We're going to war......again.

LexusLover's Avatar
Bet youall are pissed to the 10power he is asking congress now. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yea. He should have months ago. And I'm guessing he consulted Hillary. He made that 3 a.m. phone call.

Where is she by the way?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why should we care that he is following the Constitution. You should be concerned, as we are, that he entertained the idea that he was above the law and the Constitution.
You know this how? Link?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You have not been paying attention have you?
lostincypress's Avatar
Why should we care that he is follow30ing the Constitution. You should be concerned, as we are, that he entertained the idea that he was above the law and the Constitution. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The War Powers Act of 1973, passed over a Nixon veto, attempts to limit the Executive's ability to engage in military operations overseas. Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II all believed this limit on Executive authority was unconstitutional. Only one case has made it to the Court and they refused to hear it stating it was not a judicial matter. So, the WAR POWER ACT of 73 says.....THE PRESIDENT must notify Congress within 48 HOURS after the use of military force commences. The use of force cannot continue for more than 60 DAYS without Congressional approval. If not approved by Congress the President has an additional 30 DAYS to withdraw forces. THERE HAS NOT BEEN a DECLARATION of WAR since WWII......none nada ....but many military engagements....some recent ones lasting more than 10 years. "ABOVE the LAW" may be a stretch.
You have not been paying attention have you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Are you lost in space? Yep just what I thought.
lostincypress's Avatar
Grenada....anyone remember Grenada?

In October 1983, President Ronald Reagan announced that he had ordered a pre-dawn invasion of Grenada by nearly 1,900 Marines and armed airborne troops under the code name “Urgent Fury.” The fighting was heavier than expected and by the end of the month, the United States military presence had reached more than 5,600 troops. After a few days of heavy fighting and a number of deaths, the shooting ended.
The invasion and occupation constituted, within the meaning of the War Powers Clause of the U.S. Constitution, a war against the people of Grenada. The President, however, at no time sought the required congressional approval
lostincypress's Avatar
Panama.....anybody remember Panama. President George H W Bush ordered the invasion of Panama Dec 20, 1989.

The President did not consult with congressional leaders before his decision, although he did notify them a few hours in advance of the invasion. Members of Congress had been discussing the problem of General Noriega for some time. Before Congress adjourned, it had called for the President to intensify unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral measures and consult with other nations on ways to coordinate efforts to remove General Noriega from power. (49) The Senate had adopted an amendment supporting the President's use of appropriate diplomatic, economic, and military options "to restore constitutional government to Panama and to remove General Noriega from his illegal control of the Republic of Panama", but had defeated an amendment authorizing the President to use U.S. military force to secure the removal of General Noriega "notwithstanding any other provision of law."
Grenada....anyone remember Grenada?

In October 1983, President Ronald Reagan announced that he had ordered a pre-dawn invasion of Grenada by nearly 1,900 Marines and armed airborne troops under the code name “Urgent Fury.” The fighting was heavier than expected and by the end of the month, the United States military presence had reached more than 5,600 troops. After a few days of heavy fighting and a number of deaths, the shooting ended.
The invasion and occupation constituted, within the meaning of the War Powers Clause of the U.S. Constitution, a war against the people of Grenada. The President, however, at no time sought the required congressional approval Originally Posted by lostincypress

Conyers v. Reagan is a case that challenged the U.S. invasion of Grenada.
In October 1983, President Ronald Reagan announced that he had ordered a pre-dawn invasion of Grenada by nearly 1,900 Marines and armed airborne troops under the code name “Urgent Fury.”
Panama.....anybody remember Panama. President George H W Bush ordered the invasion of Panama Dec 20, 1989.

The President did not consult with congressional leaders before his decision, although he did notify them a few hours in advance of the invasion. Members of Congress had been discussing the problem of General Noriega for some time. Before Congress adjourned, it had called for the President to intensify unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral measures and consult with other nations on ways to coordinate efforts to remove General Noriega from power. (49) The Senate had adopted an amendment supporting the President's use of appropriate diplomatic, economic, and military options "to restore constitutional government to Panama and to remove General Noriega from his illegal control of the Republic of Panama", but had defeated an amendment authorizing the President to use U.S. military force to secure the removal of General Noriega "notwithstanding any other provision of law." Originally Posted by lostincypress
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You forgot to mention the stated reason for Grenada and Panama though might disagree with it, American lives were in danger and this give the president the reason to proceed without Congress according to the WPA. Now you are free to disagree that lives were truly in danger; the medical students on Grenada after the elected president was executed by the usurper backed the Cuban Army or the Americans living in the Panama Canal Zone by a narco lord looking for a bargaining chip. They both acted within the rule of the law as they saw it.

Now as to why you didn't mention Carter (Iran, Desert One) or Clinton (Bosnia, Haiti, Somalia, and Iraq) puzzles me. They both committed American troops without a formal declaration and both did it poorly by overriding the military experts. In Iran and Somalia it cost American lives.

LexusLover's Avatar
Precedent must be based not only on "the law," but also on the facts.

One immediate result of Obaminable's missile lobbing will be film and photo after film and photo of women and children killed ("collateral damage") from the missiles .... posted all over the media in the Middle East ... and ... the streets will be filled with more U.S. flag burning and sandal stomping ...

Obaminable will then be ..... Satan Obama ... in the Middle East..... the cycle will repeat itself.

One does not swat a hornet's nest .......... nor does one announce intentions and then procrastinate.

(He's even made Kerry AND Biden bigger fools than they have been most of his lives. It's about himself.

Hopefully, Israel with take advantage of any ill-minded gestures by others ....

......... and dispose of some bad situations and programs in the vicinity.

"It's an ill wind that blows no good."
In reading through this thread for the very first time and after careful consideration of the timelines involved, it appears to me that we have now clearly established the following:

In the eyes of the Idiots, Obama will be damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Gee, I'm totally shocked!
LexusLover's Avatar
In reading through this thread for the very first time and after careful consideration of the timelines involved, it appears to me that we have now clearly established the following:

In the eyes of the Idiots, Obama will be damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Gee, I'm totally shocked! Originally Posted by bigtex
What's this "we" shit?

When the dumbass "drew a red line" in the sand with no intentions of responding .....

........... he was fucked, and so was the U.S.

Then he took on that "over bite" stern look with Putin ... and got fucked again.

Now he sent Kerry out with a Susan Rice moment ... followed by Biden ....

... with NOTHING ... and after all that bluster ... he wants Congress to fade the heat!!!!!

Fucked again. It's almost like the guy enjoys it in the ass. Is that why you voted for him, BT?
What's this "we" shit?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are those big two letter words too much for you to comprehend?

Would you prefer pictures next time?

If so, just follow the link!
