Is Biden the stupidest president of our lifetimes? The stupidest ever?

I'm tired of the word corrupt. These dumbfucks spread this around with absofuckinglutely no proof of corruption.
Idiots, the greatest economic improvement in history , the most deft handling of foreign affairs. The reason that we aren't having a world war on three fronts is due to sleepy joe vs the illiterate retarded orange orangutang soon to be incarcerated for life carnival huckster
Inflation is in free fall , I bought a whole filet mignon for 9 dollars a pound and filled up my G wagon for less than 2.40 a gallon. More importantly is the very valuable low P/E high dividend stocks I'm adding to my investment portfolio . I've basically died and gone to heaven
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Inflation is in free fall , I bought a whole filet mignon for 9 dollars a pound and filled up my G wagon for less than 2.40 a gallon. More importantly is the very valuable low P/E high dividend stocks I'm adding to my investment portfolio . I've basically died and gone to heaven Originally Posted by greenbook

if inflation is in free fall is the economy also in free fall?

thank you valued poster
The basic precept of capitalism is that there are winners and losers. Capitalism is competition. The apathetic trumptards are the losers in the new economy because they are are uneducated and lack the skill sets valued in the current economy
Great question. Absolutely not. Fed policy in curbing inflation to a target of two percent while attaining gdp (3.6 percent) above inflation has been a fantastic success. A Christmas miracle
  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 10:07 PM
Inflation is in free fall , I bought a whole filet mignon for 9 dollars a pound and filled up my G wagon for less than 2.40 a gallon. More importantly is the very valuable low P/E high dividend stocks I'm adding to my investment portfolio . I've basically died and gone to heaven Originally Posted by greenbook
Great question. Absolutely not. Fed policy in curbing inflation to a target of two percent while attaining gdp (3.6 percent) above inflation has been a fantastic success. A Christmas miracle Originally Posted by greenbook
That must be a mighty shitty filet mignon there pardner. Where I shop they cost about four times more. And you shouldn't go putting regular gasoline in your Mercedes G Wagon.

I have to disagree about the Fed. When Joe Biden and Democrats foolishly pumped $1.9 trillion in stimulus into the economy with the American Rescue Plan (ARP), passed in March, 2021, the Fed was asleep at the wheel. By June of 2021, CPI inflation in the USA was 5.4% and the Fed funds rate was at 0.25%. Hell, they didn't raise it to 0.5% until March of 2022, when inflation was 8.5%!

Inflation hit the USA months before the rest of the world because of the ARP. And prices and wages have risen faster than wages since Biden took office. The workingman's check doesn't go as far as before. And that, GreenBook, is why Americans trust Republicans over Democrats to handle the economy, by double digits in polls.
Retards, the strongest rebound economy iin the history of history. Inflation is down to 3.1 and GDP is at 3.6, bye bye recession! The debt is the gigantic gorilla in the corner, but fat ass tRiump added more to the national debt than all presidents cumalitivey in our nation's history, just as more. Americans died of Covid during the pandemic than the sum total of all Americans that died in all wars, ever.
DJIA is $37,385.97. I win.
  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 10:16 PM
Retards, the strongest rebound economy iin the history of history. Inflation is down to 3.1 and GDP is at 3.6, bye bye recession! The debt is the gigantic gorilla in the corner, but fat ass tRiump added more to the national debt than all presidents cumalitivey in our nation's history, just as more. Americans died of Covid during the pandemic than the sum total of all Americans that died in all wars, ever. Originally Posted by greenbook
That debt was a bipartisan effort pardner. Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump did it side by side. Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans were the only ones holding back from the spending orgy.

And thank goodness for Pfizer, Moderna, and President Trump's Operation Warp Speed (OWS). Not only did Fauci and others view OWS as a huge success, but Trump pushed approval of the vaccines through the FDA in record time. I got mine in February, 2021! And knock on wood, I haven't gotten COVID yet!
  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 10:21 PM
DJIA is $37,385.97. I win. Originally Posted by greenbook
Yep pardner, that's quite an accomplishment. A record close in the DJIA! As esteemed poster Texas Contrarian and I have pointed out, during the last 100 years, only Trump, Obama, George W. Bush, Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Reagan, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Coolidge saw DJIA records set during their terms. In fact, the only elected presidents who did not see a record set were Roosevelt, Truman and Carter.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The basic precept of capitalism is that there are winners and losers. Capitalism is competition. The apathetic trumptards are the losers in the new economy because they are are uneducated and lack the skill sets valued in the current economy Originally Posted by greenbook

if you say so

Retards, the strongest rebound economy iin the history of history. Inflation is down to 3.1 and GDP is at 3.6, bye bye recession! The debt is the gigantic gorilla in the corner, but fat ass tRiump added more to the national debt than all presidents cumalitivey in our nation's history, just as more. Americans died of Covid during the pandemic than the sum total of all Americans that died in all wars, ever. Originally Posted by greenbook

the strongest covid recovery. fixed that for you.

That must be a mighty shitty filet mignon there pardner. Where I shop they cost about four times more. And you shouldn't go putting regular gasoline in your G Wagon.

I have to disagree about the Fed. When Joe Biden and Democrats foolishly pumped $1.9 trillion in stimulus into the economy with the American Rescue Plan (ARP), passed in March, 2021, the Fed was asleep at the wheel. By June of 2021, CPI inflation in the USA was 5.4% and the Fed funds rate was at 0.25%. Hell, they didn't raise it to 0.5% until March of 2022, when inflation was 8.5%!

Inflation hit the USA months before the rest of the world because of the ARP. And prices and wages have risen faster than wages since Biden took office. The workingman's check doesn't go as far as before. And that, GreenBook, is why Americans trust Republicans over Democrats to handle the economy, by double digits in polls. Originally Posted by Tiny

Some good points. We could debate the Covid resposnse ad infinitum, lots of errors. Undeniable is the huge economic recovery under the curent administration, and the enormous success at curtailing Russian and Chinese aggression. It seems that your party loves chinese and Russian autocrats, good luck with that
Like I said, the DJIA is at an all time in all human history high of nearly $38000. That makes me fat and rich. I assuage my guilt by serving in homeless shelters a few days a year
  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 10:45 PM
Some good points Originally Posted by greenbook

Mutual respect and civility can help a person understand the other side of an argument, and avoid points.

I’ll stop calling you pardner.

And good for you, working in homeless shelters.