You called me a commie and stupid because you lost the debate. You also showed your ignorance of political formats when you implied the Socialism and Communism were interchangeable terms. Somehow you personally responded to the losing comment and tried to make it about parties instead of you and I. Then you followed up saying you never insult anyone while talking about the insult you just posted. Your spelling is a bit off so I guess you meant BTW instead BTH. I am not a mind reader but when you blatantly display your position it is pretty easy to deduce your thoughts on a given topic.

One more thing I might add. Your four dots ( should have been 3), imply a run on in the sentence. By ending it with "stupid" it makes it a personal attack directed at whomever you were responding to. In this case it was me and and I am offended so I hit the RTM button. Have a nice day!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You addressed nothing....brilliant!!