It’s a great point. Tucker bashing is what this thread is about.

Therefore let me start. Tucker is not a reporter. Good reporting reports facts and not lies. Good journalism doesn’t need to ask loaded questions to get the answers they already want.

Tucker Carlson is an entertainer. It’s unfortunate that so many people believe he is a journalist. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
LMFAO the TDS is strong with this one. Are you afraid that Tucker is going to have the power to cut that SSI check you live on each month? Just curious. Originally Posted by golferguy55
The topic is about how Tucker Carlson has become irrelevant....and so quickly.

We have a right wing poster who states he has much better things to do than discuss politics on a hooker board. Yet who has 12 of the 32 posts on this thread ? And most of them are.....irrelevant to the thread topic. Originally Posted by VitaMan
tucker who?
Is this suppose to be the guy that someone here says has a big following and a network? And when asked for his FCC license to put me in my place there was a deafening silence? Now the chorus is following by saying he is a fart in the wind.

And what pillar of journalistic credibility can he be credited for? I don't watch him but most everyone says he avoids addressing who/why/where/when/how whenever he says something.

But hey! I hear just because he has rating he is someone.

....wait....He doesn't have a Neilson network ratings?

tucker who?
... Hee Hee! ... ... You lads DO understand that the
reason Tucker is not "on the air" at the present time is
because of his contract with Fox-News, yes?
Which will be finished at the end of the year - just 6 months away.

So THEN no doubt "Mr. Irrelevant" Tucker will go back to
being "The GREAT Tucker Carlson" once again. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Won't be long... The clock is ticking. ...

#### Salty